But despite this, the people of Auchindon did not completely deny Velen.

The philosophy of the Way of Balance is compatible with light and dark, and does not support the binary theory of either black or white. It acknowledges that there is gray in the world—after all, black and white is gray—and the Way of Balance proposes that when judging things, it is necessary to Acknowledging that there are black and white sides of everything, and although the black and white sides contradict each other, the contradictory sides of things are unified.

It is the struggle between black and white that drives the movement, change and development of things.

Only by objectively understanding the black and white sides of things can we make a correct evaluation.

This set of philosophies is quite correct and practical, and is naturally accepted and popularized by the vast number of wise people.

According to this theory, although Velen hurt the draenei because of his conservatism and appeasement, but he left his ten thousand years of leadership, the draenei's situation may be even worse. From this point of view, Velen is still a great man. .

It's no wonder that the technician was so excited to see Velen.

"Crystal tower operation and maintenance, technician Volian, greetings to you, may the light of Kara guide you!"

In the face of the enthusiastic Volian, Wei Lun naturally politely returned the gift, and never felt that he was superior to others due to his character.

It was certain words in Volian's words that caught Hataru's attention.

The enthusiastic engineer and scientist came forward, took Volian's hands, and asked him enthusiastically, "You said that you are the operation and maintenance of the crystal tower, responsible for maintaining the crystal tower, then you must know the crystal tower. The operation principle, can you tell me how the 'jump' of the crystal tower is achieved? I didn't understand it for a long time."

"Is it Hataru-sama?"

Volian couldn't help feeling a little flattered when he was so kindly questioned by his former boss, Chief Technician Hataru.

Before Ye Ting came to Draenor, Hataru had always been the leader of the Draenei technicians, and was also the greatest scientist and engineer among the Draenei. Among the technicians who advocated technology, there were naturally many admirers. Volian used to be Nature is one of those admirers.But now, there is one more person he admires, and that is Ye Ting. In the eyes of these draenei technicians, Ye Ting, who has transformed the draenei technology tree with all his strength, and gave full play to his technical potential, is undoubtedly Ye Ting. A great scientist who can rank with Hataru.

Now, Volian feels honored to be able to teach Hataru something that he hadn't discovered himself.

In fact, the crystal warp technology is completely different from the usual space teleportation magic.

Most of the usual space teleportation is done by distorting the space, folding it, or opening a "shortcut" between different space coordinates, etc. The target of the action is the space itself.

However, the principle of the leap is to change the "space mover" itself, and it is a process of scanning, quantizing and digitizing the "space mover" itself.Then, the "space mover" is reorganized at the other end of the warp by means of quantum entanglement.

This kind of technology is more sophisticated and dangerous than ordinary space magic: once the jump fails, the person who is jumped may be wiped out.

Therefore, to ensure safety, warp technology usually requires large dedicated facilities to perform.

If you want to cast a spell and jump by yourself, unless you are a wizard of Ye Ting's level, you can't do it at all.

But the warp technology also has an advantage, that is, the energy consumption is much lower than ordinary space magic.

After all, to forcibly twist or open a big hole in a solid space is too much magic, and all space spells consume a lot of magic.

Since the direct distortion of space is bypassed and objects of the same size and mass are transmitted, the magic power consumed by the warp technology is almost one-tenth or even one percent of the space transfer, which means that the warp technology can be widely used in warfare. It is not like Azeroth, it has space spells, but it can only be used by some mages.

Hearing the principle of the jumping technique from Volian, Hataru was almost stunned, and then loudly praised Ye Ting's genius.

For these, Velen can barely understand, but Nellie and Akama are outdoor enthusiasts and religious fanatics, both of which reject science (magic), so naturally they don't understand it.

In any case, these four people were stunned as soon as they came to Auchindoun, and they became looking forward to the next trip.

But when they were about to leave, they saw a group of people coming from a distance.

The leader was a tall draenei male in dark armor, whose identity the four of them knew.

He was the mayor of Auchindon, the leader of the Auchinne Organization, a colleague of several bishops, Archbishop Maladar.

Seeing the four of Velen, Maladar immediately greeted them with people.

Among the four, Akama, who believed in the Holy Light, was the most difficult to deal with in the Council of Bishops and Maladaar. In the past, when Maladaar was addicted to the study of shadow magic, Akama even doubted whether he had become addicted to it, and asked Auchindoun sent a large number of vigilantes to guard against his fall.

Of course, politicians will naturally not tear their skin on the surface, and the meeting between the two sides is naturally quite friendly.

Then, Wei Lun asked his doubts.

"After we said goodbye to Commander Yrel, we came here directly by jumping. During this period, we didn't see anyone who came to pass the information one step ahead of us. Why did you know that we were coming?"

Velen doesn't think Maladaar's appearance is a coincidence.

Hearing this, Maladaar smiled slightly, and his expression became much more pious:

"The reason is very simple, all of this is the order of Lord Kara."

Chapter 1134 Dazzling Auchindon ([-])

"Lord Kara's decree?!"

Maladaar's words made Velen and others puzzled.

This year, has Kara also started to play these gods?

As someone who has been with Naaru for a long time, Velen is very familiar with the characteristics of Naaru. Naaru is indeed a very powerful race and has a strong control over the Holy Light.

But Naaru never had the gift of "prophecy".

In other words, except for the wise ones in a few naaru, the other naaru will not be able to predict tricks.

At least Velen had never seen Kara have such a thing.

Having said that, even if Kara learned how to jump out of the long river of fate and observe the fragments of fate, the prophecy is illusory, and it is impossible to see what to see, let alone use such an aspect.

Velen asked Maladar a question, but got an inexplicable answer.

"Because the Holy Kara is connected to our will."

This sentence reminded Velen of a sentence he often said when presiding over prayers: "The Holy Light connects your hearts and mines together."

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