However, since the servant had already surrendered, Huo Tianci retracted his feet again. Finally, I saw Huo Tianci cup one fist in the other hand and said to Fang Xing: “you let me win!”

“you let me win!” Fang Xing got up and said.

Finally, the referee announced: “Sixteen first round competition, Huo Tianci will win!”

The next second game was Ye Lingfeng vs. Tong Fang.

In this regard, Tong Fang just wanted to say: “Labor and capital are really beeping dogs!”

Because Huo Tianci and Ye Lingfeng are not the current him, but there is resistance. , Of course, in the future.

“Damn, the two most powerful, I actually met them all.” In the end, the helpless Tong Fang had to fall into the loser group again.

The round of 16 matches is a separate calculation. It is not related to the previous ones. In the end, eight people win and qualify directly, while the eight losers compete for the last two qualifying places.

However, it is not necessarily a bad thing to fall into the loser’s group, because in the round of 16 games, every game is hard, good luck points, minor injuries, bad luck, basically Have been carried out.

In the last eight losers group, there were only four people who participated in the subsequent competition. However, half of these four people had injuries. As for the two who were not injured, they were the ones who gave up. Fang Xing, talk to Tong Fang.

I have to say that fortune and misfortune are really dependent on each other, and it is precisely because of this that these two goods, with almost no effort, won the qualifying places. Although it is a bit of a thing, it is after all qualifying. Up.

Next, the main event came, because the game has always been, getting better and better.

The most important thing is that everyone wants to know who is stronger, Huo Tianci and First Senior Brother Ye Lingfeng.

In this regard, Academy is also treacherous. Because of the eight-final lottery, they separated Huo Tianci from Ye Lingfeng. That is to say, if you want to see the duel between these two people, then just Can be in the final martial stage.

However, this is pretty good, after all, does it leave people with some suspense?

“Next, I announce that in the top half of the quarterfinals, Ye Lingfeng will play against Ge Yan, and Nangongya will play against Lingyan!”

“In the second half of the quarterfinals, Huo Tianci will play against Wu Qiushuang, Liao Dong vs. Feng Zhao!”

Wu Qiushuang is good luck, because the opponent she faced in the last round, like her, is the 9th layer of the profound practitioner, and finally relying on Fire Attribute’s innate advantage of profound energy, Wu Qiushuang won by one point by chance.

But this is not the case for the 8-in-4 game, because now except for her, all the rest off the court are experts of the Profound Master Realm.

However, Wu Qiushuang is also satisfied, because her goal is to enter the top ten of the Core Disciple, and then get the ticket to the Hundred Court Competition.

Now that the goal is reached, Wu Qiushuang is extremely happy. As for the battle with Huo Tianci, Wu Qiushuang gave up directly. Because of the previous battle, she was also injured a little bit. The most important thing is that she simply beat But Huo Tianci, after all, Huo Tianci is now a profound master, and she is just a profound practitioner.

“When my breakthrough reaches the Profound Master Realm, I will definitely get my revenge!” Wu Qiushuang wanted to make up for this battle after his breakthrough.

For this, Huo Tianci immediately took a step back, and said in a frightened manner: “Don’t tell me, I can’t beat you.”

“Cut~, you are inconsistent. , Jing took me to make fun, knowing that I couldn’t beat you, so I came to turn around and laugh at me.” Wu Qiushuang pouted, looking unhappy.

After seeing this, Huo Tianci faintly smiled and said: “Because I will never do it to you.”

As soon as this word came out, somehow, Wu Qiushuang stayed Meng stopped, and then she looked at Huo Tianci for a long time.

“Me too.” In the end, Little Lass also faintly said this sentence, because of Huo Tianci’s love, she just deeply felt it.

“If I win the first place, how about you being my girlfriend?” Huo Tianci suddenly became bold. To be honest, he didn’t know how he came to say this, and the words fell. The atmosphere is somewhat embarrassing, because on the earth, Huo Tianci has been single for 28 years, and he has never talked about a dime in love. At this time, Huo Tianci’s mind is full of dreams. He is thinking, if Wu Qiushuang is not What should I do if I promise?

But if Wu Qiushuang agreed, what should he do?

“This fuck, absolutely can’t be counseled!” Finally, Huo Tianci straightened his waist, staring at Wu Qiushuang, waiting for her answer.

“Um…, okay~.” Wu Qiushuang thought to herself, this big idiot finally knew how to resuscitate.

“ding” system hint: The harem system is turned on. Congratulations to the host for successfully winning the heart of a woman.

“Ding” congratulations to the host for the reward, a copy of Dual Cultivation Pill Recipe.

Dual Cultivation Pill: After taking the cultivation together with the opposite sex, it can increase the cultivation speed by 100%. If there is a cultivation technique blessing, this effect will be doubled.

“I rely on, we are pure and good cut!” Huo Tianci thought to himself, what do you mean, it makes him seem to have had any intentions.

Of course, this doesn’t seem to be a bad thing, after all, double cultivation, Huo Tianci thought badly.

As for the cultivation technique, the Jade Girl’s Heart Sutra is not.

“This system seems to have been premeditated.” Huo Tianci thought solemnly.

But it seems a bit too early to fantasize about these now, because Huo Tianci is now, not at all, to get the first place, but it is within easy reach.

“Damn, what am I thinking about, we are pure.” Huo Tianci thought, he was almost destroyed by this system.

“By the way, learn Pill Recipe first.”

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for successfully learning-Dual Cultivation Dan Pill Recipe.

After that, Huo Tianci opened this shit harem system.

“The current status of the host: a virgin, the person who loves each other: Wu Qiushuang, Dual Cultivation cultivation technique: Not yet, the host now has an additional blessing attribute: +10% of the cultivation speed, and each additional one in the harem, This attribute will be doubled.”

After seeing this, Huo Tianci thought: “This TM should be called a crime system!”

A girl, cultivation speed +10%, Huo Tianci just wants to say, do I do it or not.

“Follow the fate, he he he, this bad luck system.” Huo Tianci was a little weak to complain.

At this moment.

“What are you thinking?” Wu Qiushuang curiously asked, because Huo Tianci just now smiled sometimes, sometimes did not smile, sometimes looked bad, and sometimes was serious, which made Wu Qiushuang a little bit unsightly understand.

For this, Huo Tianci was embarrassed because he was thinking about something “unspeakable”.

Of course, he is impossible to say directly.

“Well, I’m thinking about how I will win later.” In the end, Huo Tianci could only say that.

“You said that you won Xiaoye, Xiaoye was very difficult to deal with. According to Xiaoya, his sword dao has already entered a half-step Realm of Sword Intent.” To be honest, Wu Qiushuang didn’t know that Huo Tianci would have a chance of winning against Ye Lingfeng.

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