“This idea is good.”

“Then listen to Senior Brother Wei.”

Everyone thinks it is feasible, so they are nodded. As for who this Senior Brother Wei is Huo Tianci has met before. His name is Wei Liangji. He is the most experienced martial artist among the crowd. Similarly, he is also the Rank Seven Sect-Core Disciple of Shenjiamen. It is precisely because of this that everyone is right. He is quite respectful, and now he is in charge of everyone, and everyone is convinced.

The last 30-odd team was divided into six groups under Wei Liangji’s reasonable allocation, each with six people, and at least one Xuan Wang led the team. Such a team , To be honest, but an extremely powerful battle strength.

It is a bit embarrassing that Huo Tianci is the thirty-seventh person.

Wei Liangji saw this and thought to himself, this is just right, after all, Huo Tianci’s strength, no matter what, it is only in the realm of the great profound master, and now he is taken care of by the most powerful group of people. It’s not bad. In the end, even if he doesn’t fight, let him see the world, it can be considered as an experience, after all, if he can survive here, it is success.

“many thanks Senior Brother Wei.” Huo Tianci cup one fist in the other hand thanks.

“Everywhere, they are all decent disciplines. Everyone helps each other. That’s right.” Wei Liangji waved his hand, and then under his order, six groups of people lined up in a row, and then each Six different directions entered the stones pile.

The luck is better, the Qinghongzong’s Konghao is also arranged in this group, Huo Tianci still has someone talking along the way, it is not lonely at all.

As for Zhang Hui, Lin Ye’er, and Na Juan, they did not dare to follow, because this is the “great character disciple” in their eyes, and they can participate in the adventure gathering.

For example, the inheritance eldest disciple of Qinghongzong-Konghao.

Although Konghao ranks first in all disciplines in the Qinghong sect, in this team, to be honest, he can only be ranked at the upper and middle level. After all, some of them are here. Rank Eight Sect, even within that Rank Seven Sect.

It is precisely because of this that even the three of Zhang Hui, who are not in the 5th layer of the profound spirit, dare not follow, because these great characters must not be simple, and they must be all. very dangerous.

As for why Huo Tianci dared to follow, it was because he was not afraid. After all, even the Outer Elder Ximen Lie of Blood Fiend Sect had died in his hands before.

“There is a team of demonic path martial artists about two miles to the west!” After walking like this for a while, Huo Tianci in the team suddenly said.

Wei Liangji looked surprised, because he was about to tell this story, but didn’t expect Huo Tianci unexpectedly took the lead.

When the martial artist’s realm reaches the Xuan Wang’s strength, his five senses, namely form, sound, smell, taste, and touch, will be sublimated to an incredible level. At that time, the Xuan king realm The martial artist can rely on the intangible aura radiated from the martial artist to detect where the enemy is.

Of course, this can only detect people whose strength is lower than one’s own, because high-strength or martial artists of equal strength can conceal one’s own aura so as not to be noticed by others.

But to achieve this step, you need to reach the mysterious king realm, and Huo Tianci’s current strength, not to mention the mysterious king, even the mysterious Spirit Realm can’t reach it, which makes Wei Liangji, Very surprised.

As for the others, everyone was stunned, because apart from Wei Liangji, their highest strength was Konghao’s half-king realm.

This half-king realm is better than Xuan Spirit Realm, but the strength has not reached the realm of Xuanwang. In the end, the martial artist called it the half-king realm, the half-king realm mentioned earlier. is also like this.

In other words, they still don’t have the ability to “perceive aura”, after all, their strength is not enough for the Profound King.

But now, Huo Tianci, a martial artist of the Great Profound Master Realm, has done this, can’t you say they are not shocked?

In the end, they all looked at Wei Liangji’s face with a shocked expression.

Of course, Wei Liangji knew what they wanted to ask, and immediately saw him nodded, said: “Little Brother Huo is right. Two miles to the west, there is indeed a team of demonic path people. I have to say, peerless. Genius is peerless genius. Huo Little Brother is so powerful. I think it is definitely more than ten times more than I expected.” Wei Liangji admired him because Huo Tianci was so godly, even the Great Profound Master did it. The matter of King Xuan.

Huo Tianci looked embarrassed, because he just wanted to tell everyone that there were enemies that’s all, and as a result, he pretended to be forced.

Of course, Huo Tianci’s ability is not the Profound King’s ability to “perceive aura”, but the mighty power of his [Clear Eyes and Wind Ears].

This can also be regarded as the ability of “breath-aware”, the luxurious version is topped with a super invincible version, because [Clear Eyes and Wind Ears] magical powers can not only find enemies, but also see how many enemies there are , And even more, can hear the enemy talking.

I have to say that supernatural powers are supernatural powers, terrifying and extremely powerful.

The last seven people were in a dumpling formation formation, and the team of demonic path people was killed directly.

“It turned out to be the discipline of Blood Flame Sect!” Wei Liangji was a little surprised. In other words, the Demon Sect that settled here is the Grade 7 Demon Sect-Blood Flame Sect.

“It turned out to be Blood Flame Sect!!!”

When everyone heard it was Grade 7 Demon Sect Blood Flame Sect, it was a bit panicked. After all, most of them are from In the sect of Grade 8 and Grade 9, facing such a huge monster now, I must be somewhat dreaded in my heart.

But Wei Liangji waved his hand to relieve them: “These disciplines that we killed just now are just the discipline that’s all of the outer sect of Blood Flame Sect, which means that this is not Blood. The base camp of Flame Sect, besides, our team, but there are six profound kings, when the time comes, even if you encounter a strong enemy, it will have the ability to fight.”

apart from this, Wei Liangji He also analyzed: “Since even Grade 7 Demon Sect Blood Flame Sect has been involved in this stones pile, then this is even more explanatory. There are good things in it. Otherwise, the expert of Blood Flame Sect will never be idle. It hurts. In such a dangerous place, it’s just who this expert is. I really can’t think of it. Anyway, as long as we don’t meet the True Disciple of Blood Flame Sect, then we all have a chance.”

At the end of the word, Wei Liangji looked at the other six people. After all, this is a team. If other people are unwilling to take risks, then he can’t help it. After all, teamwork, the few have to obey the majority.

“Senior Brother Wei said so, of course we are going.” Wei Liangji is the kind of person who talks better. If he is replaced by something else, he will probably just quit and drag them down. I left it aside, and went to hunt for treasure by himself, but Wei Liangji didn’t do this at all. It might have something to do with his personality.

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