“What is the origin of this master and servant?” When she got here, Zi Yun’s heart fluctuated, because Huo Tianci and Heizi were so powerful that they completely exceeded her imagination, or it could be said, completely Beyond her cognition, she thought to herself, Huo Tianci and Heizi are definitely not that simple, they are just people from Baili Town, a small town.

But the truth is that Huo Tianci and Heizi came out of Baili Town. Sometimes, being smart is mistaken for being smart. This also made Zi Yun a white check Many days.

“Then how did you fly?” After reading Heizi’s method, Zi Yun immediately turned to ask Huo Tianci to go.

“Use a treasure.” Huo Tianci thought to himself, Bamboo Dragonfly should be regarded as a treasure, so he hit haha ​​because he didn’t at all take the Bamboo Dragonfly out.

“If you don’t show it, I don’t want to see it.” Zi Yun pursed her mouth, and stared at Huo Tianci with a complaining expression, just like that little woman.

In the end, Huo Tianci couldn’t help being stared at, so he could only take out the bamboo dragonfly.

“Hehe, really eat this set.” Zi Yun’s trick is to capture Huo Tianci’s weakness, because in a strict sense, Huo Tianci’s deep in one’s heart , It’s still relatively soft, but Zi Yun’s small complaining eyes stared so hard afterwards, it’s strange not to commit a crime.

“Is this a profound treasure?” It comes with a mysterious tool, which is usually called a profound treasure, and a profound treasure requires at least the Spirit Realm realm to be refined, which is Said, behind Huo Tianci, there must be an extremely powerful Master, Zi Yun thought of it like this.

While flying, but the battle skill only available to Xuan Wang, that is to say, to refine a flying Xuan Bao, that person’s strength must at least have the Xuan king realm.

“Sure enough, not simple.” Zi Yun thought that Huo Tianci has a Xuanwang Master.

But the truth is, there is nothing, because this bamboo dragonfly was drawn by him lottery.

“How do I use this?” After some fiddling, Zi Yun, who didn’t know where to start, asked Huo Tianci curiously.

Huo Tianci pointed to her finger and said: “Just wear it on the head, and then the mind can be controlled.”

Zi Yun didn’t believe it, but after she tried it, she completely Believe it, because she really flew.

I saw this little girl afterwards, immersed in the joy of flying.

“This, it can only take two hours, you save a little.” Huo Tianci is dripping blood, because this bamboo dragonfly is a one-time use, and it will be scrapped when it is used up. You can’t charge it at all. of.

When Zi Yun heard this, she immediately fell on the ground and picked the bamboo dragonfly from her head. Because the flying mysterious treasure is worth more than thousands of profound stones, she is Tianhe Chamber of Commerce She at the top level knows how precious this thing is, but it can’t be met. After all, this is a treasure that can be refined by the Great Expert of the mysterious king level, but the great power of the mysterious king, the Great Liang Nation, does not exist at all, even the entire seven stars. It is estimated that there are only a few in the chain mountain range.

I don’t know that the words reckless waste of natural resources appeared in Zi Yun’s mind because she was too wasteful just now.

In the end, I saw this little girl, with a look of dismay, handing the bamboo dragonfly back to Huo Tianci.

Huo Tianci was also amused when he saw this, and then he pretended to be subconsciously forced, and said to Zi Yun this sentence: “When I have a chance, I will send you One.”

“ding” system hint: gift task trigger, task goal, purple rhyme; task purpose, gift at least one flying baby; time limit, none; task reward, gold lottery coin Pieces.

“Damn, it triggered the mission.” Huo Tianci was a little bit awkward. At the same time he was overjoyed, his face hurt again, because there are not many things that can make people fly. That is to say, this task is difficult to complete, and most importantly, lottery is still random.

“It seems that I really have to wait for a chance.” Huo Tianci said to himself.

On the other hand, Zi Yun is only happy, because Huo Tianci said just now that she wants to give her one: “This is what you said.” Zi Yun is not happy, because such opportunities can be met Unable to ask, moreover, Huo Tianci took the initiative to deliver it to the door, how could she have reason to refuse.

“Of course I said, and, during this time, I really thank you for taking care of Sunspot.” Huo Tianci is quite outside.

And Zi Yun, just wait for him to say: “Then how do you want to thank me?”

As soon as these words came out, Huo Tianci suddenly stopped talking. Because he just wanted to be polite, that’s all, but we big men shouldn’t be too small and careless with women, so Huo Tianci said: “Count me owe you a favor, as long as I don’t go against the chivalry. You can mention this favor freely.”

Huo Tianci learned Zhang Wuji. Of course, Zhang Wuji has three conditions, and he only has one, but the meaning here is the same. Yes, that is a promise.

Huo Tianci thought, this should be okay, anyway, the force frame is in place, but this is enough, but if you pretend to be forced, you definitely can’t run.

“It’s what you said casually, don’t when the time comes, you think it is too difficult, you don’t want to help.” On the other hand, Zi Yun has a face of arrogance even if he is cheap. For this, Huo Tianci just wants to Say, if it wasn’t for you to take care of Heizi, well, if it wasn’t for your beauty and good figure, I wouldn’t want to take care of you.

“Why? In my dictionary, there is never the word “difficult.” Huo Tianci pretended to be forced, but Zi Yun simply didn’t understand this.

In the end, Zi Yun asked cutely: “What is a dictionary?”

“Well,…Anyway, whatever it is, I will help you complete it. Of course, there is a prerequisite, that is, the way of chivalry cannot be violated.” Huo Tianci is full of force.

Zi Yun looked in her eyes and suddenly felt that the big boy in front of her was quite interesting.

“What are you staring at me for? is it possible that, you want me to dedicate myself? This is against chivalry, of course, if you insist, then I can make an exception. “Huo Tianci is not good.

Looking at Zi Yun, she turned her head straight away, and left four characters: “Smelly you.”

“Don’t tell me, beauties, let me tell you It’s just a joke, how come this is gone.” Huo Tianci looked speechless, but it was even more speechless, still behind.

“No, my teacher, I really didn’t trespass into Nanshan Ziyuan. Really, it was Ziyun Senior Sister, who invited me in, the conscience of heaven and earth!” But the teacher did not listen to Huo Tianci’s defense at all. .

“don’t, don’t, don’t, I will go out by myself, don’t lose it.”

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