But Huo Tianci is not ready to use this move now, because he wants to try his ability to burn fruits.

In addition to being able to transform the fruit into fire and perform various types of flame moves, the burning fruit can also wrap flames around the weapon, giving the weapon the dual power of blunt weapon attack and flame.

In other words, Huo Tianci now wants to combine the power of burning fruit with the power of moonslash in his hand.


Finally, I saw a ball of flame, along Huo Tianci’s right arm holding the knife, like a fire snake hovering, emerging on the sky lock moonslash.

At the same time.

Eight Sects Dunjia-Injury Door

Open! ! !

A sensation~!

I saw a stronger force appearing on Huo Tianci.

After this scene appeared, all directions, even if it were described as The earth shook and the mountain quivered, it was nothing too much.

Seeing this, Ximen Lie showed a sense of fear on his face, because Huo Tianci hadn’t moved, but the power emerging from him had already shocked him. Bloody face, trembling unstoppable.

“I’m fighting with you!” Ximen Lie’s formula came out again, and immediately after the seven-sided trembling bloody evil flag, it was as stable as before and became the original. In the end, a large amount of black miasma spewed out of these seven bloody evil flags, and these miasma condensed into a huge black skull in a matter of minutes.

After that, Ximen Lie actually bit his tongue, took out a blood essence, and the blood essence followed his magic decision, and finally entered his seven-faced blood evil flag Inside.

For a moment, the black skull gathered by the miasma seemed to have become alive, opening a huge black mouth and moving towards Huo Tianci and swallowing the past.

“We can’t help but wind!”

For this, Huo Tianci is not afraid at all. If you don’t say so, it is even more disdainful, because he is now, but the power of 3rd-layer is gathered in one.

Death God’s power of slaying.

The power of burning fruit in One Piece.

In addition, in Naruto, Eight Sects is the power of escape.

“break for me!”

This blade was cut out, but the so-called world shacking, weeping Ghost God, in the end I only saw the black skull that was live, and it was directly by Huo Tianci might of a single blade, completely cut to nothingness.

Don’t say so, the Killing Formation of the Seven Blood Evil Seven was still broken in this brief moment, just like a broken mirror, completely broken into powder.

In the end, I saw the seven-faced bloody evil flag, like an eggplant beaten by frost, completely falling off and falling on the ground.

Ximen Lie was completely panicked when he saw this, because the Killing Formation of the Seven Blood Fiends arranged by the Seven Blood Fiend Banners was his biggest ultimate move.

And this biggest killer move is now cut by Huo Tianci.

It is precisely because of this that this expert who possesses the strength of Xuanling 9th layer realm Peak, one and a half feet has already stepped into the expert of Xuanking realm, in this brief moment, Actually chose to escape.

And his opponent is only a great profound master.

“True TM is useless.” Looking at Ximen Lie who was running away, Huo Tianci gave him a little complaint.

If Ximen Lie escaped before, Huo Tianci would definitely not be able to catch up. But now, Huo Tianci is in a state of swastika. As a result, Ximen Lie, who fled for ten seconds, actually In just an instant, Huo Tianci was caught up.

Turn into a fog! ! !

When I saw Huo Tianci appear in front of me and slashed out the moonslash in his hand, I immediately saw Ximen Lie, which immediately turned into a black fog and escaped Huo Tianci’s attack.

After dodge, Ximen Lie immediately said to Huo Tianci: “Boy, although I can’t beat you, but you, don’t even want to kill me! Or else, we will assume that no one has seen Who, how?”

Ximen Lie is scared. An expert who has stepped into the mysterious king realm with half his feet is actually scared at this moment, and the only person he is afraid of If you say this about the strength of the profound master, no one would dare to believe it, but the current facts are indeed true.

That is Ximen Lie, afraid of Huo Tianci.

On the other hand, Huo Tianci, who heard this, puchi directly and laughed heartily, because he really did not expect that Ximen Lie would be afraid of him, so he would be who he said. I haven’t seen anyone.

But in a blink of an eye, Huo Tianci’s smile stopped abruptly. Finally, I saw Huo Tianci facing Ximen Lie in front of him, and suddenly said with a cold face: “Who said I, kill I can’t stop you!”

“By the way, didn’t you tell me about your tricks and turn my body into fire? Then Lao Tzu will tell you now, this under Lao Tzu blade, you can completely cut off your body and turn into a fog! And, it can also kill you directly!”

Speaking, Huo Tianci started manually, and the moonslash in his hand also started to wave. .

Seeing this, Ximen Lie immediately fled again.

Unfortunately, all are useless.

The crescent moon is in the sky! ! !

Finally, I saw the black crescent-shaped blade in the state of swastika, flew out of the moonslash in Huo Tianci’s hand, moved towards the fleeing Ximen Lie, and cut it over.

Ximen Lie’s face is as gray, because the force rushing towards him is too terrifying to the extreme, but in the end, he still used his incarnation fog to resist, because he only has this move available .

It’s a pity that everything is nothing, because even if the body temporarily turned into a foggy state, the black crescent of Huo Tianci still destroyed him.

In the end, the black mist was washed away by the crescent sky, completely washed away, and disappeared. The Ximen Lie showed the real body, but the real body has been cut into Two paragraphs.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for killing Blood Fiend Sect Outer Elder ——Ximen Lie, obtaining three blue cultivation base pill and two platinum lottery coins.

The rewards of system can only be regarded as so-so, but this Ximen Lie’s baby, but it is not anymore, let alone the seven blood evil flags, it is nothing Small wealth, even after decomposition.

“Fuck~, this guy is really Outer Elder, he has so much oil and water on his body.” In Ximen Lie’s Heaven and Earth Bag, I don’t say that it’s a low grade Spirit Stone, even a middle one. Grade Spirit Stone, that has dozens of dollars.

Blood evil net!

In the end, Huo Tianci was still inside, and another profound treasure was discovered, that is, the blood evil net that had previously turned Huo Tianci into fire and lost its effectiveness.

After a little inspection, Huo Tianci was surprised to find that this blood evil net was not attached with a mind mark, which means that Huo Tianci can use it, so that it will not be Blood Fiend. Sect’s people were tracked down.

As for the previous blood evil net, Huo Tianci has completely destroyed it.

However, Huo Tianci can still decompose it, pick up the slag, and throw it directly into the decomposer.

In the end, there was a ding sound, and these fragments turned into two pieces of chalcedony. I have to say that the decomposer is a dick, not picky at all.

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