And Huo Tianci was not fooled at all. Afterwards, without waiting for the thin and tall man to attack, Huo Tianci first punched straight and moved towards him directly.

This can make everyone onlookers unexpected, but what makes them even more unexpected is that Huo Tianci’s this fist will also psychedelic opponents, making it difficult for opponents to distinguish between true and false.

“Fist is divided into three?” Seeing Huo Tianci’s fist, when there are two more fists, it’s tall and thin, and it’s somewhat hooded.

Apart from this, in this fist of Huo Tianci, there is also a full 36 deep secret energy, punched out, just like a horse galloping, making it difficult for opponents to stand up.

And this move is exactly the Mizongquan Huo Tianci learned before. Now, he has practiced the seventy two style of Mizongquan by half.

It is precisely because of this that the additional profound energy and dark energy will have a full 36.

“What a powerful boxing technique!” This thin and tall man has the strength of the profound practitioner’s 9th layer level, but he has no choice but to use this Wandering Fist, because he feels that these three fists seem to It’s all true.

In the end, he had no choice but to retreat, moved towards Huo Tianci, and used a profound energy fist.

Huo Tianci didn’t dodge, and directly used Mizong Fist to contend with it. In the end, only the thin and tall Profound Qi Fist, and Huo Tianci’s Mistake Fist, disappeared completely.

But then, a rumbling sound resounded. This is the result of the profound power of Xuanqi Quan and the 36 secret power of Mizong Quan.

Of course, the thin and tall Xuanqi fist has a slight upper hand, because Huo Tianci was shaken back seven or eight steps away, and the footprints of those feet are all on the ground. Two deep impressions slipped out, a little bit horrible to see

As for the others, there is no big problem, because the thin and tall man, not at all, did his best, he just wanted to scare a bit Huo Tianci that’s all, but what didn’t expect is that Huo Tianci was completely guarded.

“What a great kid!” The tall and thin man was a bit surprised by Huo Tianci, because just now, Huo Tianci had been blindfolded and went to fight with him. This is at a disadvantage, of course. He also released some water, but it couldn’t hold back. The strength gap between the two of them was a 9th layer of a profound practitioner and a 9th layer of a profound practitioner. In the end, it turned out to be a battle.

When I thought of this, the crowd onlookers were all sucked in a cold breath, because this kind of strength is indeed qualified to be a mercenary.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that Huo Tianci has the special ability to cover the ears, listen to six directions, and cover the eyes to see all directions. In the dark forest, which is invisible, it is simply a light. A beacon to guide people forward.

Because of this, there were a lot of mercenary groups, and moved towards Huo Tianci threw an olive branch.

“Little Brother, come to our Gale Mercenary Corps. I am willing to pay you a low grade black stone as a reward.”

“We Flame Mercenary Corps, are willing to pay two !”

When he saw someone snatching his “baby”, the big man was instantly unhappy: “Give it to Laozi, this Little Brother, but he has promised me!”

“What promised you? People just came to ask you if you want someone that’s all. Also, didn’t you just say, don’t you want to hold back, if you don’t, then I will give it to us.”

“Yes, it’s not ashamed.”

As soon as these words came out, the big man and the thin and tall man suddenly became choked up, because they were at first and really didn’t want Huo Tianci to come. The.

But now, isn’t Diaosi counterattack?

So, the big man had to use his strength to speak: “In this case, I will produce three low grade black stones, and I promise, as long as Little Brother helps us find good things in the Dark Forest , Then I must share it equally!”

After telling his own price, the big man stared at others and said, “MD, if you have the ability, you can add it! Dare to grab someone from Lao Tzu! Give it to Lao Tzu. Get out!”

“Fine, you have a seed.” These mercenary groups want Huo Tianci to join, but they want to use his special ability to find some treasures that’s all, but They don’t want to split equally with Huo Tianci.

Now when I heard that the big guys were about to split equally, they all chose to give up, because it was too bad for them. What’s more, the price of a normal mercenary was only a low grade. That’s all, three low-grade black stones. Seriously, it makes them a little unacceptable. Besides, when the time comes, if you can’t find the treasure, you have to talk about it.

In the end, if you can’t find it, it will definitely suffer a big loss, and because of this, they dismissed the idea of ​​letting Huo Tianci join.

“Little Brother, welcome you to join.” And that big guy is full of excitement, because his team is lack of a talent like Huo Tianci.

It is precisely because of this that Huo Tianci joined the team of the big man and the tall and thin man.

This team, called the Iron Blooded Mercenary regiment, has a total of eleven people in it. The big guy is the head, and if it’s tall and thin, it’s the deputy head. Today their task is to escort two. A truck, and a truck Boss, passed through the 30 li Dark Forest and finally arrived at Tianlan Mountain in the peripheral zone of Huolan Country.

It’s also a coincidence that the truck Boss turned out to be a native of Fuzhou City. As for the things carried in the truck, they were smuggled goods, because Huolan Country and Great Liang Nation have not had a good relationship for generations. As a result, there are some things that are not interoperable between the two countries. It is precisely because of this that the prices of those things are extremely high, such as Fire Spirit Stone of the Firelan Country and the red turquoise unique to Great Liang Nation.

And the thing that was transported in the truck was exactly the red pine stone.

In Great Liang Nation, red pine stone can sell up to 20 low grade Spirit Stone per car. However, when it comes to Huolan, the price is at least 100 or more. However, it is extremely dangerous on the road, and it is a little careless. Even his life may be lost, but this is still unstoppable. It is not surprising that everyone finally took risks for the temptation of money. After all, the profit is too high.

“Brothers, when the tickets are finished, we will rest for half a month!” Before departure, the big man said to the people, because his mercenary group had not been out here for three months.

On the other hand, everyone who heard this was filled with excitement.

“The boss really understands us. By the way, how about this time we went to Chunmanlou in Fuzhou City. It is said that the chicks there are all fairies.” It’s almost falling.

“Well, go to Chunmanlou, I heard Old Zhang from the Gale Mercenary Group say that the girls there are good at any posture. I don’t know if they are real or fake, hey~hey ~Hey.” This person also looks like Brother Pig.

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