One afternoon, Wu Qiushuang’s anger has disappeared a lot, and that is, this is the first time Huo Tianci has asked her. To be honest, she is still very happy, so she nodded and agreed. .

However, the more slapstick thing is that it started to rain at night, let alone eat out to enjoy the moon.

“Tong Fang, I want to strangle you!” Huo Tianci wanted to kill.

Because of the rain, the two had an appointment for another day, and after chatting for a while, Huo Tianci and Wu Qiushuang went back to their own courtyards.

Zhongfeng Courtyard, at this time, Ren Hui and the crowd are talking about their own results today.

“I took the task of cutting bamboo in the silver bamboo forest on the mountainside. I told you that the bamboo is soft but hard. If you don’t grasp the profound energy, simply keep cutting it, yes By the way, and the color of the bamboo, it is also strange, it turned out to be silver, anyway, this is the first time I have seen it.” Ren Hui and Ren Bin took up this task, and at the end of the day, Ren Hui earned 17 points. Points, and Ren Bin only earned nine points. The two are not bad.

Li Kang and Hu Lei took on the task of catching fish. Of course, this fish is not an ordinary fish, but a barracuda with spirituality. It is extremely fast and extremely small. It’s just as big as a palm. Hu Lei is a princeling. How could he ever catch fish, but Li Kang is a good fish catcher. Although he saw this barracuda for the first time, he relied on his experienced fish catching experience. , The two still caught a lot of articles.

In the end, Li Kang and Hu Lei also said: “This not only earns Academy points, but also brings cultivated, martial artist’s acumen, observation, and reaction, which is also a benefit. Quite a lot.”

“By the way, is this barracuda dried and so on? Is it possible that it is eaten?” Dong Pengfei curiously asked.

Li Kang shook the head and said: “It’s not for food, but for the people in Fuzhen Pavilion. It should be the one used to make talisman, but I am not quite what it is used for. clear, but I gave a lot of points. We earned 20 points in total. How about you?”

“Me?” When he mentioned himself, Dong Pengfei was happy because he and Heizi went to Nanshan Ziyuan where the Senior Sisters live.

“I’m going! There are still such good tasks! Why didn’t I see it? Also, you brat, please tell us quickly, don’t just say half of our appetite.” Hu Lei was impatient. .

Looking at other people, they all looked very expectant. Even Huo Tianci found a place to sit down. After all, they are friends of the house (color).

In the end, I saw a group of people, sitting around Dong Pengfei.

This makes Dong Pengfei that kind of thing, that is not good: “It’s a cat-catching task.”

“Talk about the point.” Hu Lei wanted to hit someone.

“The point is more, the thieves inside are beautiful, there are so many flowers and trees, that is countless, after I went in with Heizi, we almost got dazzled…”

“Don’t pull the sunspot.” Huo Tianci is speechless. Isn’t this destroying the little child? There is ability. You will destroy me next time. Really.

“This, well, I was dazzled by it, because some Senior Sisters wear a sword dancing inside, and even one wears a bellyband…”



At this point, everyone swallowed a mouthful of saliva, but the face was hit in the next second.

“No wonder you brat’s right cheek is a little red.” Ren Hui saw it a long time ago, but he never said it.

Dong Pengfei glanced at Ren Hui, and said: “I want you to care, don’t eat grapes and say grape sour.”

“By the way, Heizi’s face…what is this?” Huo Tianci pointed at the blush on Heizi’s face, and then curiously asked.

“Then Senior Sister slapped me, turned his head and said that Sunspot looks cute, so he just took a bite.” Dong Pengfei only felt that the difference in treatment was too big.

“By the way, at the end, have you found that cat?” Huo Tianci asked.

“Of course I found it, and I don’t look at who I am. I’m catching the cat little Prince!” Dong Pengfei couldn’t do it, but in the next second, he immediately withered: “Well, it’s Brother Heizi When I found it, I shouted a little kitty. As a result, the little civet ran into the arms of Brother Heizi obediently, speaking of which, which is also strange.”

Little civet is a kind of possessiveness. The spirituality cat, it is estimated that this time it was awkward with the owner, and then secretly ran out.

However, grabbing a civet is not simple. One is that the civet is relatively petite, the other is that it is extremely fast, and the third is that it won’t work if it is injured. That’s why the Senior Sister released this civet. The task, as a result, didn’t expect, and Heizi got it done all at once, which made the Senior Sister, that was so happy. In the end, Dong Pengfei also hugged his thigh and Heizi’s thigh, which was the Senior Sister’s. In the Bieyuan, stayed all afternoon.

“The scent of the garden, the scent, I really want to live in it for the rest of my life.” Dong Pengfei couldn’t do it cheerfully. Looking at the other people next to him, they all looked envious.

The most important thing is that there is a fifty-point Academy points reward for this task. This fuck is really better than others, and maddeningly personal.

“I only earned 17 points after hacking bamboo for a day. You two did it well. Lying in the fragrant boudoir of the Senior Sister’s other courtyard, eating delicious food and drinking fine wine, this TM can still earn Fifty, I’m not alive!” Ren Hui looked bitter.

On the other hand, Dong Pengfei, when he got the bargain, he still behaved: “This is 50 for two people. If one person is divided, it will only be 25 points.”

“get lost!” The last five people , All moved towards He raised his middle finger, of course, these are all envious middle fingers.

“By the way, Brother Tian, ​​what did you do today?” Dong Pengfei asked.

“I said I went to juggernauts, do you believe it?”

“Isn’t this overkill?” Obviously, everyone else didn’t believe it.

“It’s okay, it’s in Danlou. When the time comes, you go buy medicine pill or something, I can also help you show the way. By the way, you know someone called Ye A cold person?” Finally, Huo Tianci looked at Hu Lei, because Hu Lei is a princeling, he must know much more information than him.

“Ye Han?” How could Hu Lei not know Ye Han, because they were all in the same circle, then he asked Huo Tianci and said: “is it possible that this dog is pushing something, with Brother Tian You have some holidays?”

“No holidays, just curiosity. By the way, since you know him, do you know what kind of person he is?” Huo Tianci asked again.

And Hu Lei only said two words: “hypocrisy!”

“Ye Han, this guy, is extremely hypocritical, it’s not me who hacked him, it’s the dog who forced things, that’s it , Motherfucker is hated by others.” Hu thunder-fire was not good enough when he said this.

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