Finally, Huo Tianci used the system to check it, and sure enough, something tricky appeared.

Wooden (in Fuzhou Academy, Wood-Man Lane cultivation prop), strength: the first stage of the profound practitioner.

“The profound practitioner is one heavy!” Huo Tianci knew that this wooden man, impossible, would be the strength of the profound practitioner.

“Who wants to harm me?” Huo Tianci thought to himself, this must be someone making a ghost, otherwise, how could there be a wooden figure with the strength of the profound practitioner in the evaluation test of the profound practitioner.

“Is it possible that, is that Qin Feng?” But immediately, Huo Tianci shook the head again, because after the last incident, he dared to pack tickets, and Qin Feng would never come again Trouble with him, as for Ye Han, it was even more impossible, because the goods had already been fired, as for Wang Haoyu, he had just taken care of him not long ago.

“Yes, there is another Gu Fengtang!” Huo Tianci almost forgot this dog thing. It’s strange to say that Huo Tianci has been here at Fuzhou Academy for almost a month, and he has never I saw Gu Fengtang once.

“This product has the greatest suspicion, because it is an individual, it will come for revenge.” Huo Tianci has turned Gu Fengtang into Court Eunuch. If this does not come for revenge, then he Gu Fengtang’s heart, that also It’s too wide.

In addition to Gu Fengtang, Huo Tianci also has Feng Xiao as an enemy, but the day after tomorrow is the day when they will fight to the death, so Feng Xiao will be impossible in the past few days and come to trouble him if he has nothing to do. .

As for Young Master Lin, it is also impossible, because he is with Feng Xiao, so Gu Fengtang is definitely correct.

However, Huo Tianci has encountered this kind of black hand situation before. It was during the freshman assessment. Gu Maocai of the Gu family used his force measuring instrument with a method. Finally Had it not been for Huo Tianci to smash the force measuring instrument with a single punch, he would not be the Outer Disciple.

“Is it possible that, there is a tutor in the Academy, and it has something to do with the Gu family?” Huo Tianci guessed a little, because the only people who can secretly use this little trick are those in the Academy. I am a mentor, and his position is definitely not low.

“Forget it, let’s go out first.” Huo Tianci doesn’t plan to break through the Wood-Man Lane in the mysterious realm. After all, there are as many as 108 wooden people in it. Yes, I feel big.

However, when Huo Tianci was about to turn around and retreat, the system hinted.

“ding” system hint, you can get a silver lottery coin by passing through Wood-Man Lane in the mysterious realm.

So, Huo Tianci turned his head back again, looking a little strange.

At this time, his frown is no longer on his face, and more of a look of joy.

“Misfortune, the blessing depends on, the blessing, the misfortune, this sentence, as expected, is correct.” This is also the reason why Huo Tianci is happy.

“If the person who framed me learns that if I can still get rewards, will he be pissed to death?” Huo Tianci thought Le Zai, so he stepped in again In Wood-Man Lane, a breakthrough was made.

God works ever-changing!

In front of the first wooden man, Huo Tianci still displayed this move. Because of the previous lesson, he became a lot more clever at this time.

Dragon Elephant Prajna Technique!

When the wooden man’s fist was about to hit Huo Tianci’s body, Huo Tianci directly punched it backhand and blasted it head-on.

“What? Can you come out! Didn’t it mean that the wooden man will only stay in place!” When he saw the second wooden man, he got up and moved towards this side, Huo Tianci suddenly He frowned, because Ren Hui told him that the first one hundred and seven wooden figures would only slam fists that’s all at the passer-by in place.

But now, the wooden man actually moved towards Huo Tianci directly, which is obviously more advanced.

But it is also true, after all, the current wooden men have the strength of the Profound Realm, which is different from the Profound Realm’s entry, which is not surprising.

Then I saw the second wooden man, the moved towards Huo Tianci of step by step walked away, and finally, the square fist, directly moved towards Huo Tianci’s back, blasted out.

This fist, Huo Tianci is impossible to dodge, but since it can’t dodge, then Huo Tianci will not dodge it. Finally, at the crucial moment when the fist hits the body, I saw the shadow under Huo Tianci’s feet, overlapping with the shadow of the wooden man.

Shadow imitation!

“Damn, there are more people than people, right.”

Multiple Shadow Clone techniques!

The cross mudra was formed, and in the next second, twenty Huo Tianci appeared in the corridor of Wood-Man Lane.

“Come two people, entangle these two knots for me, and the others, follow me to break through!” After the shadow imitation technique was lifted, Huo Tianci immediately took many Shadow Clones and continued press forward.

Just like this, Huo Tianci discovered the law, and then the distribution of these wooden figures is based on the number of 2, 4, 6, and 8.

at first, there are two wooden figures, one on each side; after that, there are four wooden figures, two on each side, then six wooden figures, three on each side, and then Eight wooden figures, four left and right, etc., kept going down.

At the end, I saw that on both sides of the tunnel, densely packed stands were full of wooden people. After counting, there were as many as eighteen.

And below the eighteen, there is another eighteen. Of course, compared to the previous eighteen wooden figures, there is a golden armor wooden figure in the eighteen wooden figures this time, and this golden Armor Wooden Man’s strength is as high as the 5th layer of a profound practitioner. Looking up, I saw it crouching at the exit gate of Wood-Man Lane, waiting for the challenger to come.

The wooden man in Wood-Man Lane is not wise. It will only move when a barrier enters its territory. It is precisely because of this that Huo Tianci’s Shadow Clone, It came in handy.

After that, I saw a large number of Shadow Clones, moving towards the passageway that followed, and then, I noticed that there were wooden people who had entered the barrier, and immediately raised their square fists and rushed towards Those who break through.

Finally, I saw that these wooden figures were all seduced by Huo Tianci, and then, Huo Tianci, the body that had not moved before, directly both hands forming seals.

Said: “Shadow imitation technique!”

Suddenly, those stupid wood bumps were all controlled by Huo Tianci’s shadow. Finally, Huo Tianci put his hands on his head Later, while whistling, he walked out of here in a hurry.

There are more and more wooden people behind, but they are still standing on both sides of the corridor. This kind of position, Huo Tianci’s shadow imitation technique, is not easy to use. After that, smart Huo Tianci came up with this method, which is to use Shadow Clone to seduce these wooden people. In the end, as long as these big dumb woods are all gathered together, then Huo Tianci can perform shadow mimicry, and then breathe out. All control them.

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