“This is a sign of breakthrough!”

After this natural phenomenon was over, as expected, the system hint sounded again.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for successfully breaking through to the 4th layer of the Profound Master Realm.

“ding” won the reward of realm breakthrough, a platinum lottery coin, and a Viagra refining method.

“Viasco? Fuck, No way.” Huo Tianci thought, this reward is a bit awkward.

It is estimated that few people know about the three words Viagra, but when it comes to the blue pill, if you talk to Brother Wei, you will suddenly realize it right away. That’s right, Viagra, It was Brother Wei, and now, Huo Tianci got this refining method.

“This…” For a moment, Huo Tianci became a little messy, because this is the old driver, the absolute good medicine to start the car again, as the saying goes, charge for five minutes and last for two hours.

Huo Tianci only feels that he is going to post again.

As soon as your mind moves, you can learn the refining methods of Viagra directly.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for successfully learning the Viagra refining method.

After that, Huo Tianci, who was resurrected with blood and full of blood, jumped off the messy arena and came to Wu Qiushuang’s side. As for how Huo Tianci revived with blood and full of blood, it was because It’s not surprising that he upgraded just now and then returned to full state.

However, all the others present were gutted, because Huo Tianci could not only break through in the battle, but also instantly recover all his injuries after the battle.

For this, Huo Tianci just wants to say, this is really just a coincidence.

“I heard that the moon is very round tonight, shall we go to enjoy the moon?” Before and after Wu Qiushuang’s body, Huo Tianci said this, yes, he learned this routine Yes, I have to say, it’s also very useful, because Wu Qiushuang was nodded ashamed at the end.

“Then we’ll see you tonight, I will go to see Xiao Ye with Xiaoya now.” Maybe it’s sorry. Finally, I saw Wu Qiushuang holding Nangongya’s arm and leaving here with a shy face .

“Okay.” Huo Tianci waved his hand, his heart was extremely surging, because this should be, the appointment was made.

“Brother Tian.” At this moment, Ren Hui and the crowd came to Huo Tianci’s side.

In the end, I saw the old driver Hu Lei, his probe pointed at Huo Tianci and whispered: “Tiange, in the room of Juyalou (the name of a hotel), the bed is softer and the soundproofing effect is also very good. You can try it tonight.”

“Try your sister! Do you think I am as stubborn as you!” Huo Tianci immediately became indignant, if he didn’t say so, he still Ideological education started Hu Lei.

“I said Hu Lei, where is this Juya Building?” Huo Tianci thought, if the bed is not soft, I will ask you.

Hu Lei looked blushed with shame, looked around, this guy finally understood. It turns out that now, people are gone.

“Pretend to be forced!” After thinking about these two words, Hu Lei looked like an old driver and said, “Well, on the edge of the moat in the Western District, no matter pa pa pa, he still eats. , They are all very good.”

“What about the moon viewing?” Huo Tianci asked seriously.

“Appreciating the moon?” For this, Hu Lei thought, now that people are gone, don’t pretend, then he said to Huo Tianci speechless saying: “Brother Tian, ​​Wu’s Young Lady is here Next to you, do you still want to see the moon?”

“This, we are pure.”

“Pull you down!”

I saw in the end Hu Lei, Ren Hui, and the others all raised their middle fingers to Huo Tianci because they were too pretending.

“Brother Tian, ​​give you a good thing.” After despising Huo Tianci, the old driver Hu Lei secretly gave Huo Tianci a small jade bottle.

Open it and take a look. There are several brown medicine pill the size of a fingertip.

“Fu Lu Dan?” Although Huo Tianci has never seen it, the system’s viewing function has already told him what it is.

After that, Huo Tianci checked the attributes of Fuludan.

Fulu Dan: health care medicine pill, after taking it, it can last for five minutes for men to pay public food.

“Fuck, what are you doing for this, we are pure.” Huo Tianci thought, aren’t you spoiling minors.

In contrast, Hu Lei directly gave Huo Tianci an expression that everyone is their own: “Brother Tian, ​​you still pretend to be with me, this Fuludan, ordinary people don’t know, unless, hehehe, you use Pass.”

As soon as Hu Lei said this, Huo Tianci was speechless for an instant. He thought to himself, I want to say that I can see through this medicine pill attribute, would you believe it?

I guess, Hu Lei didn’t believe it, so Huo Tianci didn’t say much, because the more the explanation, the more chaotic, besides, even if he wants to use it, does he need this inferior product.

“Don’t you just extend it for five minutes, do you think I will use this garbage medicine pill?” Huo Tianci looked disdainful.

After seeing Huo Tianci even saying the extended time, Hu Leina was even more convinced that Huo Tianci has used it before, because the extended duration of Fulu Dan is only used People can tell.

“I also said that I’m not an old driver.” Hu Lei slanted Huo Tianci, thinking you just pretend.

However, Huo Tianci really never used it. In the end, out of helplessness, Huo Tianci could only “call” his “Brother Wei”.

“I don’t bother to use five-minute things. I’m not telling you. I have something that can be extended by half an hour.”

“Half an hour! “When these words came out, not only Hu Lei was stunned, but even some other hidden old drivers couldn’t help but jump out, because the half-hour extension was a bit of a shock.

“Brother Huo, is it true?” Ren Hui, an old driver, jumped out first, because a man must not be short. Of course, this short has several meanings, especially The shortest time is the most deadly.

“Have I told a lie.” Huo Tianci raised his mouth, thinking that all of you are weak, because half an hour is nothing.

“My medicine pill, if you take one pill, it will extend for half an hour, and at least, if you take two pill, it will be doubled. This is more powerful than the fludan. More, you said, would I use it? Besides, I don’t need it.” Huo Tianci thought, there is nothing wrong with my brother. As for taking drugs, Huo Tianci looked disdainful. Need drugs.

“My god, such a good thing, I want to share it.” Hu Lei said this, itchy.

For this, Huo Tianci is a little embarrassed, because of Brother Wei’s refining method, he just got it.

“This, I haven’t refined it yet.”

As soon as these words were spoken, the five Hu Lei immediately spoke to Huo Tianci in unison, saying a “cut” Words, because this is not a lie, a blank vernacular.

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