God of Illusions

Chapter 0831: Yiren Lin Glass, Graduation Time!

“Yes, absolutely! ”

After a moment of silence, Bai Xiaofei gave a resolute answer. He could not imagine a future in which he could not be reunited with this group of people in front of him.

“Then I'm relieved, but we have one more question. ”

After receiving a satisfactory answer, Fangno again opened his mouth, but unlike just now, this time, Fangno's face was slightly more unfavourable.

It's over. This kid's gonna take advantage of me!

Bai Xiaofei immediately realized that it was wrong, but before he stopped the square field, the square field problem had come out.

“We should be able to drink you and the glass in our lifetime. ”


“Hurry up! ”

“There are so many babies to have! ”

“ …… ”

With the opening of Fangno, the people in the room immediately followed and the embarrassing Bai Xiaofei turned his eyes to the other person in the conversation, but made Bai Xiaofei panic that Lin Glass was looking at him with the most anticipated look.

“Glass is the best girl I've ever seen, and if I could, I think tomorrow would be that day, but now is not the time for us, but Glass can only be mine! ”

Bai Xiaofei's speech was not slow, his voice fell, and the whole class silenced for a moment, followed by a deafening cheer.

“Finally confessed!!! Sergeant and Glass confessed!!! ”

Qi Wei shouted loudly, and the rest of the people shouted similar to her. In this atmosphere, Bai Xiaofei slowly walked to the forest glass, at a time when the forest glass was desperately enduring tears in her large eyes.

From the first ignorant girl to now can kill the queen of the Quartet, Lin Glass can be said to have changed entirely because of Bai Xiaofei, but in the past four years, Lin Glass felt more and more distant from Bai Xiaofei, even less than those who later appeared beside Bai Xiaofei.

Once upon a time, Lin Gui did not know how many times to wake up because he dreamed that Bai Xiaofei had forgotten himself. Only those who were in it could feel the pain clearly. The other person, can always only be an outsider, and even Bai Xiaofei could not feel the pain.

“Sorry, I may be a little late to confess, would you like to wait for me, I will definitely go to Love Mountain to find you and marry the most beautiful girl in the world home as my wife, I should have this chance. ”

Hey, hey, smile. Bai Xiaofei gently knelt down on one knee and reached for the glass.

After listening to Bai Xiaofei, the tear beads in the orbit of Lin Glass fell out of the air, while Lin Glass gently placed his hand on Bai Xiaofei's hand.

“I want to live in a bedroom with you. It's my first thought! ”

Choking, Lin Guan succeeded in laughing at everyone in one sentence. In the eyes of everyone's blessings, Bai Xiaofei dragged Lin Guan into his arms and kissed indiscriminately.

Soft as a jade, like a heavenly man, this should have arrived long ago, but although it was late, it was still so beautiful...

“It's broken up. What are you looking at? It's over. Don't you know? ”

Xu Chen first stepped out and cleared the scene for Bai Xiaofei and, at the same time, cast a fierce eye on the square field.

That look is obvious, if you don't have any more action, wait for me to chop you to death!!!

Shortly afterwards, there were only two Bai Xiaofei left in the whole class. The soft, watery forest held Bai Xiaofei's arm tightly. It didn't mean anything to loosen up, but she knew that the time to stay with Bai Xiaofei was just for a while.

“I'm going to go back to Love Mountain, and my mom will pick me up tomorrow, and she said if I'm with someone who can't beat her, she's going to kill you, and now she's going to kill you. ”

Lin Guan can't lie at all, nor can he imply anything. In a word, Xiaofei Bai is cold and sweaty.

I'm a good boy. How much is this against a man?

However, Lin Niang Bai Xiaofei did see it. When he thought of the scene of so many attacks by the painful demon who had resisted his true dignity, Bai Xiaofei had to punch him in the mouth.

Indeed, that means destroying itself completely free of pressure...

“Don't worry, it won't take long for me to forget Mount Love, when you'll see a whole new me. ”

He gently touched the head of the forest glass, and Bai Xiaofei spoke seriously.

Although, he is still a cripple...

“Well, I believe you too! ”

Laughing, Lin Guan squeezed into Bai Xiaofei's arms again. For her, perhaps there is nothing more worthy of remembering than this embrace.

“Just hold me like that tonight, okay? Think of it as a confessional gift. ”

Faced with Lin Guan's request, Bai Xiaofei couldn't think of any reason to refuse. As such, Bai Xiaofei held Lin Guan for a quiet night...

The next morning, when Lin Gui woke up, Bai Xiaofei had left, but Lin Gui's mouth raised a satisfying smile.

For her, she has got what she wants most…

Graduation ceremonies are on schedule, students in the third grade are preparing for the final event, everyone is busy turning around, and the departing senior sisters are making their final farewell.

“Ladies and gentlemen, at the worst time of the year, this is the last time I want to speak every year, but this is also the time I have to do it, because after today, I will have a group of lovely students officially stepping into the continent to invade their lives, and I, as your leader, have to give you some heartfelt advice. ”

The center of the square, with the opening remarks of the Thunder Mountain, the whole square remained quiet, standing in the middle as graduates, and the rest were baptized as often as they could.

“First, never forget, the one behind you is Xingluo College! ”

“Secondly, never forget, what you're going out to represent is Xingluo College! ”

“Thirdly, never forget, your pride, is Xingluo College! ”

“Fourthly, never forget, the pride of Xingluo College is yours! ”

Thunder Mountain's speech was as short as ever, but it was the first climax of the entire graduation ceremony, because he represented Xingluo College!

“Honestly, this is the best one I've ever seen. You've done a lot of miracles, and I have to admit, one of the best of these miracles is a stinking kid with a headache, so next...”

Thunder Mountain carried on with the next ceremony of the primer, but the speech was not finished. A big bird flew through the air and an envelope slowly fell into the hands of Thunder Mountain.

The moment I saw the envelope, the corner of the Mountain's mouth fluttered, otherwise, after opening the envelope, the Mountain's mouth was almost bitten with white teeth.

“Bai Xiaofei, if you dare to come back, my husband won't cut you off, my name is Ray!!! ”

A roar through the sky was raised, and this speech by Thunder Mountain was recorded forever in Xingluo's history book...

Meanwhile, the infinite range of mountains has been walked out of, and the little white fly hastily clogged his ears.

“Hey, it's good to run so fast, it's coming from so far, if it's still in college, it's not really choked. ”

Speaking to himself, Bai Xiaofei took another step.

Xingluo mainland, I'm coming!!!

Face the wind!!!

PS: It's a little late to be back, but today there will be no less, the first one will be served!

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