According to Ye Ting’s analysis, it was precisely because Hermione knew him that she helplessly found that Ye Ting could crush her in everything, so Hermione, who did not admit defeat, had an obsession that surpassed Ye Ting.

As a result, her obsession beyond Ye Ting actually allowed her to overcome her fear of flying broomsticks. This led to this accident.

At this time, it was Penelope, who was not so familiar with Hermione, who untied her.

“Miss Granger, you have to believe that there are geniuses in the world.” While reassuring Hermione, she cast a complicated look at Ye Ting: “The knowledge that we have worked so hard to learn, they can learn it only by reading it once; We practiced the magic that we could use, and they tried it once and they cast it.

“In this regard, some people will not be convinced, they work hard, do everything to compete with geniuses, and sometimes mortals who work hard will defeat slack geniuses. The worst case scenario is that the genius not only learns faster than us ordinary people, but also works harder than us ordinary people, in this case, ordinary people who want to surpass the genius will only hit their heads and bleed.

“But why compete with genius? We should accept the talent gap calmly, and then compare with ourselves, and compare with people with our own talents, so as not to hit ourselves without self-confidence. Being stubborn only hurts ourselves. ”

“Besides,” she glanced at Ye Ting sadly and added, “A genius of his level, even I have never seen a second one. He’s a real exception, isn’t he? ”

Hearing her relief, Hermione nodded sobbed, feeling relieved.

But Ye Ting could only touch his nose awkwardly, being said to his face did make him feel a little strange, but he still took the opportunity to comfort Hermione.

“Actually, we all know your personality, so it doesn’t matter how stubborn you are. But don’t joke with your life when you are stubborn, this time my injury is just a small matter, at least I have a chance to save you. But what if you have another accident and I can’t save you even if I am injured? ”

In this way, Ye Ting was coaxing and reasoning, and finally made Hermione stop crying and break into laughter.

He felt that he was now treating these little girls as if he were taking care of his daughter.

He really hoped that they would mature quickly, otherwise…

Well, it’s hard to start.

The turmoil in the infirmary in the morning passed. But then is the beginning of this frustrating day.

After hearing that Ye Ting finally woke up, the door of the infirmary once again welcomed the queue of visiting girls.

Soon, Ye Ting had to sink deep into the pile of fat powder, and he forced himself to put on a stiff smile and entertain one visiting girl after another.

For a time, there were all kinds of flowers and gifts next to his hospital bed.

Most of the gifts were food, but Penelo and Zhang Qiu firmly refused to let him try it, believing that the food sent was likely to have a charm in it.

Next, Professor Dumbledore and Professor Flitwick also visited him one after another, the former greatly praised Ye Ting’s noble behavior of sacrificing himself to save others, and added 20 points to Ravenclaw.

After leaving the infirmary, Dumbledore secretly sighed that the genius recruited from the Wu Orphanage this time did not go the wrong way.

In addition to his condolences, Professor Flitwick told Ye Ting that he was very talented in flying and that the Academy hoped to recruit him to join the Ravenclaw Quidditch team.

For Quidditch, Ye Ting was still quite interested.

In his previous life, he himself was not good at sports, so he paid limited attention to various sports events.

But after being reincarnated, he not only has a strong magical talent, but also belongs to the superhuman category in terms of athletic ability – of course, not too much, because he is not yet an adult today; The second is because his strength, speed, and reflexes are superhuman not in their innate strength, but in their ability to grow with training without an upper limit.

So now he has a new interest in sports – who wouldn’t want to do what he does best?

First, he did not participate in any sports activities in the previous life, and legend has it that he gained the attention of classmates and the popularity of girls by showing his might in football and basketball, and such a plot experience is far from an otaku like him.

Second, although his main energy is still focused on learning magic and loli cultivation now, now he has an opportunity to pretend to be a little in front of others in his spare time, why not?

In this way, with the long time with the little wizards, he sometimes became a little naïve.

All in all, Ye Ting was of course happy to participate in the Quidditch team, so he readily agreed to Professor Flitwick’s request.


Under the strong recommendation of Zhang Qiu and Penelope, under health considerations, Ye Ting barely stayed in the infirmary for another day before he was able to be discharged.

After he was discharged

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