In “The Heart Sutra of the Jade Girl” Jin Yong’s martial arts, the cultivation mentality in [The Legend of Condor Heroes], this martial arts must be practiced by two people and assist each other. When practicing the exercises, the whole body heats up. You must choose an open area, open your clothes and practice, so that the heat will radiate immediately without a moment’s obstruction, otherwise it will become stagnant within the body, the small one will be seriously ill, the large one will die.

This internal strength is difficult and will always get into the wrong road. If there is no help from others, it is not a cultivation deviation. Only you can help me and I help you, and the two can get through together. Dangerous.

To be tactful, that’s how to say it. If not, it would be to take off your clothes and have fun together!

As for what will happen in the end, Huo Tianci smiled wretchedly when he thought of this, because what else could happen.

I have to say that this is simply a crime.

The sixth reward that follows is a Sword Art.

It comes from Jin Yong’s novel “smile proudly throughout the country”. When it comes to this, I believe everyone has guessed it. Yes, it is the [Solitary Nine Swords].

Among the martial arts, the one who can catch these nine swords has not yet appeared, and it is precisely because of this that the word “Dugu” is chosen.

This move has a total of nine styles. Among them, there are three hundred and sixty changes in the final style. The enemy can’t stand it, and finally he is killed by a sword, countless wins.

Finally, the system gave Solitary Nine Swords a Heavenly Grade rating. If you reach Great Perfection, you will go straight to the temple. If it is Nine Swords Unite, the quality will bring it up a level. .

“It seems that even God will let me use the sword!” Because in addition to this Solitary Nine Swords, Huo Tianci also has a Myriad Sword Returning to Origin move. Of course, this Only after completing the mission in the barren ancient land can it be obtained, but at this speed of cultivation, let alone half a year, it is estimated that in two or three months, Huo Tianci can go to the barren ancient land and explore again. Up.

When the time comes ,【Myriad Sword Returning to Origin 】, it will be done soon.

After watching the sixth reward, Huo Tianci focused his gaze on the last reward.

The seventh reward at the end is a ninjutsu, no, it should be called physique.

Eight Sects Dunjia!

This technique is the Profound Truth in “Naruto”. Eight Sects fully open can unlock all restrictions in the human body, also known as “Eight Sects Dunjia Array”.

At this point, all the seven rewards in the platinum lottery machine have been read.

To tell the truth, Huo Tianci wants it all because they are all extremely bullied.

Unfortunately, Huo Tianci can only draw once, because he now only has one platinum lottery coin on his body, but he still has five gold lottery coins in his hand.

“50% chance, go and take a bet?” Huo Tianci wanted to do this, but his reason made him choose to give up, because lottery coins are hard-won.

“Let’s keep it, anyway, the current moves are enough.”

Huo Tianci now has Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms in hand, apart from this, and Thunder Cut ninjutsu can be used. With these two tricks alone, Huo Tianci is already invincible at the same stage, and even can abuse an expert in the Profound Master Realm. Maybe even the Great Profound Master can hold it up front. wave.

The most important thing is that as Huo Tianci’s strength level improves, his moves will also increase some formidable power to a certain extent.

“Wait for ten pieces, and then combine them together.” It is precisely because of this that Huo Tianci suppressed this impulse, because he is not in urgent need of anything. As for Gu Hongtao, He also had the means to kill, didn’t he just become a mother for a few days, and passed by gritted his teeth forbearance.

“Then, just draw once.” In the end, Huo Tianci, who had made up his mind, moved towards the platinum lottery machine and dropped his only platinum lottery coin.

After that, the lottery machine runs.

To be honest, Huo Tianci is very calm, because all the rewards in the platinum lottery machine are good things, and there is no rubbish or rubbish.

Compared with the previous lottery, there is no pressure at all.

“Will it be the round eyes? Or the Great Star Absorption Law?” At the end, the aperture is between the first and second frames, and I want to stop.

Immediately, the system hint said.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for winning-write round eyes reward.

[Writing round eyes]: In the manga “Naruto”, one of the three pupil techniques, the best family in Konoha Ninja Village-the blood inheritance of the Uchiha clan.

At this stage, the host has a gouyu, ability: insight, can see through all the subtle movements of the opponent, and the release of tricks.

“System, how can I obtain other abilities of writing round eyes?” What Huo Tianci wants to know most now is this.

And system is also very straightforward: “lottery!”

Of course, there is also a second path that can be obtained, which is to open the eyes according to the evolution method of writing round eyes. , But this price is very heavy, I believe anyone who has seen Naruto should know.

Among them, the kaleidoscope’s eyes are open.

“Kill your most important person, or witness the death of your most important person.” Huo Tianci thought, I should go to lottery on my duty, because he can’t do the former. As for the latter, Huo Tianci couldn’t do it either, because he was impossible to watch his important person die without going to help.

However, Gouyu’s eye-opening is still very simple, that is, it has evolved from one gouyu to three gouyu.

“100 million cultivation base value, evolution to two gou jade, 200 million cultivation base value, evolution to three gou jade.” Compared to killing your beloved person, this is indeed much simpler, but Huo Tianci I also want to say that I should go to lottery for my duty, because this fuck, too much, 100 million cultivation base value, why don’t you grab it? Huo Tianci really wants to speak loudly to this system, so Roar out.

When I get here, the lottery of this time is over. After counting, I have drawn five times in a row. Of course, this is not the point. The point is that the rewards I have drawn are actually All are good things.

Looking at the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms cheat book in hand, Huo Tianci is excited.

“Let’s learn about these rewards first.” With a thought, the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms cheat book instantly turned into a little starlight, which was integrated into Huo Tianci’s mind, and then, the system hint sounded. Came.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for successfully learning martial arts cheats, Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!

In addition to Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, Huo Tianci also has Lei Che in hand, so I just learned it without thinking about it.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for successfully learning Rachel Ninjutsu.

After that, it is time to write round eyes.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host, for successfully obtaining the limit of blood succession-the ability to write round eyes.

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