“Ask this again.” When I heard this, I didn’t know that Wu Qiushuang’s expression was 30% lonely. No need to guess, she was worried about Huo Tianci. After all, Feng Xiao is a bit The expert of the 8th layer of Xuanzhe.

Of course, Huo Tianci saw all this in his eyes. After that, he immediately said: “Don’t worry, I’ve entered the realm of profound practitioners now. Nothing else, just hard power, I’m already It’s easy to beat Na Feng Xiao by five or five, and then add some of my special methods to defeat Na Feng Xiao.”

“Xuan Zhe? You have a breakthrough?” This As soon as the words came out, Wu Qiushuang’s previous expression of loneliness turned into bursts of surprise immediately.

“Well, it just broke through today, so don’t worry too much.” After that, Huo Tianci also showed his profound strength to Wu Qiushuang.

Wu Qiushuang saw that the big rock in his heart was finally put down, because in this way, the gap between Huo Tianci and Feng Xiao would not be as big as before.

“Don’t think about it, just wait for a good show the day after tomorrow. Now, let’s eat.” Huo Tianci made five dishes and one soup. Two little girls smelled the fragrance, but they were already saliva. I have to say that a martial artist who doesn’t know how to cook is not a good cook.

Two days passed like this.

3rd day, within the first martial stage of Fuzhou Academy.

This matchup has attracted the attention of countless people. Not only the Fuzhou Academy, but even some large and small forces in Fuzhou City have come to choose to watch the battle.

“Alchemist Guild, Ye Hongyun, President Ye is here!”

After learning that it was Huo Tianci’s Life and Death Battle, Ye Hongyun chose to come and watch the battle without saying a word. , Because according to reliable sources, the person who fought with Huo Tianci Life and Death is an expert in the 8th layer of the profound practitioner, and Huo Tianci is just a little Xuanter, that is, Huo Tianci is Suicide, it is precisely because of this that Ye Hongyun will come here, because it is tantamount to avenging his nephew Ye Han, and now it is a happy thing to witness Huo Tianci’s death with his own eyes.

“little bastard, I asked you to frame my nephew, now, the retribution is coming!” Ye Hongyun almost laughed.

In addition to Ye Hongyun, the Patriarch Gu Hongtao from the Gu family also came, and of course, there is also Gu Fengtang who has not shown up.

“Dog stuff, I think you are still alive this time!” Gu Fengtang previously, but secretly moved Huo Tianci several times, but the results all ended in failure, which made him very unhappy It’s refreshing, it’s a bit regretful that I didn’t get revenge in person in the end.

But today, Huo Tianci will let him continue to regret, because the person who died today will definitely be that Feng Xiao.

“Look, everyone, it’s Feng Xiao!” At this moment, there was a commotion in the scene. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that Feng Xiao is one of today’s protagonists.

At this time, beside Feng Xiao, there was a gray-eyed boy.

Although very few of the people present can recognize him, all those who can recognize him are either rich or expensive.

The people who recognized him afterwards, those in power, all immediately went forward, stood beside him, and respectfully called him-Young Master Lin.

“Young Master Lin, why are you here?” Ye Hongyun originally straightened his waist. Under the focal point of ten thousands, he walked into this infinitely better than the martial stage, but in this Young In front of Master Lin, I saw his bent waist, like a rickety old woman, with no dignity at all. I have to say that the formidable power of this Young Master Lin is great.

“Come and study.”

“You are here to study? Are you here, imperial city Academy?” Ye Hongyun a face of doubt, and then see Young Master Lin’s After his expression was wrong, he immediately changed his words: “Young Master Lin, I mean, you are here, why don’t you say hello to me, this is not to let you down, don’t you give me a good reception, he he he.” Ye Hongyun flattery is first-rate.

The Young Master Lin ignored him. After looking around all around, he asked side Feng Xiao, “Who is Huo Tianci?”

“Young Master Lin, he hasn’t come yet. According to the villain’s opinion, he is probably scared.” Feng Xiao thought, Huo Tianci still must not scare his pants.

“If you dare not come, that is also death. If you dare to be right with me, this is the end!” This Young Master Lin, full name Lin Chuan, was introduced earlier, he is Great Liang Nation, Princess Xuefei His son is a perfect princeling.

But slap her face in the next second.

“Huo Tianci is here!” exclaimed, because everyone felt that Huo Tianci would be too scared to come, but as a result, a strong slap, instantly Slapped them in the face.

“Does this kid dare to come?” At this time, everyone’s faces were covered with incredible.

“It can only be said that the courage is commendable.” But they don’t think Huo Tianci can turn the sky, after all, the strength gap lies there, it is Feng Xiao’s absolute crush, when the time comes, it is estimated that as soon as Feng Xiao makes a move, then Huo Tianci will have to finish playing.

“I guess Huo Tianci can’t pass ten tricks.”

“Ten tricks? I think one trick, no, one second can decide the outcome.”

For a while, everyone present regarded Huo Tianci as an experience baby.

“Yun’er, why are you with him?” At this moment, there are two beautiful women standing beside Huo Tianci. The one on the left is Wu Qiushuang, and the one on the right hand is the purple Rhyme.

After seeing this scene, the audience was full of envy, jealousy and hatred, especially Lin Chuan.

Although he has news that Huo Tianci has something to do with Zi Yun, what he didn’t expect is that the relationship will be so big.

Because of Zi Yun, they all helped Huo Tianci on the platform. This is enough to explain the weight of Huo Tianci in Zi Yun’s heart.

“So you came here for him!” Suddenly, Lin Chuan figured everything out. Otherwise, Zi Yun is impossible and will appear in this small city of Fuzhou.

Zi Yun did not answer, but said: “We are just friends, just like you.” Zi Yun wanted to make it clear that I can only be friends with you, but these words caught Lin Chuan’s ears. Inside, but completely changed.

“Same as me? Can he compare with me!” This sentence touched Lin Chuan, because who is Lin Chuan, he is an absolute princeling, royal family Guo Qi, on the other hand, Huo Tianci, to be honest, it is a country bumpkin, wild boy, now Zi Yun actually said that Huo Tianci is like him, which makes Lin Chuan feel very unsure in his heart.

Lin Chuan walked away from here without looking back.

“Dog stuff, dare to annoy us Young Master Lin, I will let you die in a while!” As for henchman Feng Xiao, he spoke harshly at Huo Tianci.

“Okay, I’ll wait.” Huo Tianci’s purpose is not Feng Xiao, but Lin Chuan.

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