“Don’t worry, your geniuses and male gods will survive.” Snape licked the corners of his lips, looking impatient.

Ye Ting did not speak, he calmly bowed to each other with Snape, and then took a duel pose.


Ye Ting’s reflex nerves far surpassed Snape’s, and he first silently cast a disarming spell on Snape.

The rapid reflex nerve coupled with the silent spell caused a huge precursor to him, and as soon as Snape raised his wand, Ye Ting’s spell shot at him.

But Snape was worthy of being a veteran master, he calmly recited an ironclad spell, finally blocked the blow in time, and then immediately launched a counterattack with the coma charm.

But for Snape’s attack, Ye Ting’s reaction was completely unexpected, he continued to cast spells on Snape with his wand with his right hand, while his left hand blocked Snape’s stun curse with just a wave of his cloak.

This hand surprised everyone.

In fact, it is a very common trick for powerful wizards with advanced magic to pick their opponent’s spells with their wands, which is just a clever combination of silent and ironclad spells. In this move, the Iron Armor Spell is infinitely simplified, it only acts on the tip of the wand, and it is very short-lived, and it cannot resist any powerful spells. But in contrast, it became so easy to cast and control that a wizard skilled enough could prepare another spell while picking off an opponent’s spell.

But Ye Ting was a different matter this time, not only did he cast spells with his left hand without a wand, but he also used it with two hearts, and the wand in his right hand cast another magic at the same time.

In fact, he could do this, Ye Ting felt a little strange, because when he just waved his cloak, he felt that another force strengthened this iron armor spell, which made him feel that this trick that could only block ordinary spells such as the Coma Curse and the Disarming Curse was now no less effective even in the face of a more powerful evil spell.

In the end, he discovers that the source of this power is nothing else, but a resistance to magic, and far beyond ordinary magical creatures – but it still needs magic to maintain.

He immediately understood that this was the dragon’s demonic resistance, and it was the ability brought to him by the dragon soul. Although it is still a little immature compared to the real dragon, it is enough to make him invincible in wizard dueling.

He decided that in the future, he would make a duel cloak that was tough and handsome enough – this trick was too handsome from the appearance: with a wave of the hand, the cloak flicked, and the opponent’s spell was ejected, such a shape is too dashing, so it is necessary to specially match a cloak that can show this handsome dashing.

After all, whether you are strong or not is a matter of a moment, and whether you are handsome or not is a matter of a lifetime.

As soon as the battle began, Ye Ting and Snape fired spells such as the Disarming Charm, the Coma Curse, and the Full Body Restraint Charm at each other, like two cowboys with revolvers shooting at each other.

However, compared to Snape, Ye Ting was obviously superior.

Because he can use both hands, attack with one hand and defend with the other.

His cloak was like a copper wall and an iron wall, and although there were many burnt marks on it, it still perfectly blocked all of Snape’s attacks, and the walls of the hall were cratered by the flying spell, and the young wizards in the distance had to protect their heads with their hands to prevent them from being hit by the flying rubble.

Ye Ting even tried to bounce the flying spell back to the original path, but obviously, because the angle required to bounce back the spell was too large, judging from the strength of the defense he applied to the cloak, this could not be done for the time being—but if he was in a siege or melee at this time, then the effect of this move would be different.

At the same time, his movements and footsteps were far more flexible than Snape’s, and sometimes it was even like dancing on the tip of a knife: he did not block any spells that did not aim at the core of his body, but only tilted his head, or moved his legs and shook his body a little, and he narrowly dodged these spells.

In the eyes of the surrounding little wizards, Ye Ting was like a peerless master walking idly in a hail of bullets, and those spells seemed to pass by Ye Ting, every time it seemed to hit him, but it was always a little bit worse.

This thrilling scene made their hearts feel as if they were tightly grasped.

This is the real duel! They thought so.

In comparison, the attempt between them just now was just a pediatric pediatric.

Even Professor Flitwick sighed: “Mr. Ye’s mastery of the common spells of wizard duels has reached a pinnacle, if it continues like this, even if the three Snape together, it will not be able to help him at all.” ”

Compared with the two, Snape as a professor was much more embarrassed, he controlled the wand with one hand, and when casting spells, he had to consider both attack and defense, so he was quickly suppressed by Ye Ting’s steady stream of spells.

His attacks were mature and sophisticated, and the silent spell made his spells fire much faster and continuously, but even so, he was still no match for Ye Ting.

Gradually, he began to defend more and attack less.

Finally, Snape could no longer tolerate this inferior state, he had never been the kind of wizard who was good at fighting with simple spells, he was a master of dark magic.

He cast another iron armor spell to temporarily ease the situation, and then set up a posture and recited a powerful explosive spell to Ye Ting.

The red light mass flew towards Ye Ting’s feet, it seemed that Snape really just wanted to teach Ye Ting a lesson, but the latter did not want to admit defeat, his wand swiped up in the air, and the floor of the stage rose a stone wall with his gesture.

“It’s really skilful transfiguration.” Seeing Ye Ting’s hand, Professor McGonagall nodded in satisfaction.

The explosion curse hit the stone wall, making a loud noise, and the hastily deformed stone wall was immediately blown to pieces, and Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick, who were watching the battle, had to strike together, blocking the splashing stones at the edge of the stage.

The strong explosion also forced Snape to raise his arm and block the dust and gravel with the wide sleeve of his robe, but when the smoke cleared, he was surprised to see that the rubble on the ground had floated up, like an asteroid belt around the opposite leaf thunder.

Ye Ting looked at Snape and gave him a dashing smile.

“Ten thousand arrows in unison.”

In an instant, the floating rubble shot in the direction of Snape like an off-string arrow, and the other party had to hastily recite a barrier spell, barely blocking the attack.

But the amount of rubble was so great that they shot at Snape from different directions, forcing him to try to dodge the stones and run around the stage in embarrassment, but from time to time a few stones would hit him, making him painful.

However, this pain did not bother him.

Snape suddenly straightened up, he no longer dodged or resisted, resisted the attack of the stone, endured the pain of pain, pointed his wand at Ye Ting, and launched a counterattack against him.

A raging tongue of fire erupted from the tip of the wand and burned towards Ye Ting, and soon formed a sea of fire in front of him, which separated Ye Ting and Snape, and quickly spread in the direction of Ye Ting.


Thanks for the 40,000 tips for snacks, it’s the name that says it feels like I’m for… Plus, stupid can’t tell

In short, the author is going to burst his liver again, starting from today for four consecutive days to add two chapters a day, for a total of eight chapters

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