The time to finally launch the program is next year -- or next school year.

In the original book, Hogwarts held the Triwizard Tournament the following school year, and Voldemort's Death Eaters set a trap in the Triwizard Tournament, waiting for an opportunity to teleport Harry Potter to a cemetery, and in the Triwizard Tournament. Voldemort was resurrected there.

As a Minister of Magic who came to power after Voldemort's fall, Cornelius Fudge has always feared Voldemort.

In the original book, his response to Voldemort was to avoid it, to deny it, and to instead see the Order of the Phoenix, who pointed out this fact and advocated against Voldemort, as the enemy.

Eventually, due to his laissez-faire, the Death Eaters raged all over the wizarding world, which sparked a lot of dissatisfaction with him from the wizards, and he was eventually ousted from the throne of minister.

In the original book, he was replaced by Scrimgeour, the chief of the Auror's office.

Ms. Burns, on the other hand, is the exact opposite of Fudge. She has always been a hawk in the Ministry of Magic when it comes to fighting Voldemort, advocating tough dealing with Voldemort rather than denying his existence.Unfortunately, in the original, Ms. Burns was killed by Voldemort and didn't bring out her talents.

Ye Ting's plan is like this, he will lead the fight against Voldemort, and Ms. Burns will act as Fudge's opponent in the Ministry of Magic, publicizing the fact of Voldemort's return, and advocating a tough fight against Voldemort.

With Ms. Burns confronting Fudge, it is impossible for the Ministry of Magic to completely block the news of Voldemort's return under Fudge's unbridled chaos.

And the return of the Dark Lord is sure to cause panic in the wizarding world.

Such panic is exactly what Ye Ting needs, because at this time, the wizarding world will be eager for heroes to appear.

Their first choice is of course Dumbledore, the leader of the White Wizard, but Dumbledore's way of dealing with Voldemort is quite passive and passive, and he attempts to solve Voldemort through the prophecy.This is Ye Ting's chance.

Because Dumbledore doesn't shoot, he can.

Ye Ting already has considerable influence in the Wizengamot. As long as Ye Ting can openly confront Voldemort, he can gain real popularity in the wizarding world through Wizengamore and become the savior that the wizarding community expects.At this time, Burns, who advocates fighting against Voldemort, will also become a strong contender for the post of Minister of Magic. As long as he supports Ms. Burns, she can overthrow Fudge and become the new Minister of Magic.

If the plan goes well, when he defeats Voldemort, his popularity will reach its peak, he can replace Dumbledore as the leader of the wizarding world, and Ms. Burns will be able to hold the position of minister, by that time, Whether Ye Ting wants to control the Ministry of Magic or enter the Department of Mystery Affairs to check the information, does the entire Ministry of Magic still let him ask for anything?

This is of course possible, as was the case with the original Dumbledore: as the leader of the white wizards, he was elected Minister of Magic several times, but it was only because he refused, which gave Fudge a chance, and Fudge almost took office when he first took office. Dumbledore's advice is always sought, and as long as Dumbledore is willing, the Ministry of Magic can basically be his back garden.

The only thing that prevents this from happening is Dumbledore's own character, and his nobility keeps him from doing it.

But Ye Ting would not be as aloof as him.

Of course, Voldemort did not know at this time that his future destiny was set before he was resurrected, and he became a stepping stone used by others to gain reputation.


Leaving aside Ye Ting's plans, after returning to Hogwarts, he was immediately treated like a hero. Teachers and students surrounded him and asked him questions about his treatment at the Ministry of Magic. After learning about Ye Ting's treatment After not being held accountable, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

In addition, the attitude of the three girls towards Ye Ting became much gentler, because the reason why Ye Ting was tried by Wizengamore for their mission was largely the responsibility of the three of them.

On the third day, when the Ministry of Magic issued an announcement, everyone's eyes on Ye Ting changed.

They didn't know what happened that day, but they knew that in that trial, Ye Ting not only cleared his charges, but made the Ministry of Magic personally admit his responsibility, and also won mental damages for the students. Although only a few gallons, this represents a compromise for the Ministry of Magic.

The three girls were even more excited and excited, and all looked at Ye Ting with gratitude, because they knew that this medal was won by Ye Ting for them - the medal of Sir Merlin is not a small honor in the wizarding world. Even the third-level medal means great credit and recognition from the entire wizarding world - not to mention that even the Patronus Charm was taught by Ye Ting.

And the status of the three girls in Hogwarts was further confirmed.Before Penello took her NEWT exams, several departments in the Ministry of Magic had already sent letters for her, inviting her to join their departments after graduation.

Zhang Qiu booked the position of Ravenclaw prefect in advance. As long as the next semester, she will be able to become the new prefect after she is in the fifth grade. No one objected to this. As the name suggests, she herself began to gain more and more confidence.

As for Hermione, her life has changed the most.She is no longer the boring nerd in the eyes of people before. Girls used to think she was boring and out of place, but now, the original nerd and boredom have become knowledgeable and personable, and there are already several lower grades. The girls began to surround her and imitate her every move. She felt a little uncomfortable with this, but she also began to learn to deal with the social life among girls.

In addition, there is another change that Ye Ting is very pleased with, that is, Hermione finally gave up the time shifter, but it was not because of the pressure that Ye Ting envisioned, but because he received too much attention-these attention made She always had no chance to find an unmanned corner to use the time converter, which greatly increased the danger of using it, so Hermione, who had been tired for a long time, stopped this behavior.In return, she cancelled two electives, "Muggle Behavioural Studies" and "Divination".

In short, this event changed everyone.

0150 Savior's Firebolt

Since the turmoil of this Quidditch match was successfully resolved, the next Quidditch match started smoothly.

Young wizards don't have to worry about dementors anymore, not because of a promise from the Ministry of Magic, but because they have a few amazing classmates who can protect them with the Patronus Charm.

The two sides of this game are Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. Since before that, Ravenclaw Ye Ting has announced his withdrawal from the team, so the rest of the academies have been greatly inspired.

Ye Ting's existence is like a big mountain in front of them. Such a player who can completely crush them in four aspects of technology, physical fitness, tactical level and broom performance makes them almost invisible to defeat Ravenk In Law's hope, the annual Quidditch match has also become a fourteen-man game, a game in which Ravenclaw wins.

Now, the mountain in front of them has finally disappeared, and the various academies have regained their hope of winning the championship, which gives them a little more motivation when training.

Especially in this game, the Hufflepuffs looked very hard against Ravenclaw.

But Gryffindor hopes Ravenclaw can teach Hufflepuff a lesson - Gryffindor lost to Hufflepuff in the previous game, and as long as Ravenclaw beats Hufflepuff, They have hope of winning the championship.

The result of the match was exactly what they had hoped: Ravenclaw defeated Hufflepuff.

However, the Gryffindor players were not as happy as they had imagined.

Because they found that after Ye Ting's withdrawal from the team, a new superstar has emerged in Ravenclaw - Seeker Zhang Qiu.

This girl who was originally only slightly talented, her performance in this competition was nothing short of earth-shaking compared to the previous ones. With her superior flying broom and her superb flying skills, it only took ten minutes to catch the golden color. Snitch, the game is over, Hufflepuff's Godric Diggory is shown not to be found.

At this time, Gryffindor has to face the fact that the overall strength is lower than that of Ravenclaw, and the Seeker Harry Potter has lost his broom and can only ride the old-fashioned sweeping six-star against Zhang Qiu. The situation is really desperate.

However, at Christmas time, a surprise came to Gryffindor.

Before a Ravenclaw Quidditch training session, Roger made a mysterious announcement.

"I heard that Harry Potter in Gryffindor received a special Christmas present, a Firebolt!" Roger said to all the players in the Quidditch locker room - including Ye Ting, of course, although he Withdrew from the team, but to guide Zhang Qiu on flying skills.

"Firebolt? What is that?" Chaser Chambers asked in confusion, "The name sounds familiar... It sounds like a broomstick."

"The Firebolt is the fastest flying broom on the market today. It is the latest product of the Nimbus Broom Company and represents the highest level of craftsmanship at present!" Roger explained in a serious tone: "It can be used in ten Accelerates from standstill to 150 mph in seconds. And with magic braking, it automatically hovers at the right height. I heard that the Irish team plans to use it as a broom for competition!”

"The Nimbus 2000 before Potter was destroyed by the beating willow in the match against Hufflepuff." Zhang Qiu sighed indifferently, "He can be considered a blessing in disguise..."

She is not afraid of the opponent's Firebolt, even though this broom is admired by so many people, because she believes very much in Ye Ting's alchemy level.You know, after her broom was transformed by Ye Ting, she even tried to exceed 200 miles per hour, and this was not the limit. The final test was because she herself could not bear such a high speed and had to stop.

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