If you guessed correctly, it should be Wang Junmao who absorbed the hot air waves into his palms, and because of his body, as expected, after a blink of an eye, the concentration of the air waves became thinner. What was absorbed was finally in a spherical shape, hovering over Wang Junmao’s palms.

Six air wave spheres, palms that are red as red flames, and they are named Chiyan Liuyang Palms, which really means something in it.

“Boy, take it to death!”

After Wang Junmao finished roaring, six blast balls, swish, came out of his palms.

Huo Tianci was surprised at first. He was surprised that these six blast balls could fly out, but after that, he immediately made up a disdainful smile in his eyes, because the blast balls, there was only It was the size of an eyeball, and what’s more, it was still controlled by the remaining air waves, so that Huo Tianci thought to himself, what formidable power could this have.

Across from “hmph hmph!”, Wang Junmao gave a fascinating smile. After that, he controlled his palms and said: “Attack!”

Suddenly, those six air waves are round The ball spread out in an instant, changing into six powerful palms, with five fingers and palms, almost the same size as an ordinary human hand. The only difference is that it is made of air waves. However, this is also its power. Now, because you die, if you don’t answer, it’s dead and flee. It’s almost impossible. Because of this powerful palm, there are as many as these six ways. Unless you can fly, otherwise, you will definitely lose.

“It’s awful!” Huo Tianci’s heart tightened, and he hurried back, because of the air wave, the temperature was extremely high, and normal people would be burned if touched by normal people. In other words, this move could not be prevented at all As for the escape, Huo Tianci is already on the run, but he knows very well that this move cannot escape, because there are six powerful palms, which leaves him nowhere to hide, so it is the best policy to step back and buy time.

“Exposure, expose it.” Huo Tianci originally wanted to hide a hand, but now he was forced to do nothing, so he retreated, and started the Dragon Elephant Prajna Technique.

Starting from Divine Art, Huo Tianci’s whole body was swirling in an instant, and then, his palms folded together.

Great Vajra Palm!

Under the blessing of the cyclone power of the Dragon Elephant Prajna Technique, the golden profound energy instantly condenses into a palm, and then as the speed of rotation increases, the profound energy becomes more and more powerful. At the same time, The palm force unique to Great Vajra Palm also gradually emerged. Finally, as Huo Tianci’s strength contracted, and with fierce force, I saw a bang, and two golden palm forces flew out of his palm. Outside.

“My God! That is it possible that is, Profound Qi Palm!” After seeing this, everyone underneath was stunned, because Profound Qi Palm is an expert above the Profound Realm. , The move that can be used is to condense profound energy in an instant, and slap a palm outward in the air. This is the same as the profound energy fist used by Song Tianzong, but the fist becomes a palm, but it is inseparable. Its ancestry is powerful.

What’s more, ordinary profound practitioners cannot use this move. They must control the profound energy. After the cultivation reaches a very high level, they can use it. It is precisely because of this. , Xuanqi Quan, was named the battle skill, because it is indeed very difficult to deal with.

But now, only Huo Tianci of the mysterious 6th-layer realm has used it. This shocked everyone present, and what’s more, the profound energy of Huo Tianci The palm is still half a meter big, and it also contains the unique golden profound energy. This is simply going to sweep everything.

In the end, I saw the half-meter-old golden palms, which burst away in an instant. Fortunately, Wang Junmao flashed fast. Otherwise, these palms would be enough. Blast him out of the ring.

“It’s dangerous!” Wang Junmao sweats straight out, but his hot body quickly evaporates the sweat. At the same time, he is still marveling at Huo Tianci’s tricks .

“Boy, I have to say, you are indeed very difficult to deal with, but I am even better!” The trick just now was just Wang Junmao’s small trick to test Huo Tianci, because the real red Yan Liuyang palm, he hasn’t used it yet.

Looked towards his hands carefully, only to see that the red has completely turned into crimson, the crimson, like a soldering iron, can burn through everything in an instant, and if this palm hits a person’s body, Just presumably, it will make life worse than death!

“That is the Great Perfection Realm! It is definitely the Great Perfection Realm!”

For some reason, someone off the court suddenly exclaimed, and finally the person pointed at Wang Junmao, Said with a horrified face.

“What? Great Perfection Realm!”

After this phrase appeared, everyone was restless.

At this moment, one person also saw it, and then he said:

“It’s no wonder that Wang Junmao’s whole body is always showing red, and he is angry from time to time. Waves circling out, it turns out that this is the Great Perfection Realm of Chiyan Liuyang Palm. It is said that after reaching this realm, martial artists can use air waves to cover the whole body and stimulate various acupuncture points to increase their own strength. It is estimated that this is the reason. Just now Huo Tianci’s profound energy palm was avoided by him.” This person has a thorough analysis. On the other hand, everyone else is nodded like a dream.

Ren Hui and the six people are nervous, because the Chiyan Six Sun Palm of the Great Perfection Realm has the power of Mysterious Grade mysterious skills. Can Huo Tianci be able to resist it?

“Don’t worry, God bestows him on Brother, he is amazing.” Although Ren Hui said so, in his heart, he was very unreasonable.

Hu Lei bit his lip and said with an apologetic look: “I knew I would not let Brother Tian come over.”

“Brother Huo, he was at a disadvantage.” Ren Bin was a bit dissatisfied, because Huo Tianci’s realm was originally lower than Wang Junmao’s 3rd-layer, and now Wang Junmao has Mysterious Grade mysterious skills in his hands, just presumably, nine deaths and still alive (nine deaths and one win).

“Young Lord will not lose, Heizi knows very well.” Heizi can especially believe in Huo Tianci.

Dong Pengfei also said: “Heavenly brother, he has never tasted a defeat.”

Li Kang added: “Didn’t you say that Brother Huo, he has defeated Is it an expert in the 9th layer of the profound practitioner, can you still lose?”

When these words came out, the few people who were nervous before became embarrassed.

“This…, it seems that you won’t lose, but Wang Junmao is too powerful. He can even use Mysterious Grade mysterious skills. He is indeed a princeling. The background is too profound. “Ren Hui can only sigh.

At this time on the ring.

Wang Junmao is laughing heartily. Because of this move, he must win. After that, he provokes Huo Tianci and said: “Boy, have you seen how great Lao Tzu is? But, you are lucky, Because you are the first person to see me using this move, of course, you are also very bad luck, because in a moment, you will be crushed by me, and then walk unhindered out!”

However, in Huo Tianci’s ears, these ridicules all turned into self-confident, clown-like amusement.

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