There was no way to see through Ye Ting’s thinking, and the Sorting Hat couldn’t judge him.

It hesitated for a long moment, until Professor McGonagall urged and was defeated.

“Okay, okay, then I’ll make an exception once, it’s up to you to decide where to go, which academy does Mr. Ye want to go to?”

“Ravenclaw.” Ye Ting replied.

“Ravenclaw!” The Sorting Hat shouted, then left another sentence in his mind: “I will remember you, child.” ”

Most of the Ravenclaw students were girls, and when they saw such a handsome guy being assigned to Ravenclaw, they cheered with joy and welcomed Ye Ting warmly.

Ye Ting sat among the girls, politely coping with their enthusiasm. Most people wanted to know him, and the seniors couldn’t wait to have a romantic date with him, which made Ye Ting have to refuse them one by one, during which he also heard Hermione and Zhang Qiu complaining about “no face.” ”

Others asked him about the origin of the cloak, and Ye Ting introduced them to his design and Mrs. Morkin’s shop, which unsurprisingly sparked a wave of admiration and praise.

It was the first time he had faced so many girls at once, and if he had been in college in his previous life, he would have been nervous and speechless, but now he could handle it comfortably—of course, college girls were much more difficult to deal with than the little girls at Hogwarts.

The last Sorting House to cause a sensation was, of course, Harry Potter.

Everyone wanted to see the boy who was immortal, and when he was sorted into Gryffindor, there was a loud cheer and the Weasleys’ twin shouted, “We have Potter!” We have Potter! Even the ghosts of Gryffindor welcomed it.

The last three people. Lisa Dupin became a Ravenclaw freshman.

Ron Weasley was sorted into Gryffindor.

Blaise Shabini was sorted into Slytherin.

Albus Dumbledore stood up. He looked at the students with a smile on his face and stretched out his arms to them, as if nothing made him happier than to see the students gathered together.

“Welcome!” He said, “Welcome to Hogwarts to start the new school year! Before the banquet begins, I would like to say a few words. That is: stupid! Cry! Residue! Wring! Thank you! ”

He sat down again. Everyone applauded and cheered.

But in reality, all the little wizards were confused by his last words.

“What does that mean?” Hermione on the side frowned.

“Leave that alone,” Zhang Qiu replied, “Dumbledore is a great wizard, but a little crazy…”

“He’s not crazy.” Ye Ting interjected, “These words are read backwards in Latin, which is, ‘May Merlin bless you.'” ’”

“Do you still speak Latin?” Hermione was so surprised that she didn’t even notice the pumpkin pie in her hand falling to the ground.

“Yes, the day after I decided to go to Hogwarts, I started learning Latin-” Ye Ting replied while enjoying a plate of roast lamb in front of him, “I also learned Old Celtic and Old Norman, which are historically important and mythical languages, and I think you might need them to learn magic, and as it turns out, I was right.” ”

“And Old Celtic and Old Norman! I don’t even know what they are! The girls were amazed at his genius and erudition, especially Hermione, who was also a top student, and she was really convinced of Ye Ting.

In front of a true demon genius, even a scholar must be ashamed of himself.

Then it’s time to eat. Ye Ting enjoyed the food of Hogwarts.

Although the dark cuisine of Britain is known to the world, the magical world of Britain is completely different from the Muggle world, and these delicacies overwhelm him, except for a little too sweet, basically every dish can make Ye Ting praise.

“If I were from Shanghai, I would like them doubly.” This was Ye Ting’s final evaluation, but even Zhang Qiu didn’t get what he meant.

After everyone had eaten, Dumbledore waved his wand casually, and in an instant, all the dishes disappeared.

He stood up, and silence returned to the dining room.

“Oh, now that everyone is full and drunk, I have a few more words to everyone. At the beginning of the semester, I would like to make a few caveats to you.

“First-year students are aware that the woods on campus are off-limits to students. Some of our classmates also have to remember this.

“Also, Mr. Filch, the administrator, asked me to remind everyone not to cast magic in the hallways between classes.

“The vetting of Quidditch players will take place during the second week of the semester. If you are interested in participating in the college team, please contact Mrs. Hooch.

“Finally, I must tell everyone that those who do not want to suffer an accident, painful and tragic death, please do not enter the corridor on the right side of the fourth floor.”

The freshmen were talking, and Hermione was curious to ask Zhang Qiu. But even Zhang Qiu was puzzled by the last one, saying that this rule was new this semester.

Only Ye Ting knew that the biggest accident in this school year came from this corridor.

However, from the heated discussion of the students, the legend of “Seven Incredible Campuses” is quite popular in both the East and the West.

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