The afternoon class on protecting magical creatures was Hagrid’s first lesson and was about getting to know the winged beasts of the hippogrip.

The names of these animals are long and sound unfamiliar, but in fact, their origins are simple – they are the descendants of male griffins and mares. Their head, wings and front legs resemble those of a griffin, while their hind body resembles that of a horse.

Such hybridization is very difficult because griffins have always despised horses and feed on horses, which makes their existence extremely rare – after all, not everyone can mate with their own food. In the Middle Ages, Muggles had a proverb, “Match a griffin with a horse,” meaning nothing is possible.

In addition, this creature has another short name – the eagle.

According to legend, Astolfo, one of Charles’ twelve warriors, received the eagle from the mage.

Ye Ting was very interested in this proud creature, and Hagrid brought twelve winged beasts with a hippogriff, and told them that the first step in approaching a winged beast was to bow, and at the same time they must keep eye contact with it; If it bows to you in return, you can pet it and even ride it.

Harry was the first to step forward and salute the winged beasts of the Hippograrian and successfully mounted one of them, which caused him a cheer in Gryffindor.

Ye Ting also stepped forward, but before he could make any moves, these winged beasts with eagle heads fell to the ground in front of him – now Ye Ting can already skillfully use some of the dragon’s abilities, such as dragon power.

As soon as Long Wei came out, these ordinary magical creatures seemed to be targeted by natural enemies, and they didn’t even dare to move.

So, under such circumstances, Ye Ting smoothly rode around one and forced another winged beast with a hippogriff to carry Hermione around, a strange scene that surprised Hagrid, even he had never let them be so docile.

Perhaps deceived by Ye Ting’s example, the little wizards obviously underestimated the danger of winged beasts with eagle heads and horses. But most people, out of respect for the professor, followed Hagrid’s strict instructions for getting along with the animals, except for Malfoy.

The little snake looked down on neither the half-blood giant Hagrid, nor the Muggle-born Hermione and Ye Ting—even though they both crushed Malfoy magically—and Harry Potter were mortal enemies.

That is, in the class of the people he couldn’t look at, his mortal enemies and two other Muggles he couldn’t look at could actually ride such a beast, so why couldn’t he do it with his noble blood?

Then, the unexpected happened.

The stupid Malfoy actually insulted this xxx level magical creature.

“You’re not dangerous, you ugly beast!”

In the next second, the steel-gray claws waved. Malfoy let out a scream and curled up on the grass. There were blood stains on the robe.

Ye Ting shook his head helplessly, people will not die if they don’t die.

However, Hagrid and the winged beast of the eagle head also had to face a bad fate, after all, with the pride of wizards, magical creatures who dared to harm wizards had to be punished – just look at the exaggerated fountain statue of the Ministry of Magic – especially since Malfoy’s father was a powerful pure-blood wizard.

However, at present, Ye Ting can’t do anything, after all, Hagrid himself is a little careless, he likes those dangerous magical creatures too much, so that he treats the little wizards as people like himself.


Compared to Hagrid’s failure, another new teacher, Defense Against the Dark Arts professor Remus Lupin, was much more successful.

In fact, the little wizards’ first impression of him was not very good. During the first class, everyone noticed that Professor Lupin’s clothes were patched and the suitcases he carried with him were tattered.

Because of this outfit, some young wizards, especially Slytherin students, began to look at him a little lightly.

In Ye Ting’s opinion, in fact, the new professor’s appearance is not bad, if he does not have that thick layer of aging lines on his forehead, and then shave off the messy beard on his cheeks.

However, for a werewolf who is not welcome anywhere and has to struggle to survive every day because of food and clothing, these are undoubtedly luxuries.

“Good afternoon,” he said, “please put all the books back in your bag.” Today is a practical class, you just need a magic wand. ”

The class was confused, but also interested, and they all stood up and walked out of the classroom with Professor Lupin.

He led them down the corridor where there was no one and turned a corner. There, the first thing they saw was Peeves who was playing tricks, floating head-down in the air, and stuffing chewing gum into the keyhole closest to him.

It wasn’t until Professor Lupin walked two feet away from Peeves that he looked up, and then he twisted his toes curled up and sang:

“Stupid and confused Lupin,” Peeves sang, “stupid and confused Lupin, stupid and confused Lupin…”

Peeves was always rude and difficult to govern, but he usually had some respect for teachers.

It seems that Lupin had some grudges with Peeves when he was at school.

Everyone quickly turned their attention to the professor to see how he treated; To their surprise, he was still smiling.

“If I were you, Peeves, I’d get the gum out of the keyhole,” Lupin said pleasantly, “Mr. Filch won’t be able to get in and get the broom.” ”

However, Peeves ignored Professor Lupin’s words and simply blew out a wet raspberry loudly.

Professor Lupin sighed slightly and took out his wand.

“It’s a useful little mantra,” he said, turning back to the class. ”

He raised his wand and pointed at Peeves and said, “Wadi Vasy! ”

The small piece of gum shot out of the keyhole like a bullet, and directly into Peeves’ left nostril; Peeves immediately spun away, and rose sharply, cursing all the way.

This hand won the admiration and praise of all students, and everyone felt that he was a professor with real materials.

Poor Peeves was thus used by Lupin as a stepping stone to gain popularity.


In just a few days, Professor Lupin conquered almost all the students in the school.

He is very knowledgeable, interesting to lecture, and responsible for every classmate… Of course, the more important thing is to rely on former Black Devil Defense class teachers like Lockhart and Quirrell!

Compared with these predecessors, at least he is the most authentic one, after all, he was a marauder foursome with James Potter and Sirius Black, and he was a famous school bully.

Ye Ting has heard this evaluation more than once: “Professor Lupin is the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher I have ever met!” ”

I just wonder if they would continue to say that when they learned that Lupin was actually a werewolf?


The picture shows the real eagle = w=

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