“What panic! No matter how he is, it’s just the strength of the Great Profound Master Realm! A group of terrified people, get out of my way!” As he said, Gui San gave a violent cry, and immediately aside others Several of the ghost Ghost Sect’s disciplines immediately gave way and let him walk around, because the ghost three said that he meant to prepare himself.

“If the Third Senior Brother is on the move, it must be safe.” Seeing the ghost three personally went on, those Ghost Sect’s disciplines, that is not enough.

“After all, the Third Senior Brother’s Pluto-Liuhe Dafa has been practiced to the third level. Now even if that kid is weird, it is also weird. Our Third Senior Brother’s super strength!”

“Yes, after all, in front of the real power, everything is nothingness. I want to see that kid now. What tricks are still missing.”

Finally, the ghost moves three steps At the distance of Huo Tianci, it is only ten meters away.

Then Guisan stared at Huo Tianci and asked: “Boy, do you know who I am? If you are familiar, you should get rid of Laozi quickly, otherwise, I will kill you with you!”

And Huo Tianci is also straightforward. He just said the three characters don’t know because he didn’t know it.

“You dare to look down on me Guisan, kid, die for me!” This smashed Guisanqi, a wolf fang club directly.

This smash was powerful enough to see that Huo Tianci did not hide. Those Ghost Sect disciple who watched the battle were all happy to bloom.

“That kid is probably frightened, right? After all, the wolf fang club of the Third Senior Brother, but the Spirit Rank weapon, plus the profound spirit power of the Third Senior Brother, then Even if the kid had Copper Skin & Iron Bones, he would still be smashed into flesh today.”

“From this look, we should have overestimated the brat.”

Just when these Ghost Sect disciplines were boasting, a big kitchen knife suddenly appeared in Huo Tianci’s hands.

Gui San, who is holding a wolf fang club and has smashed it, sees this, it is laughed heartily.

“Boy, do you think this is the restaurant’s back kitchen, you can come and cook with a kitchen knife, hahaha, it’s so funny to me!”

But when Huo Tianci slashed After going, this ghost three couldn’t laugh anymore.

Because of Huo Tianci’s this blade, he directly cut his Spirit Rank weapon wolf fang club into two pieces.

In the end, Huo Tianci also said: “You are right, I am here to cook, because you, are my dishes!”

Crescent Moon! ! !

Then I saw a crescent-shaped light blue blade, which flew directly above Huo Tianci’s moonslash chopper.

When that ghost saw this, his whole body was trembling, because Huo Tianci’s big kitchen knife was so powerful that it far exceeded his imagination.

Liuhe Dafa of the Ming Body!

The third one! Spirit Physique is not bad!

But Ghost III, not at all, sits and waits to die. Then, on his body, a cloud of blood black rays of light appeared instantly, and the rays of light completely enveloped him, like a A piece of armor completely protected him.


Finally, the pale blue crescent sky slashed on it, only a bit of that’s all shattered.

“It’s so hard!” Huo Tianci was a little surprised, because Huo Tianci originally thought that his crescent moon would smash the ghost three directly.

As for the ghost three, he was even more surprised, because his Spirit Physique is not bad, and the general low grade Spiritual Artifact can’t be broken.

But today, a rift was cut by a kid from the Great Profound Master Realm.

But in an instant, Huo Tianci’s expression was restored to its original state, because he has a way to deal with such martial artists with extremely high “armor”.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for using [Character Card: Promise Sword Master Yi].

Wuji sword dao! !

Immediately, Master Yi’s E skill was immediately used.

After using Master Yi’s E skill Promise sword dao, real damage can be added, and this real damage can ignore all armor defenses of the opponent’s target.

In other words, now the Spirit Physique of Ghost III is not bad, and in front of him, there is a piece of paper that can be pierced at any time.

However, when Huo Tianci was about to slay the ghost three with a single blow, embarrassment came.

The “ding” equipment is wrong, please switch the “sword” equipment to the host before using the Promise sword dao.

The “ding” equipment is wrong, please switch the “sword” equipment to the host before using the Promise sword dao.

“Damn, forget this.” Because Huo Tianci’s current hand, the weapon he is holding is the battle soul knife.

And the sword, how can it be possible to use the Promise “sword” Tao.

In an instant, another weapon appeared in Huo Tianci’s palm. This weapon was sword-shaped, red all over, and Spiritual Qi floated.

This is the Spirit Sword created by Huo Tianci with Flame Crystal. Finally, under the blessing of the Wuji sword dao, Huo Tianci was cut out with a single sword and disappeared in an instant.

Alpha Raid! ! !

Yes, Huo Tianci used Master Yi’s Q skill.

Gui San saw Huo Tianci in front of him, and disappeared in an instant. It was a moment of have one’s hair stand on end.

“Third Senior Brother, be careful behind!” Aside, the other Ghost Sect disciple who was watching the battle hurriedly called, because Huo Tianci had already come behind Gui San at this time.

Gui San was shocked when he heard the sound, and then immediately retreated back and forth, but it was too late.

Because Huo Tianci’s sword has been submerged in his back.

Before Huo Tianci used this move to go to a sneak attack to pass Ma Jiang, but in the end, Huo Tianci not at all did one strike certain kill, only pierced Ma Jiang’s arm that’s all .

As for why Guisan was severely hit this time, it was because Huo Tianci’s sword was no longer the profound sword, but a Spirit Sword.

So not to mention, after a long time of use, the character card of Yi master has also gone from the initial elementary level to the current intermediate level. This has a certain enhancement in formidable power.

In the end, it resulted in that Huo Tianci one strike certain kills the ghost three, even if he has the Spirit Physique Indestructible Body of the third conjugation.

After all, Master Yi’s Promise sword dao has a high level of “armor” that specializes in you. What’s more, on this Spirit Sword, Huo Tianci has carved several armor penetrating rune.

In other words, Huo Tianci is now the grandfather of these Ghost Sect disciple, because the disciplines in this Ghost Sect basically cultivation the Liuhe Dafa.

And Huo Tianci, ignoring the “armor”, just ask if you are afraid.

Finally, Spirit Sword pierced the heart of Guisan from behind, Guisanzu!

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for killing the Ghost Sect outer sect Third Disciple-Ghost III, obtaining a blue cultivation base pill and three Mysterious Grade quality spiritual grass.

“Third Senior Brother was killed, let’s run away.” After the death of Ghost III, the other Ghost Sect’s disciplines all fled out immediately, but how could Huo Tianci escape for them? Opportunity.

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