Then I saw Cai Ruicheng and directly took out five Chengfeng pills. Not only Zhao Chengye, but also Zhao Chengye’s four subordinates, he issued one.

I have to say, very rich and powerful, because as far as Zhao Chengye knows, now this Chengfeng Dan is worth 88 low grade Spirit Stone.

Five, which is four hundred and forty yuan, which is equivalent to the sales profit of an ordinary small shop for half a year.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that Chengfeng Dan can really make people fly.

Flying, but the powerhouse of the mysterious king realm can possess the ability.

This made Zhao Chengye, who did not have the strength of the Profound King and only the strength of the Profound Spirit, looked shocked.

“Brother Cai, where did you get this medicine pill?” Zhao Chengye now called Cai Ruicheng directly, he was his brother. I have to say that Chengfengdan completely shocked him.

Cai Ruicheng is also intriguing. Of course, he will not tell the existence of Huo Tianci. In the end, he only saw Cai Ruicheng. He said to Zhao Chengye like this: “You tell the truth, Old Brother. A few days ago, it was going to be closed. Fortunately, a good friend of my father suddenly appeared and rescued me.”

Compared to the closing of the door, Zhao Chengye was more curious. , Who is Cai Ruicheng’s father and friend?

For this, Cai Ruicheng pretended to be embarrassed and explained: “Actually, I simply don’t know each other. After all, my father has been dead for more than ten years. After that, this Senior Came to my place and said that he was a good friend of my father, and many years ago, he had received the favor of my father. In the end, when I saw my frustration, it helped me, saying that power should be a reward.”

These words are, of course, lies. As for why Cai Ruicheng fabricated it, of course it was because Huo Tianci didn’t want anyone to know his existence.

Finally because of this, Cai Ruicheng fabricated this non-existent Senior expert.

On the other hand, Zhao Chengye, who had listened to these words, was a little nodded, because he himself had encountered this kind of thing once.

“It turned out to be Brother Cai’s uncle, what about this uncle now?” Zhao Chengye asked tentatively.

When I saw Cai Ruicheng falter, Zhao Chengye didn’t ask much.

But Cai Ruicheng will also say: “My uncle has the strength of the Profound King, and he is still in a certain sect. As a Guest Elder, as for the specific identity, it is really inconvenient for me to tell my brother “

When Cai Ruicheng said so, he actually only has one purpose, and that is to make Zhao Chengye fear him, otherwise, Zhao’s Chamber of Commerce family is big, he is a lackey, but simply Without the right to speak, there is a non-existent Xuan Wang, Zhao Chengye will definitely be cautious about 30%.

“so that’s how it is, then this Chengfeng Pill must be developed by Brother Cai’s uncle, right?” Zhao Chengye asked again.

Cai Ruicheng nodded: “Exactly, apart from this, my uncle gave me a lot of peculiar medicine pill.”

While saying, Cai Ruicheng took the Fasting Pill and returned There was healing medicine ointment, all of them were taken out, and then they were told to Zhao Chengye separately.

During the period, Zhao Chengye’s expression was complicated and varied, but he did not leave. The two words were “shock.”

“Dare to ask Brother Cai’s uncle, how many stars does Pill Concocting have?” Zhao Chengye asked boldly.

And Cai Ruicheng bluntly said: “It’s almost six-star level. If it weren’t for this uncle to help me, I guess, my congruent building is already closed.”

“Almost six stars!” As soon as these words came out, Zhao Chengye’s entire body trembled, because the most powerful Alchemist in the flame country was only five-star bronze that’s all.

“It’s no wonder that this Senior can study so many magical medicine pills. It turns out to be a six-star Alchemist, a peerless great Alchemist!” Unconsciously, Zhao Chengye even took pictures. Up a flattery.

Because he came this time, besides wanting to cooperate with Chengfeng Dan, he also has the heart to help.

Because the Old Master of Zhao’s family passed away half a month ago. Before his death, the Old Master left a legacy, saying that within half a year, among the five children, who can take care of his family The most beautiful, then the position of the Patriarch of the Zhao Family will be passed on to whom, to be frank, whoever can earn the most silver in half a year, then who is the Patriarch.

These five are also the five Elders of the Zhao family. This Zhao Chengye is the Great Elder, that is, the eldest son of Old Zhao and the First Young Master of the Zhao family.

At noon today, he heard that a spatial flight medicine pill had appeared in the city, he immediately set out to let people investigate it, and then learned that it was out of the Heyi Building, so he personally came to this Heyi Inside the building, I am going to talk to Cai Ruicheng about Chengfengdan.

“It turns out that Zhao Old Master has passed away. It’s a pity that a generation of heroes.” Cai Ruicheng also took a flattery, but he didn’t know about it, because he was just a hero in the city of flame. Lackey is nothing but a family as big as the Zhao family, how could it be possible to invite him to worship.

“When the limit is reached, there is no breakthrough Xuanzang. In the end, eh~, I have to say that life essence is everything for martial artist. Others, to be honest, to the end, It’s all that nothingness.” Zhao Chengye said something heartbreaking.

Cai Ruicheng slowly nodded, and then the two of them did not cover up, and directly talked about the cooperation.

Finally, good talk, but Cai Ruicheng can’t be the master.

“Sorry, Brother Zhao, I still have to see what my uncle meant for this final decision, but I can tell him what you said, Brother Zhao, intact. “Cai Ruicheng laughed and said, because it needs Huo Tianci nodded.

Of course, Zhao Chengye knows. Finally, he cup one fist in the other hand and said to Cai Ruicheng: “Then trouble you brother Cai, when the time comes, then we will make a fortune together. !”

After Zhao Chengye left, Cai Ruicheng immediately reported the matter to Huo Tianci.

When Huo Tianci heard about the origins of Zhao Chengye, he was delighted, because Zhao Chengye had as many as eleven shops, and even Auction House had three.

With the help of this east wind, coupled with the power of his double Gold Coin card, Huo Tianci thought that he would have to fly into the sky, so no matter what, Huo Tianci said nothing. He chose to agree.

“If you make a profit, give him 20%! Of course, if you give so much, I have a request. That is the resource under his hand, that is, the shop Auction House or something. In the next period of time, I will use it all alone, and my identity will be your uncle’s True Disciple, do you understand?”

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