“The Dementors had a pretty serious effect on her. There were dementors on the train, probably because the dementors sucked on her a few more breaths, which made her collapse directly inside. ”

He took out a piece of chocolate from his pocket, peeled off the tin foil, and stuffed it into Zhang Qiu’s mouth.

“Eat, you’ll feel better after eating, I just bought it from Duke Honey before I came here.” Ye Ting fed Zhang Qiu the chocolate, and touched her hair again, “Think more about those happy things, this is very helpful in resisting the influence of the Dementors.” By the way, call God to guard. ”

The silver-white dragon drilled out from the tip of Ye Ting’s wand again, and it happily flew around them, dispelling the despair and uneasiness around them.

Hermione noticed that the eerie atmosphere around her gradually faded, and the little wizards felt a burst of warmth, and even the frost on the ground began to melt.

“What is this silver light?” Hermione asked curiously, “I don’t think I’m so sad anymore.” ”

“The one just now is the Patronus.” Marietta looked at the silver-white dragon hovering above them and said in surprise, “I heard my mother say that this is a very deep magic that requires strong magic as a support, and only truly powerful wizards use this spell. ”

Ye Ting controlled the dragon to spew out a breath of dragon breath at Zhang Qiu, and the silver-white flame did not make her feel burning or painful, but made her feel a warmth and happiness from the heart.

Obviously, Zhang Qiu had gradually recovered at this time, and she immediately understood her current situation, so she got out of Ye Ting’s arms with a red face and hid behind Hermione and Marietta.

The four of them sat in the carriage of Yeqila together, and the dampness and musty smell on the carriage made Ye Ting feel very unhappy, he snapped his fingers, and the surroundings immediately became dry, and even the drizzle did not fall on everyone again.

“Thank you,” Zhang Qiu said softly, his voice so small that even mosquitoes could not hear it.

“Your wandless spell casting is becoming more and more proficient.” Hermione showed an envious expression.

The carriage drove toward the door of Hogwarts.

In front of the gate, they encountered two more terrifying dementors, who were floating in the doorway as guards, and for every student who entered, they had to go up to check it, sometimes even taking two breaths, which made all the little wizards feel a chill.

Seeing the two dementors, Zhang Qiu immediately closed her eyes in fright, she hugged Ye Ting’s arm and buried her head in his arms, as if as long as this was the case, these dementors would not notice her.

Hermione was also a little scared, and she nervously took Ye Ting’s other hand.

Only Marietta sat in the back a little awkwardly, she and Ye Ting were not acquainted.

But when their carriage passed the gate, the dementors did not come forward to check the usual way, but immediately flew away like a natural enemy.

“What’s going on?” Hermione pulled the corners of Lotin’s clothes, “Why did they run away?” ”

“I guess I was frightened.” Ye Ting pouted disdainfully, “I was also stopped by them when I went back to school, they wanted to suck on me, but they were killed by my patron saint twice.” But thinking that you might also encounter this, I went to the station to pick you up. ”

Hearing his words, Hermione and Zhang Qiu couldn’t help but feel warm in their hearts, while Marietta pouted jealously.

But the remarks about scaring away the Dementors stunned the little wizards around, everyone had seen the horror of the Dementors, but the Dementors’ reaction just now couldn’t help but make them not believe, so Ye Ting’s head had another title: “The one who makes the Dementors fearful.”

But anyway, with such an experience, Zhang Qiu and Hermione did have a lot less fear of dementors.

…… When the young wizards entered the Great Hall, Harry Potter was called away by Professor McGonagall, supposedly because he was frightened by the Dementors when he was on the train, which had been spread as a joke in Slytherin, and Thunder saw that Malfoy seemed to be telling a funny story to a large group of people in Slytherin. As they walked by. Malfoy made a ridiculous appearance about to faint, causing everyone to burst into laughter.

Hermione was also called away by Professor Flitwick, and after waiting only a few minutes, she appeared, seemingly delighted for something, and the diminutive Professor Flitwick followed behind her, holding an ancient hat and a three-legged stool, and he was responsible for this freshman sorting ceremony.

The sorting ceremony ended quickly, and there were very few boys among Ravenclaw freshmen this semester, only four.

Between the banquets, Professor Dumbledore spoke: “Welcome to Hogwarts for the new school year!” I have a few words to say to all of you, one of which is very serious, and I think it is better to make it clear before you are confused by this delicious meal…”

Dumbledore cleared his throat and continued. “After they searched the Hogwarts Express, you must have known about it. At present, our school is hosting a number of Dementors from Azkaban who are here to carry out the official duties of the Ministry of Magic. They are stationed at all entrances to the school grounds,”

Dumbledore continued, “During their stay here, I must make it clear that no one may leave the school without permission. Dementors should not be deceived by tricks or disguises, not even the Invisibility Cloak. ”

This sentence was clearly aimed at Harry.

“Dementors don’t naturally know what a request or an excuse is. So I warn each and every one of you: don’t give them any excuse to hurt you. I count on the prefects, as well as our new Boys and Girls Council Heads, to make sure that none of the students will ever come into conflict with the Dementors. ”

“It’s gratifying,” he continues, “and this year, I’m excited to welcome two new teachers to our team. The first was Professor Lupin, who had agreed to fill the gap in the Defense Against the Dark Arts course. ”

Ye Ting noticed that hearing Lupin’s name, Snape’s face was quite ugly, and everyone else thought that it was because Snape did not compete for the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, but Ye Ting knew that this stemmed from some old stories – when Snape and Harry’s father, James Potter was a classmate, and Lupin and James were dead friends. At school, James not only often bullied Snape, but also married Snape’s goddess, Lily Evans.

This feud looks quite big.

Later, Dumbledore announced that Hagrid would be the professor of the course on the protection of magical creatures, but Ye Ting felt that the half-blood giant would definitely cause trouble, because for him, the definition of dangerous creatures has always been different from others.

He raised fire dragons, kept three-headed dogs as pets, and befriended giant eight-eyed spiders, apparently he didn’t think these creatures were dangerous, but little wizards would never think so.

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