In the end, Huo Tianci earned 1,700 Academy points directly. When looking at the four-digit points in the status token, Huo Tianci was very happy.

“Benefits for you.” Huo Tianci was not stingy, and in the end he gave Zhuang Zizai fifty points directly, which can put the law enforcement Senior Brother who liked to ignore Huo Tianci before. It’s almost regretful, because he thoroughly looked away, but unfortunately, no medicine for regret in the world is sold.

“Thank you junior brother Huo, I have to come to play often in the future.” Zhuang Zizai was very happy and crazy, because he almost didn’t do anything, so he got 50 Academy points, which is no different That’s it, big pies falling from the sky.

“It must be certain.” After leaving Zhuang Zizai, Huo Tianci moved towards the Martial Hall of the Academy and walked away.

At this time, in the Martial Hall, Shi Yichuan is sitting in it, apart from this, there are several gray robe instructors, and a blue robe instructor, busy with things.

When Huo Tianci walked in, Shi Yichuan, who had raised Erlang’s legs and talked happily with a female tutor, immediately froze.

“Why is this kid okay?” Shi Yichuan thought, a punch from the mysterious man Muren was enough to make Huo Tianci seriously ill in bed, but now, how could he come here unscathed This.

“Is it possible that, did he succeed in breaking through the barrier?” Don’t say it, Shi Yichuan really guessed it. When he saw Huo Tianci holding the clearance voucher and coming with the status token, He was completely stunned in place.

“Impossible, this absolutely impossible!” Shi Yichuan couldn’t believe it, and because of this, he immediately stopped, Huo Tianci became the request of the elite disciple.

“I think there is a problem with the clearance certificate of this discipline.” Shi Yichuan walked up directly and said this to the instructor who was helping Huo Tianci with the status of becoming an elite disciple.

The instructor was confused, because he had just verified the authenticity of the clearance voucher very carefully. Then he pointed to the Academy seal on the clearance voucher and explained to Shi Yichuan: “Elder Shi, the Academy seal is true. There is absolutely no problem.”

But Shi Yichuan, he didn’t want to hear a word: “I said there is a problem, then there is a problem. You can call me Cai Dahong now. Come here!”

This Cai Dahong is the blue robe tutor of Wood-Man Lane. When he came to Martial Hall and saw Huo Tianci again, he immediately discovered the clue, he thought, this Shi Old Bastard, despite the means, even wanted him to take the blame, it was a beast.

But on his face, he didn’t dare to be like this. After all, the officials at Level 1 were crushed to death. Not to mention, it was several levels. After that, he lost his smile and faced him. Shi Yichuan asked: “Elder Shi, you let the subordinates down, what is the matter?”

Shi Yichuan did not answer immediately, but first gave Cai Dahong a wink with his eyes, and then he coughed. Lower your throat, let this Cai Dahong see the situation clearly.

In this situation, Cai Dahong of course saw clearly, didn’t he just want him to cooperate, and then frame Huo Tianci, saying that his customs clearance certificate is fake.

“It’s really an old dog. I didn’t talk about secret agents before, but now I still want to engage in power oppression, but I am not stupid!” Cai Dahong secretly thought.

At this moment, Shi Yichuan, who had done the suggestion, began to speak: “That’s it. During this time, there are many discipline clearance certificates, and there are fake behaviors, and then come to fish in troubled water, I want to take the opportunity to become an elite disciple. Now I’ll let you take a look at the authenticity of this customs clearance voucher. Is it true or false? Did you send it personally.”

A passage was simply placed on the table, pointing to Huo Tianci, saying that his customs clearance voucher was fake.

Shi Yichuan thought, even if Cai Dahong is stupid, he should know what he means.

Cai Dahong knows of course, but he is not stupid, because if this matter is stabbed through, he Cai Dahong will definitely have to become a man of the pot, because it is him, he believes that Huo Tianci will pass the customs The voucher is false, but not that Shi Yichuan, when the time comes, Shi Yichuan can find any reason and he can be worldly-wise and play safe directly. On the other hand, Cai Dahong, even if he jumps into the clear pool, he can’t clean it. .

Beside, Shi Yichuan was thinking to himself, what crime he would charge Huo Tianci later.

Is it falsifying or defrauding Academy?

“It’s okay for the two to be together, and then I will send him directly to the mountainside and lock him up, hmph hmph hmph.” When I thought about this, Shi Yichuan almost couldn’t help laughing. Hear, because by then, he can use the means to kill Huo Tianci, because the Academy disciple held in the mountainside is all mobs. When the time comes, Huo Tianci was beaten to death by mobs, then It’s really unfortunate.

It’s a pity that this idea is very rich, but the reality is too skinny.

After that, Cai Dahong took the customs clearance voucher and took a closer look.

When he saw this, Shi Yichuan thought to himself, this Cai Dahong acted really alike, but in the next second, Cai Dahong directly slapped him in the face.

“Elder Shi, the pass voucher for this discipline, is real, and looking at his appearance, I am familiar with it. I just presume it was sent to him by myself, so this is a bit of memory. “After speaking, Cai Dahong also made up a knife: “Elder Shi, you said before that you often find Academy disciple forged vouchers to improve the level of the discipline, so now it is convenient for you to give those fake vouchers to your subordinates to take a look? Maybe, you read it wrong.”

After saying this, Shi Yichuan only felt that his left and right cheeks were violently pumped. Looking at his face, he was almost blue at this time. This was out of anger, because Cai Dahong dared to confront him, so if he didn’t say so, he gave him a trick.

“Cai Dahong, you see that I won’t kill you in the future!” Shi Yichuan thought that Cai Dahong would definitely cooperate with him, but the result was somewhat unexpected, and even more so. Now, he still has to explain the origin of the false certificate, but this, there is no false certificate, this is all made up by him to frame Huo Tianci.

“MD, this dog forced Cai Dahong.” When I thought about this, Shi Yichuan yelled at Cai Dahong. Fortunately, his position was high and he could fool him. He said: “You let me find it.” After pretending to look for it, Shi Yichuan immediately yelled badly: “Aiya, it’s all gone, is it possible that I just threw it away? Of course. On my side, it doesn’t matter, the key is you. Must watch me, or else there will be false credentials, I will definitely ask you!”

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