In addition to Gilderoy Lockhart’s funny little Eros, another thing also made the boys at Hogwarts very depressed, that is, the chocolate that Ye Ting received.

This year’s Valentine’s Day, Ye Ting’s table was full of Valentine’s Day chocolates and all kinds of gifts just like last year—no, more than last year.

“I dare say that at least eighty percent of the girls at Hogwarts have given you Valentine’s Day gifts this year.” One of Ye Ting’s roommates, Michael looked at the hill in front of Ye Ting with envy, “The gift you received alone is several times more than all the other boys in the school combined. ”

“So much chocolate, you can definitely eat it for a whole year, let me help you share a little.” Terry Bout also showed a longing expression, he has never received Valentine’s Day chocolates from girls.

“Please,” Ye Ting shook his head indifferently: “As long as you are not afraid of eating some kind of ecstasy.” ”

“I bet the important gift is definitely not here.” Anthony looked at Ye Ting and said affirmatively: “The gift of ‘Miss Jack of All Trades’ is definitely not in it, as well as Senior Sister Qiu Zhang of the third grade, and… And our prefect, Miss Penelope, her gift won’t be in it either, will it? Ting, what did they send you? ”

“It’s none of your business!” Ye Ting said angrily, “If you want to eat, eat quickly, I can be sure that this Ferrerori definitely does not have a superstitute.” ”

In fact, Ye Ting and his three female friends had already given each other gifts in private.

Of course, he also did not forget Oriana and Scarlet Ju, the former got a pair of earrings, she was able to enlarge and reduce herself through the earrings, no longer having to rely on Ye Ting’s enlargement and reduction charm, so that she could move freely; Crimson Ju got a small bottle of catnip extract, but Ye Ting firmly limited her daily dosage to prevent Crimson Ju from becoming a drunk at a young age.

Even, even Larry got a gift, Ye Ting prepared a set of horseshoe for her, respectively enchanted “Swift”, “Light Spirit”, “Water Floating” and “Heavy Strike”, a set of four horseshoe, which can interact with each other, and Larry has a lot of fun.

Valentine’s Day gifts were actually given to…

What a zombie… Is it really because of the influence of the dragon soul?

Unfortunately, the happy times were short-lived, and just when everyone thought that the days of peace would continue, the attack came again.

It was a sunny morning, and Ye Ting was preparing for a Quidditch match with Hufflepuff, in fact, due to the attack, the Quidditch match had been postponed for some time since Colin Creevey was attacked.

Now, the incident has subsided a bit, and there is another piece of good news: the mandrake in the greenhouse is about to ripen, the resurrection potion to depetrify will soon be available, and once the victims are back to normal, they can identify who the attacker really is, and the incident between the Chamber of Secrets and the Slytherin heir can be ended.

Currently, the House wants to boost the mood of the young wizards through Quidditch matches.

The decision was immediate, at least for a few days, Harry’s life was much more normal, and there was no more discussion about whether he was the heir to Slytherin or not, and no one shy away from him like a femme fatale.

Everyone started talking about Quidditch, wondering how many points the Ravenclaw genius could score in one gulp on the head of Hufflepuff this time.

However, just before the team entered, Ye Ting suddenly had a warning sign, and a special message reached his mind.

The amulet he made was activated, and two amulets in a row were activated at the same time.

What’s going on?

Zhang Qiu is the Seeker of the Ravenclaw team and is preparing for the game with him, so it is Hermione and Penelo who are in trouble.

He turned his head to look in the direction of Hogwarts and roughly estimated the location, it was the library.

Hermione had mentioned to him in the morning that she wanted to find some materials in the library and would come to his game later.

It seems that he ran into a basilisk after the library was left – except for this, Ye Ting couldn’t think of who would attack Hermione, and also activated the amulet.

However, who knew that Penelope was actually with her.

He suddenly remembered that after breakfast today, they had chatted with Hagrid, the guard of the hunting grounds, and Hagrid complained to their faces that his rooster did not know who had killed him.

The monster in the secret room is a basilisk, and Ye Ting has always known about it, but he lacks clear evidence, so he has never told others about his speculation.

The rooster’s cry is fatal to the basilisk, so the Slytherin heir would have killed Hagrid’s rooster, which also happened in the original book.

But Ye Ting became less sensitive to evidence because he knew the answer early, but the clever Hermione was different.

Thanks to Ye Ting’s analysis of the Chamber of Secrets after the first attack, they had a better understanding of the Slytherin heir and the Chamber of Secrets than the original, plus the hint of the death of the rooster, smart as Hermione must have thought of something immediately, presumably she went to the library to confirm her guess.

Penelope’s words were not surprising to be able to come to the same conclusion, she was also a student herself, although she was slightly less than Hermione, but Penelo was older and had enough knowledge accumulation.

These two girls actually thought of the answer in unison, and now Ye Ting didn’t know whether to praise them or blame them for not being careful enough.

However, the priority was to feel that he was on the scene, and in the face of the deadly sight of the basilisk, his talisman could not last long.

“Sorry, I suddenly have something wrong and may not be able to compete. But I believe you can win without me, so I went first. Ye Ting suddenly spoke up, interrupted Roger’s enthusiastic pre-game speech, and then hurriedly left with the sun wheel.

When passing by Zhang Qiu, he said in her ear: “This game depends on you.” ”

Looking at the back of Ye Ting’s departure, everyone in the entire Ravenclaw team was a little dumbfounded.

Ye Ting has always been their absolute core, and if he goes, then how will Ravenclaw play.

The scene was quiet, everyone you look at me, I look at you, all at a loss, a pessimistic atmosphere began to spread in the team.

Surprisingly, the first to break the silence was Zhang Qiu, who was originally restrained and not brave.

“Ye Ting is right,” she plucked up her courage and said loudly, “Without him, I think we can still defeat Hufflepuff!” Are we weaker than Hufflepuff? At least I won’t be afraid of Godric Diggory. ”

Godric Diggory is the captain and seeker of Hufflepuff, exactly opposite Zhang Qiu, Zhang Qiu can say these words, it can be seen that since the Philosopher’s Stone incident and subsequent Defense Against the Dark Arts training, her progress is not only in magical skills.

Perhaps inspired by Zhang Qiu’s encouragement, or perhaps ashamed that his courage was not as good as a junior, Roger suddenly became excited: “Qiu is right, are we still afraid of Hufflepuff?” How many tactics did Ting design for us, wouldn’t we have executed them without him? We are wise Ravenclaws, Ting has done so much for us, and now that he is gone, we can’t let his previous efforts go to waste! ”

Zhang Qiu’s encouragement and Roger’s speech had an immediate effect, and the atmosphere suddenly became warm, and everyone began to seriously discuss tactics, and they would not give up until they defeated Hufflepuff.

At this time, Ye Ting was also riding the sun wheel and rushing towards Hogwarts Castle at high speed.


Thank you for your continued support, now this book finally has a recommendation, as a new author, the first time to write a book has such results, without your encouragement all the time can not be done.

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Thank you.

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