In fact, most of the shiny looking “pureblood families” are just appearances.

The reason why they are simply glamorous is because they have almost no source of income.

What kind of wealth does a typical pureblood family have? You can refer to the Malfoy family or the Black family.

They own a splendid estate, usually managed by a house-elf, and have a collection of centuries-old antiques, goldware, and silverware.

They generally have a family vault at the bottom of Gringotts, which contains mountains of gold.

However, the manor is generally their ancestral home, and although it is valuable, it is completely unmonetizable. House-elves can’t even be traded. Although antiques may seem priceless, if one day you want to sell them and discount them, you will find that you can’t sell them for much gold gallons.

And the vast majority of the gold in the family vault will only become less and less as it is consumed from generation to generation.

This gold is often accumulated by the ancestors of pure-blood families over several generations, either from the wealth obtained by making alchemical items, refining potions, or from pretending to be a ghost in front of Muggles, or even finding treasure or gold mines…

But as time goes on, it becomes more and more difficult to accumulate wealth.

As Muggles continued to grow, it became increasingly difficult to obtain wealth from them, especially after the enactment of the International Confederation of Wizards Secrecy Act, and obtaining wealth from Muggles through magic was completely forbidden – except for Ye Ting’s way, of course, because it was nothing more than a Muggle investment.

And with the continuous development of wizarding society, the continuous rise of major magic academies, pure-blood family education monopoly in magic was soon broken, these Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry led by public education organizations brought a “renaissance” to wizarding society, the knowledge of charms, alchemy, potions, etc. was constantly made public, alchemy, potions masters among half-blood wizards continued to emerge, competitors were increasing, and the price of magic props and potions continued to fall, Pure-blood families can no longer use alchemy and potions to obtain large fortunes.

But in the wizarding world, there are few industries other than the production of alchemy, potions, and herbs, which are sustainable.

In fact, Harry Potter’s wizarding world has reached the threshold of material production that is extremely rich and can be regarded as reaching GCZY.

Although the magic of the Harry Potter world lacks lethality, it is quite powerful in terms of production and life. This directly leads to the fact that the most basic survival resources such as food, water, clothing, etc. have become quite cheap.

Of course, this is not entirely because of Transfiguration.

In fact, there are five exceptions to the basic law of Transfiguration: food, magical items, magical creatures, non-existent entities, and no concrete concept. These five exceptions cannot be achieved by transfiguration.

However, magic can achieve this in other ways.

In terms of food, magic can increase a small amount of food, most typically amplification and replication charms, but also make crops grow faster and larger, can make barren farmland get a bumper harvest, and even wizards like Hagrid who are not good at magic can use the puffing charm to make his pumpkin grow taller than an adult.

As for water, not to mention, a water-making spell can solve all problems.

In terms of clothing, furniture and even residences, it is quite convenient to manufacture through magic, and manipulating the movement of matter itself is the most basic magic spell, and the transformation charm also has a good effect in making these daily items.

Some skilled wizards can even reduce the complex process of making a piece of furniture or a dish to a short spell, that is, as long as the raw materials are available and the corresponding spell is known, even an English witch who has not been in the kitchen can complete a Kung Pao chicken. In fact, in the wizarding world, magic books about cooking and housework are quite popular among housewives.

Poor families among wizards like the Weasleys were only bothered by the fact that they had to provide for four or five children and could not afford to buy new magic books and wands.

Even if their family can’t even get a golden gallon, they can still live in a large house of hundreds of square meters, with an endless yard, and the family can still eat whatever they want all day. But these are still extravagances for many Muggles who far surpass them in terms of wealth.

So, for wizards, all industries are worthless except for the production of magical items – anyway, what can be obtained through magic spells, why spend money on them?

However, a pure-blood family spends a lot of wealth every year in order to maintain the luxurious life of the family, to socialize with other families, and to work with all classes; And this kind of wealth consumption is far from being able to earn back by holding a position in the Ministry of Magic, or opening an alchemy prop or potion shop or two.

All this keeps them decaying and degenerating.

In fact, there are already many historical pure-blood families who have become indifferent due to their inability to make ends meet, abandoning the last of decency.

There are also many families who can only survive by borrowing from Gringotts.

And this is one of the reasons why Voldemort’s Slytherin concept of “pure-blood supremacy”, or Gellert Grindelwald’s concept of “wizarding supremacy”, attracted these pure-blood families.

According to Voldemort or Grindelwald, wizards can abandon the International Federation of Wizards Secrecy Act, appear in front of Muggles on their own initiative, defeat and control Muggle society through magic, plunder Muggle wealth, and enslave Muggles. And through this means, pureblood families can obtain a lot of wealth and resources from Muggles, once again fill their vaults in Gringotts, and allow their families to continue to enjoy the same luxurious life as before!

Among them, Voldemort went further than Grindelwald, he not only wanted to enslave Muggles, but also rejected Muggle-born wizards, and also looked down on half-blood wizards. He wanted to create a society of wizards whose power was in the hands of pure-blood wizards, where pure-blood wizards were a privileged class that exploited half-blood and Muggle-born wizards and excluded Muggle wizards. Since Muggle wizards have no access to the wizarding world for their families before they awaken their magical power, whether they can access magic is entirely dependent on the initiative of the wizarding world, so that their power can be completely controlled by pure-blood wizards and cannot resist.

In Ye Ting’s opinion, Grindelwald’s idea is quite ridiculous, while Voldemort’s strategy is more feasible.

Because the wizarding world’s demand for the Muggle world is not as great as expected.

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