“Brother Huo, although you are looking for treasure, leave it to me outside.” Fu Zhizhao patted and promised.

Huo Tianci nodded, and then got into the ground.

The rock quality of this mountain is extremely hard, and the harder you dig down, the harder it becomes.

It is precisely because of this that Huo Tianci’s digging speed is quite slow, especially when it is about 500 metres deep, even the Spirit Rank weapons are a bit unmovable.

“It’s no wonder those people gave up in the end. It turned out to be for this reason.” Huo Tianci brow beaded with sweat thought, because this is not what they want to give up, but they don’t Can continue to dig down.

Fortunately, Huo Tianci can blast with a grenade, but after being self-defeating, that is, almost blasting the tunnel, Huo Tianci never dare to use it again.

However, Huo Tianci also has a big kitchen knife, so Huo Tianci gave up mining picks and grenade, directly switched to moonslash, and started to continue mining.

In this way, after digging for half a month, Huo Tianci finally digged to 1000 meters underground.

Careful eyes open!

During the break, Huo Tianci opened his clairvoyance and looked around here.

“You can only explore, the range is 50 meters away!” This makes Huo Tianci very helpless, it feels like a person can’t exert strength in the water, and now his clairvoyance is superb. This underground is also not working hard.

Or maybe you can say that, he is getting closer and closer to that baby, otherwise, how could Huo Tianci Divine Ability clairvoyance be disturbed.

“Go on! Go on!” He drank his saliva and wiped his sleeves up, after which Huo Tianci continued to take out the big kitchen knife and started digging wildly.

Because it is a knife, and it is also very large, Huo Tianci’s mining speed is relatively slow. Fortunately, Huo Tianci has multiple Shadow Clone techniques.

When the time comes, one person is at the front and the other is at the back. The two of them hold moonslash chisel with their four hands, and they can go faster.

“I rely on, No way, even moonslash can’t be broken!”

When the moonslash was dug down to a thousand 400 meters, the moonslash was cut down, and it was no longer rock fragmentation. , But the spark went straight up.

This scared Huo Tianci, and quickly stepped forward and took a closer look.

“hu~, I really scared me to death. It turns out that I dug a piece of Flame Crystal.” Huo Tianci thought, it’s no wonder there will be sparks.

But after that, I was even more surprised, because after cutting the rock in front of me, what appeared inside was a Flame Crystal as big as a wall.

In the end, this Flame Crystal wall completely blocked Huo Tianci’s path.

“I dig down! I see how you can block it!” Huo Tianci thought, if there is no way, I will create a way.

Just digging like this, this huge fire Flame Crystal finally fully revealed its true body under Huo Tianci’s eyelids.

“Spherical shape!” Huo Tianci was shocked by the fact that this Flame Crystal actually showed a shape similar to a sphere, and its size was almost as large as one foot in diameter. , And how big is a foot, it is three meters long.

Finally, with the help of system, Huo Tianci was confused.

top grade fire Flame Crystal, because this turned out to be a big piece of top grade fire Flame Crystal!

“My God!” This made Huo Tianci, that was a long time without spirit slowly recovers, because this baby, completely out of his accident, immediately saw Huo Tianci, immediately concentrated, check it out This top grade fire Flame Crystal comes.

“My clairvoyance, I can’t see it through! Could it be the invisible power emitted by this thing that blocked my Divine Ability power before?” Huo Tianci frowned tightly , Because of his clairvoyance, he couldn’t see through the internal structure of Flame Crystal.

But Huo Tianci has another pair of powerful eyes.

Write round eyes! ! !

Afterwards, with the help of the unique pupil technique of writing round eyes, Huo Tianci discovered that the flame crystal interior part of this sphere actually contains a mass, which is more powerful than the top grade flame flame crystal. .

Although Zhuanyan cannot present the actual state of the item in his mind, it can, allowing users to see clearly the power fluctuations of its item.

In the end, Huo Tianci discovered that the power fluctuations in the flame crystal interior are actually larger than those outside, and the magnitude is at least ten times different.

It is more than ten times more powerful than top grade Flame Crystal.

Huo Tianci thought, is it possible that the thing in it is the baby with the quality of Earth Grade!

That is-the rare and exotic stone of Earth Grade!

With a sharp twist, Huo Tianci’s expression turned into mad excitement, because if this is the case, then he has an Earth Grade quality weapon.

Because of the refining materials, the Eight Trigrams Furnace can be directly refined into weapons.

“hahaha, as expected, persistence is victory! I have been digging for more than half a month!”

While excited, Huo Tianci held moonslash in his hand, ready to round this The flame of the sphere is divided into two halves.

“Damn it, it’s so hard!” After all, it is a top grade fire Flame Crystal, and the space is too small for Huo Tianci to simply display it.

But it’s okay. Slow work leads to meticulous work. Indirectly, this also saves Huo Tianci. Go and destroy the contents.

It feels like a TV sketch, a line said, first use a small hammer to dig the seam, and then use a sledgehammer to fix it.

However, afterwards, Huo Tianci hadn’t used a sledgehammer, and it was done.

“It turned out to be hollow!”

If you use one thing to describe the scene before you, Huo Tianci instantly thought of the cracked raw egg, and finally peeled a small piece of the shell Huo Tianci, finally saw the treasure inside this “egg”.

What finally appeared inside, turned out to be a dazzling crystal like a flame.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for finding Flame Crystal mother, get a reward, a special lottery fragment.

“Huh? Is this the Flame Crystal mother!” For a while, Huo Tianci was a little confused, and when he heard that there was a reward, he became even more excited.

And this reward is still that special lottery fragment.

Special lottery fragments, plus this piece, Huo Tianci now has four pieces on his body. If he gets five pieces, then he can piece them together into a complete special lottery. Coins, when the time comes to draw a special lottery machine, isn’t it cool?

As for what Flame Crystal mother is, I think you can see it literally.

Mother, in the human sense, refers to mother, mother, which means mother who raises children.

In other respects, of course the same is true, but the saying is different that’s all. Among the rare and exotic stones, this meaning is called the origin.

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