When Ye Ting was addicted to research, a major event also happened to the Weasley family.

Harry Potter has come to the Burrow.

Of course, the way he came here was a farce: because he couldn’t contact Harry for a long time, Ron secretly drove Mr. Weasley’s Ford with them to 4 Privet Road, Little Whigging District, Surrey, and took Harry, who was imprisoned by his uncle, back to the Burrow.

The cause of the whole thing is very ridiculous, everything is the ghost of Harry Potter fans.

In fact, since Harry Potter defeated the Dark Lord as a baby, many house-elves and the like have become his admirers. This time, Dobby, the Malfoy house-elf, overhears that his master is about to launch a conspiracy against Hogwarts, and as an admirer, he does not want Harry Potter to return to Hogwarts and be harmed in the conspiracy. So, he planned an accident that caused Harry’s uncle to lash out at Harry and lock him up and prevent him from returning to Hogwarts – Harry couldn’t do anything about it because of the rule that young wizards couldn’t use magic outside of school.

After coming to the Burrow, Harry heard the news of Ye Ting, which made him feel very envious: because Ye Ting lived in the Muggle world like him, but now that Ye Ting had been free, he had to succumb to Uncle Vernon’s lustful power.

In the village of San Tachibole, Harry rarely spent half a pleasant summer vacation, and of course Ye Ting was the same, and in the last half of his summer vacation, he finally walked out of the laboratory and began to prepare his animagus – of course, now he only needs to hold the mandrake leaf in his mouth.

In this last few days, he also played Quidditch with Harry and the Weasley brothers in a paddock at the Weasley house on the hill.

In addition, he met a little girl: Luna Lovegood, her father, Mr. Xenophilius, who was the editor of the magazine “Singing the Contrary”, which often published absurd articles.

It was a strange little girl with disheveled, dirty, waist-length blonde hair, and gray eyes that looked trance-looking, bulging outward, and Luna’s eyebrows were faintly colored. She “clearly exudes a madness” because she sticks her wand behind her ear to be on the safe side, and she often dresses differently.

The little girl is very cute, but there are always some strange ideas that make people unable to keep up with her train of thought. Facing her, even Ye Ting had to bow down.

In the last week of the summer vacation, Ye Ting said goodbye to the Weasleys and drove — mostly Oriana, of course — on a road trip through England.

Along the way, he visited the Krivat, Zhang, and Granger homes and picked up their daughters as classmates.

The girls were happy to be able to see Ye Ting’s home in the bus and go on a journey with him, but their presence made them a little sullen.

During the journey, the girls curiously asked Ye Ting about his experience of participating in the wizarding chess tournament – Ye Ting was careful not to mention all the experiences about Fleur – and admired the special golden wizard chess of the competition, they also noticed that Ye Ting was not very talkative in recent days, he explained that because he had to cultivate Animagus, he had to put the leaf in his mouth, which the girls had become accustomed to, because Ye Ting could always learn a lot of powerful magic one step ahead of them.

In the last days of the holiday, Ye Ting spent time with the girls, and the bus made its last trip north, climbing over the mountains and showing its flying function before finally reaching Hogsmeade, the only village in the UK made up entirely of wizards.

Hogsmeade is quite close to Hogwarts Castle, and there is a secret passage to the castle in the village. This way they can go straight to Hogwarts without having to board the train.

In addition, they came to Diagon Alley through the fireplace on the bus to buy school supplies for the new semester.

This semester’s book list annoyed Ye Ting very much, because except for one of Miranda Goshak’s “Standard Spells, Level 2”, all of them were Gilderoy Lockhart’s books. Because this semester, Lockhart will be their Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

But Ye Ting knew that Lockhart was actually a rather crappy wizard, he was only good at the Oblivion Charm with one hand, and the most frequent thing he did was to use the Oblivion Charm on other wizards, and then take their experiences for himself, and sell books for money.

Ye Ting didn’t know what Dumbledore was thinking, maybe he was also tricked by Lockhart and invited the incompetent guy to Hogwarts as a professor, and Lockhart seized the opportunity to use his book as a textbook for Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

The most exaggerated thing is that there are seven Lockhart’s books on the list, and they are quite expensive, each costing two gold gallons.

But in Ye Ting’s view, all of these books are Lockhart’s rhetoric and have no practical use at all.

As a result, he strongly advised his three female friends not to buy the useless waste, but at this point, Hermione Granger and he had some conflict.

“Don’t you think Lockhart is brave?” Hermione said to Ye Ting excitedly, “And full of wisdom, he is an excellent Ravenclaw.” ”

At this moment, they were standing in front of the Lichen bookstore in Diagon Alley, where Gilderoy Lockhart was signing a sale.

Ye Ting looked at Zhang Qiu and Penelope, Zhang Qiu also showed an expectant expression, only Penelo looked at him with a smile, obviously convinced of Ye Ting’s words.

Sure enough, it was easier to cheat as little girls and housewives – when she was at the Weasleys, Ye Ting discovered that Mrs. Weasley was also a loyal admirer of Lockhart.

For the first time, Ye Ting felt that he was not too understated. With his achievements, if he takes the initiative to accept media interviews, he will definitely become a star more famous than Lockhart, so maybe Hermione and Zhang Qiu will believe his statement, rather than Lockhart’s broken book.

However, this is just to think about it, after becoming famous, being surrounded by the media, without privacy, and not living in a life is not what he wants.

After finding that he couldn’t convince Hermione and Zhang Qiu, Ye Ting could only sigh ruefully, and followed them into the Lichen Bookstore to participate in Lockhart’s signing.

“You’ll just wait and see, isn’t it a ‘star’? Speak as if I’m not. He muttered softly behind him, “In less than a month, Brigadier Lockhart will show his horse’s feet at Hogwarts.” ”

“Of course, I trust you.” Beside him, Penelo patted him on the shoulder comfortingly: “I also think that you are a bigger star than Lockhart, don’t worry, the two of them are just little girls’ tempers, and soon they will understand you.” ”

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