“Dog pushes things! You didn’t even let me go!” After seeing this, the tall Senior Brother also joined the battle.

Seeing this, other male disciplines whose underwear was stolen all joined in, and began to punch and kick Ye Han.

After Qin Feng saw this, his legs were so frightened.

At this moment, Huo Tianci walked to his side, and then patted his shoulders, saying: “Don’t panic, you can’t run.”

“What did you say? Me? Can’t run? Is it possible that you!” Qin Feng actually weakened his legs and slumped on the ground: “no no no, I can’t become like this, Huo Tianci, I beg you, please Please let me go. I promise that in the future, I will never mess with you again. I can swear to God!”

From this moment on, Ye Han will surely make the stench to the sky. This is already The destined fact, even this notoriety, will spread to the entire Fuzhou City, making him unable to live anymore, but Ye Han, can go to other places and continue to live, because Ye Family has a big family of more than a dozen. city, but they all have their sites.

But he, Qin Feng, is the same. What’s more, he is still the son of Vice-City Lord of Fuzhou City. If this is notorious, it is very likely that his father will be implicated. Because the shameless thing of stealing women’s internal belongings is simply the scum of martial artist, the scum of Martial Dao, and perhaps in the end, his father will kill his relatives righteously, because it is too shameful.

“no no no, don’t say it.” Seeing Huo Tianci turned around and wanted to report, Qin Feng directly hugged Huo Tianci’s thigh, not letting him go: “Huo Tianci, I beg you , No, don’t say, and I’m doing all of these things. Ye Han did all these things! I originally thought, just and honorable to beat you, but Ye Han has been bewitching me, saying that he wants to make you stink. Let you ruin, and then get out of the Academy. It is him. Although I am wrong, but I am not dead, Huo Tianci, I have not asked anyone, just this time, I promise that in the future, I will definitely not have any evil with you.”

Finally, Huo Tianci sent the eight characters of Qin Feng: “I knew it so, why did you start!”

“You are right, I am sorry for you, I am jealous of you , I know it was wrong now, you can kill me.” Qin Feng is now asking for self-protection, otherwise, Ye Han will be his fate.

“For the sake of Sister Ya’er, I will spare you this time, but you must remember, this is the last time!”

“Yes, yes, I see, thank you, thank you, thank you.” Qin Feng was almost frightened.

“Okay, get up now. Those things are in your room on the second floor, in the third cabinet. Now, please go and clean up quickly. Otherwise, I won’t take care of you, then Ye Han , And it is very likely to bite you back.”

Qin Feng at first, really wanted to just and honorable defeat Huo Tianci, and then he was deceived, so this moved evil thoughts, and righteousness. Because of this, Huo Tianci will show mercy, otherwise, he is definitely the second Ye Han!

“Thank you…Thank you, I will go back and clean up now!” Qin Feng immediately returned to his own courtyard, but he really found a ball in the third cabinet on the second floor. After seeing the woman’s personal objects, Qin Feng’s back was soaked. This was scared, because if this was really going to be stabbed out, then he would be completely finished.

Finally, Qin Feng sat paralyzed on the ground and shook his head for a while. At the same time, he also secretly thought in the heart that he would never trouble Huo Tianci anymore.

As for Ye Han, he was beaten and beaten to death by everyone. In the end, this incident also shocked the entire Fuzhou Academy.

“Ye Han is a direct line of Ye Family. If this matter is not suppressed, Ye Family will definitely have an opinion on us.” Vice Dean Feng Sheng said so and so, finally he I also added a sentence: “There is still that matter, we must have the support of Ye Family, dean, you must carefully consider it, after all, we have been waiting for five years!”

Luoqiushan didn’t know, but Ye Family didn’t seem to be willing to support them, because he had asked the old fart more than a dozen times before, and finally the old fart actually wanted A piece of cold iron stone as a reward, this is simply a grab!

Because of the cold iron stones, they are the treasures of Spirit Rank weapons.

The old fart in Luoqiu Mountain Pass is Ye Han’s grandfather, an Alchemist of two-star gold.

In other words, if this matter is not suppressed this time, Fuzhou Academy and Ye Family will be in full swing.

For a while, all the people were persuading Luoqiushan, must think carefully, because they can’t wait any longer and don’t want to wait anymore.

“I only blame me for waiting for disappointing. If I and Qianyuan can break through to the second-star gold level, then there is no need to ask those old fogeys.” Master Cui Yuan, Somewhat helpless.

Cui Yuan master’s Array Master level is only two-star silver. His current situation is the same as Qianyuan’s before. There is only one opportunity to break through. However, this opportunity is sufficient for him. After five years of waiting, he didn’t wait, which made him helpless.

At this moment, Qianyuan, who heard the news, rushed over.

“Just fire that kid!” Qian Yuan said as soon as he came up.

Seeing Qianyuan’s vigorous look, everyone had a guess: “is it possible that you, breakthrough!”

“That is natural, that is, We don’t need Ye Family’s support anymore. Not only that, we have to fight against them! The dog life has taken us for five years!” Qian Yuan wanted revenge, because Fuzhou City, Alchemist Guild’s President, should have been Belongs to him, but he was forcibly robbed by Ye Family. As the saying goes, if you have grudges, you will not avenge non-gentlemen!

“Good! Good! Good!” As soon as the good news came, Luoqiushan, who had been extremely embarrassed, immediately clapped his hands and said three “good” words.

After that, he stood up and looked up at the sky and said: “So now, how to punish, then how to punish! Don’t worry about the consequences of Ye Family old bastard.”

Ever since, on the 2nd day before dawn, Ye Han was a matter of Neiyi thieves, so it spread wildly to the entire Fuzhou Academy. Not only that, but even the streets and alleys of Fuzhou City were spread all over the place.

In the Alchemist Guild.

“What? Han’er was kicked out of the Academy!” The president, Ye Hongyun, couldn’t believe it.

On the other hand, the person who reported the incident said intermittently: “It is said that Young Master Ye in the Academy stole, stole…the internal support of female disciples, so this is…”


“Stealing Neiyi? Where is Han’er now?” Ye Hongyun, but he is very precious to his nephew.

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