“Really?” Huo Tianci gave a smirk to this, and then Huo Tianci said again: “Sorry, I have already broken through to the Profound Realm three days ago, and then I am Mizongquan is more than just fascinating the opponent.”

When I got here, Feng Xiao seemed to feel it.

In the end, I saw Huo Tianci grinning said with a smile: “Yes, my Mizong Fist also adds profound energy and dark energy. The most important thing is that it adds six, six and 36. “

As soon as these words came out, the 36 dark energy, instantly within the body of Fengxiao, scurried away, like countless little snakes eating flesh and blood, biting him In the body, I saw Feng Xiao who was laughing wildly at last, his expression suddenly changed to hideous, and finally fell to the ground like a scream from the air.

Ah! It hurts!

Feng Xiao only felt that his internal organs were completely torn apart.

“No way!” On the other hand, the academy disciple onlookers were all confused, because it was completely different from what they thought.

They didn’t react until someone exclaimed.

“Xuan Zhe, Huo Tianci, he has entered the realm of Xuan Zhe!”

“Xuan Zhe? No way, he was just a Xuan Zhe before half a month. What about the scum of the 6th-layer realm.”

These people don’t believe it at all, but Huo Tianci’s profound energy fluctuations have already told them that Lao Tzu is the infallible profound practitioner.

But the profound practitioner’s first heavy, one move to defeat the profound practitioner’s 9th layer, this…

“It should be a gap in the profound skills. Huo Tianci’s profound skills seem to be more powerful, no , It should be said that it is finished pressing.”

Some Core Disciples have seen the clues of this.

And they are all right, because the cultivation of Mizongquan to Great Perfection has the power of Earth Grade mysticism. Although Huo Tianci has only learned half of it now, it is not ordinary The Yellow Grade mystery is a comparable existence. The most important thing is that Huo Tianci’s strength has broken through to the profound practitioner. Successively, these martial arts moves will immediately follow as the tide rises, the boat floats. All formidable power doubled.

It is precisely by this existence that Huo Tianci’s Wandering Fist will be able to defeat this Fengxiao completely like a force of strength.

Finally, I saw Feng Xiao who fell to the ground, coughing out four or five mouthfuls of blood.

“Cough~cough~cough, fortunately I wear an inner armor, otherwise, this fist will be enough to kill me.” After taking a breath, I vomited all the congestion within the body. After coming out, Feng Xiao actually stood up slowly from the ground.

This makes Huo Tianci a little surprised.

“This should be, wear a piece of treasure.” Huo Tianci could only think like this, but the result was exactly the same as he thought, because when Feng Xiao stood up, he was on him The inner armor that I wore was broken into pieces, and all fell to the ground from his body.

“Sure enough, it is the inner armor, which saved your life, but with the next punch, you will not be so lucky!” Huo Tianci has a cruel expression, because he is now completely harassing Feng Xiao Compared with the humiliation a month ago, the so-called one Heaven, one Earth.

Feng Xiao is not good enough, because Huo Tianci’s strength is the difference between Heaven and Earth, Fireball moves, strange psychedelic boxing, he is all unheard-of, unprecedented.

“This kid, how can he make such rapid progress?” The most important thing is that Huo Tianci’s strength has actually entered the realm of profound practitioners. This is something Feng Xiao, absolutely did not expect.

Just when Feng Xiao thought about all of this, on the opposite side, Huo Tianci’s next Mistake Fist had arrived.

“Wait!” For some reason, Feng Xiao stopped suddenly.

Huo Tianci thought to himself, let you, dead man, say one more sentence.

“A last word?” Huo Tianci asked.

Feng Xiao touched the blood at the corner of his mouth, with a face of dissatisfaction: “Your boxing technique is also indiscriminate and has ability. Don’t use it!”

Huo Tianci just said: “Oh, according to what you said, then I will just stand here and do it for you directly?” Huo Tianci thought, you are a brain-suppressed, you don’t know it, you blame it. I am.

Of course, Huo Tianci gave him this opportunity, because Huo Tianci wants this guy to know what is true fear, the gap, and reality.

“Garbage, always garbage, you believing or not, I can kill you with both hands and feet?” Huo Tianci asked angrily.

On the other hand, Feng Xiao has a look of evil intentions: “This is what you say! I didn’t force you!” Feng Xiao thought, Huo Tianci is really stupid enough to be said so After a little excitement, I forget who I am.

At this time in the audience.

“What? Huo Tianci wants Feng Xiao to have his hands and feet?” These Academy disciples thought they had misheard, but after Huo Tianci turned his hands and turned his back, they were all stupid After a glance, because Huo Tianci is really ready to let it go.

“Isn’t this a fool! The victory that I got, I won’t let you go!”

“That’s right, besides, this is a Life and Death Battle. If you lose, you can It’s just dead. At this juncture, Huo Tianci dare to play tricks. Seriously, I, Zhao Ritian, really take it.”

“What the hell is this big fool?” Wu Qiushuang was too anxious. , Zi Yun, who stood beside her, was the same.

“Is it stupid?” Zi Yun thought to herself, because this is obviously something a fool would do.

“Yes, it’s not stupid, my brother, there must be strange tricks in hand.” Dong Pengfei and the others are also watching the battle, and a few of them are standing behind Zi Yun and Wu Qiushuang At last, Dong Pengfei murmured these words.

Ren Hui next to him also feels that he still has a back player, because Huo Tianci is definitely not stupid. Since he is not stupid, it is obvious that there is an absolute back player.

But what is this next player?

This makes them even if they want to break their minds, because one of them is that they cannot use their hands, the other is that they cannot use their legs, and the third is that they can’t move while standing still. In this state, Huo Tianci still wanted to kill Feng Xiao in the air. All I thought was a fantasy story.

“What kind of moves this kid will make?” In addition to Dong Pengfei and the others, Luoqiushan and the others are also guessing, because the moves Huo Tianci uses are completely beyond. Some of their imaginations, some even, they hadn’t even seen it before. However, this, but the powerhouse of Xuanling, existed that they had never seen before, and Feng Xiao’s defeat in the end was not strange.

“Wait and see, anyway, I don’t believe it, Master Huo, I am stupid and ready to commit suicide,” Xu Zhiren, of course, does not think Huo Tianci is stupid.

But some people just depend on Huo Tianci and suddenly their heads are funny.

For example, Ye Hongyun, father and son with that Gu family.

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