“Shopkeeper, why aren’t you talking? Are you dumb? Or you, dare not pay! Otherwise, you are lying, the ointment, simply is a fake, a deceitful trick!”

“Yes, if you have the ability, just prove it to us! If you don’t have the ability, then close the door!”

After that, everyone yelled out this sentence.

Close the door, close the door, close the door…!

When the shopkeeper saw this, he immediately waved his hands and said: “Well, we will pay, we will pay, as long as there is a fake, then we will lose money, but this is not very easy to prove, because It has to be hurt.”

When I got here, the point came.

“If there is an injury, it is not easy! And I tell you, I am here to smash the place today! If the ointment is a fake in the end, I will smash you Tongrentang!”

In the end, I saw the troublemaker, drew out the big knife placed on the counter, and then cut it down.

“Come on, let me recover from my injury! If it doesn’t recover, I will smash your shop!”

After that, I saw a line on the big man’s arm Seven or eight inches of knife marks, a large amount of blood flowed in an instant, and the crowd onlookers saw this and wondered if this person was crazy.

However, this suits their appetite very well. As the saying goes, if you don’t practice fake handles, this is called mighty and domineering.

“Dude, I support you, if this shop does not recover your injury, I will smash the shop with you!” At this time, someone came out to bring the rhythm.

After that, everyone said.

“Yes, if the injury does not heal, we will completely smash your Danlou and make you unable to do business!”

Finally, due to the loud noises and the sparsely populated Dan Inside and outside the building, it was immediately surrounded by a large group of people.

“Everyone is quiet, quiet, I will start treatment now, if you are not satisfied in the end, then come and smash my Danlou as much as you want, I will say nothing!” , The shopkeeper’s, he found out a hemostatic pill, because he had to stop the bleeding first.

“Damn, what kind of hemostatic pill is this? It can stop the bleeding as soon as you eat it!” A front spectator was surprised. On the other hand, everyone was surprised.

And the shopkeeper said: “This is our Queen’s Alchemist such as two-star gold. The special hemostatic pill has 90% of its medicinal properties. Not only that, we also have a 3-Star level other big Alchemist, specially made 10% medicinal hemostatic pill, this is in Fuzhou City, but only our Danlou can be sold.”

Two Star Gold! There are other big Alchemists at 3-Star level!

My Heavens!

After hearing this, everyone was shocked!

The Alchemist of the two-star gold level is Qianyuan, and the other large Alchemist of the 3-Star level is of course Huo Tianci. Because of the ten-percent medicine pill, it is estimated that in the entire Great Liang Nation, there is only He can be refined by himself.

However, what made everyone more shocked was the magical scene that followed.

I saw the shopkeeper, took out a box of white ointment, and rubbed it on the wound of the big man’s arm.

Finally, under the naked eye of everyone, the seven or eight inches long wound slowly recovered as before.

During this period, some people were counting the seconds of recovery.

Seventeen seconds, eighteen seconds, nineteen seconds, twenty seconds!

My goodness, the wound is scabs.

At this moment, everyone’s eyes are already looking straight, because the blood hula wiped the arm before, it solidified and condensed in just twenty seconds. Finally formed a scab.

However, at thirty seconds, the red’s crusted shell peeled off the big man’s arm. In the end, the big man’s arm was completely restored.

After this scene appeared, the scene was as quiet as death, because everyone was completely shocked by this extremely magical scene.

Until a voice roared, everyone came back to his senses.

“shopkeeper’s, give me ten bottles, no no no, I want twenty bottles! This damn it, but the life-saving baby, by the way, that hemostatic pill, I want to give it to me Twenty capsules come as a set!”

After this person yelled, everyone immediately woke up like a dream.

“Shopkeeper, I want me too!”

“Me too! Give me two bottles quickly!”

This moment Here, the scene exploded directly, because everyone was holding silver tickets and wanted to rush to buy the healing medicine ointment in Nadan Building.

It was also on this day that the healing medicine ointment of Huo Tianci Danlou became completely popular.

“You guys did a good job, this is a reward.” Yes, the troublemaker, his little brothers, and the few passersby are all “actors” invited by Huo Tianci , Huo Tianci allowed them to rehearse for a full three days in this play, and the effect also made him extremely satisfied.

“Huo Boss, I don’t want this silver, I want that… ointment.” This troublemaker originally didn’t believe in the magical effect of the healing medicine ointment, but until he used it once , He just feels, get a knife, apply a bag, bag you want to get a second knife.

He couldn’t be amazed anyway.

“I’ll give you a bottle, yes, you have to help us publicize it, when the time comes, the benefits will definitely be yours.” Huo Tianci is also generous.

“Thank you Huo Boss, thank you Huo Boss, the little one will definitely help you publicize it, because Huo Boss, you are a conscientious businessman.” This troublemaker is not happy.

At this time, in the city of Fuzhou, there is another Danlou named “Hundred Years Ye Ji”. Just look at the name of this Danlou. This is the Danlou of Ye Family.

“Why are there so many customers today?” According to the point of the past, the customers who came to the building to buy medicine pill can be described as busy, but today, there are only a few 3 or 5 people.

The most annoying thing is that these 3 or 5 people didn’t even buy anything, because they just came to ask if there is that’s that’s sold by the healing medicine in this “Hundred Years Leaf” All, because Huo Tianci’s “Tongrentang” Dan Tower is already crowded, the line is full of several hundred meters long, and finally these daunted customers come to this Ye Family Dan Tower to take a look Was there any healing medicine ointment sold, but as a result, there was no fart, which made them extremely disappointed.

“Oh hello~, how come the price here is not lowered, Tong Ren Tang, 70% medicinal hemostatic pills, but only 700 silver taels, and there is a 10% discount, you This 60% medicinal product is actually eight hundred and two pills. You are too silly. No wonder no one comes to buy medicine pill anymore. I understand it.” Finally, there was a customer who sneered. Here is the “Hundred Years of Leaves”.

After that, he immediately turned his head and moved towards “Tongrentang” and ran away. As he ran, he still muttered: “I really hope to queue now, it’s not too late.”

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