After nearly a year of maintenance and reconstruction, the half-destroyed spaceship Ginidal has finally been declared complete.

Their perseverance was not in vain, and their sacrifices were not in vain.

There is only one problem facing the draenei now, and that is how to evacuate the entire clan before being discovered by the Horde and the Burning Legion, so as to avoid any surprises when the plan is discovered.

In terms of space navigation, the technology of the Burning Legion is no less than that of the naaru. The draenei of the Burning Legion's terrible fleet have long seen it in the process of fleeing for thousands of years, and they are still vivid in their minds.

They don't want a space war with the demons before escaping Draenor.

Chapter 1153 Kil'jaeden's Arrogance

For the draenei who have mastered the crystal warping technology, it is not difficult to withdraw from Shattrath. Compared with the portal that requires a super high level of magic and a huge cost to build, the crystal warping It has a great advantage in the transmission of large numbers of troops, especially in short distances of less than a few hundred miles.

Especially in the case of the nearly year-long repair work on the spacecraft, the crystal tower used by Oshugu for jumping has also been specially reinforced and strengthened.

They could have escaped in the shortest time before the tribe found out, leaving them two empty cities.

But the Horde are not just barbarians, or rather, their leaders are not.

Although the tribe itself is extremely backward in civilization and technology, it is just a piece of bravery, but their behind-the-scenes boss, the Burning Legion, is not like that.

If you want to deceive the orcs in a short time, it is very easy to deceive their great chief, the black hand. Although the black hand is powerful, he is not known for his intelligence and strategy.

Trying to deceive Gul'dan is not as difficult as one might imagine.This ambitious warlock was gifted and cunning, but he was too short-sighted from the race of orcs.His unifying horde ambitions were so incredible to the orcs, but that still didn't change the fact that his sights were confined to the planet of Draenor itself.

Escape from Draenor in a spaceship... The Orc Warlock never considered this possibility at all. He may have suspected the origins of Kil'jaeden and the demons, but his eyes have never turned to the sky.

The only one to worry about is Kil'jaeden.

But Kil'jaeden is not without weaknesses.

Young Yrel did not know Kil'jaeden.

In fact, as a generation born after the draenei descended on Draenor, Yrel knew very little about the past of the draenei, the former arcane race Eredar, and the home planet Argus only existed for them in the book.

It's a shortcoming of the young draenei leader, but it's no big deal.Because in this regard, there are some draenei who can help her.

Especially vinyl.This [-]-year-old old man can be said to be a living fossil-like existence throughout the history of the eredar-draenei.

Although the draenei have a long lifespan comparable to that of the night elves, there is no doubt that he is the oldest of the draenei today.

The experience of working with Kil'jaeden gave him a good understanding of the character of this "old friend", just as Kil'jaeden also knew him.

In addition, Ye Ting, who had observed the entire history of [World of Warcraft] in the form of "games", was no less familiar with important "NPCs" such as Kil'jaeden than Velen.

Ever since he handed over the mission of leading the tribe to Yrel, although Velen couldn't take off all the burdens due to his deep sense of responsibility, he is much easier now than he used to be.As a result, the Prophet was able to devote more energy to the visions of prophecy, trying to find a better future for the draenei.At other times, he would do his best to answer Yrel's questions and help the young Archon better lead his compatriots forward.

When faced with the current choice, he and Ye Ting quickly gave Yrel suitable advice.

Although Kil'jaeden fell under the temptation of Sargeras and finally fell into the embrace of fel energy, the Prophet believed that no matter how much Kil'jaeden's character was distorted by fel energy, something deep in his bones would not be will change.

For example, his aloof arrogance, his faith in his own wisdom, and his cat-and-mouse banter towards his enemies.

A former genius among the eredar, Kil'jaeden's mind is as good as his magical talent.But he also has the common problem that smart people have - that is stubbornness.

Witty and cunning, Kil'jaeden was once the wisest, most powerful, and most decisive of the three eredar rulers.And after becoming one of the leaders of the Burning Legion, he made good use of his wisdom.

He is often able to formulate large and perfect long-term plans for his own purposes, and sees all independent events as mere links in his millennia-long chain of plans.Under his design, all living beings are just pawns in his hands, and he can often achieve the greatest goal at the least cost—that is, let the Burning Legion devour all planets and all life.

Kil'jaeden believed in strength and wisdom, however, along with this wisdom at his disposal, was his arrogance and contempt for those who, in his eyes, were "weak".

Although Kil'jaeden is so cunning and so powerful, that doesn't mean everything will necessarily act according to his ideas.

This was the case in the history of World of Warcraft, and even more so in this world that has entered the traverser.

In the history of World of Warcraft, Kil'jaeden's plan to use the orcs to destroy the draenei and attack Azeroth failed twice in a row.

The first was the death of Medivh who was possessed by Sargeras.Medivh of that world did not have a transmigrant father to rescue him.He was eventually killed by his apprentice - Khadgar and his childhood playmate - Lothar. The soul of the dark titan was unfortunately thrown into the abyss in this accident, and eventually the Dark Portal could no longer transmit new The orcs, the Horde began to falter after Azeroth.

The second is to underestimate Gul'dan's excessive enthusiasm for the pursuit of power, and the orc warlock actually transferred important forces to find the tomb of Sargeras hidden in the Maelstrom when the Horde's second war was defeated.In the end he failed, and because of his betrayal, the Horde missed their last chance to invade Azeroth and ended up in captivity for humanity.

Now, all the draenei could use was Kil'jaeden's arrogance that he thought he was in control.

Ye Ting's help has certainly improved the strength of the draenei, but in Kil'jaeden's view, these strengths are not beyond the scope of the eredar-draenei's previous technology, they just think that these former compatriots Finally, they are no longer just obsessed with the Holy Light, but began to dig out the technologies they once possessed.

And Ye Ting himself did not show up in front of Kil'jaeden, which relaxed the vigilance of the demon commander even more.

The only concern at the moment is that Kil'jaeden is not as patient as they thought.

But as long as the Horde is given some hope of taking Shattrath and Auchindoun, then Kil'jaeden will not look further on them.

And then...

Chapter 1154 The decision of the black hand

The Third Battle of Shattrath has been going on for several months, during which the Horde has been besieging and attacking the city day and night.

After wiping out all the native races of Draenor, the Horde is the second time in history since the Everbloom and the Ancient Thornbeast that a race can truly unify the planet - the former overlords, destroyers and primordial beasts are nothing but The world is divided into two parts, and the rule of the Arakkoa Empire Apexis and the Ogre Empire Goria is only limited to one place.

The brilliance of the thorn beasts can no longer be tested, and only the orcs and only the Horde are the real masters of Draenor.

The success of the war of conquest and the establishment of the great cause made the bloodthirsty orcs of the Horde more and more proud, and the experience of being defeated by the draenei was gradually forgotten by them.And now, in front of the Horde, only the draenei who occupy Talador, the core of Draenor, are the only remaining stumbling blocks on their way to conquer Draenor. The Horde cannot and will not Allow this obstruction to continue.

The Horde, which occupies most of Draenor and has a large number of slaves from conquered races, is undoubtedly far more prosperous than the Draenei.Although fel energy has been corrupting the planet, making it increasingly barren, this corruption will take time.Delano now doesn't look like a few years from now.

As a result, the tribes at this time were like the Mongols who had conquered Eurasia, with pastures and slaves all over the world providing them with a steady stream of food, grass and equipment, and they could only fight.

With the spirit and pride of unifying Draenor, and with sufficient supplies, the Horde at this time has reached its peak in terms of combat effectiveness.It was with this that they were able to endure the great sacrifice to continue the siege war for so long.

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