“Just take it for granted, let’s get some lessons in advance.” Ren Hui is eager to test his abilities.

However, just when the three of Huo Tianci were about to leave, Heizi said this cutely: “The young Lord gave Heizi the silver last time. Heizi has lost all of it. Now Heizi still wants to I need some money to play mahjong.”


Huo Tianci is really defeated, because they are preparing to aggressively go to find the place. As a result, this kid , Suddenly came such a cute sentence.

“Thank you Young Lord.” After taking over the silver from Huo Tianci’s hands, Kuroko was particularly happy, because this kid likes playing games most.

In the end, I saw Huo Tianci, Ren Hui, and Hu Lei who walked towards the Elite Practice Field.

The outer sect is located in the entire Fuzhou Academy, which is closer to the foot of the mountain, while the elite disciple area is at the upper end of the outer sect. It looks like a pyramid, that is, one layered On the first floor, as for the Core Disciple area, of course it is at the top of the pyramid, and that area is also the most profound, and it is also the most aspired place for the disciplines of the entire Fuzhou Academy.

After about 5 minutes, I saw three strangers approached in the Elite Practice Field. To be more specific, there should be two. These two strangers are both Wearing a gray military uniform, and embroidered with a big “new” on the chest.

It is estimated that it is so special that the two of them immediately attracted the attention of the elite disciple wearing white martial arts uniforms.

At the same time, there are also a lot of elite disciples, looking at their identities.

“These two people, should they be relatives.” After this person said, another said.

“Otherwise, it was the younger brother who received it. By the way, I heard that Lao Wang received several younger brothers yesterday, and those younger brothers’ houses are all wealthy businessmen, and the protection fees are collected. I look jealous. It is said that they are all new students, so they are very bully. Should we go and collect some of them tomorrow? Otherwise, some beautiful female Junior Sisters will do.” At this time, this person’s harrass almost flowed down, I have to say, fire prevention, theft prevention, Senior Brother.

“What you said is reasonable, then we will check it out tomorrow, when the time comes, and find a few new Junior Sisters to watch the moon and dance swords together.”

“Dance sword? I think you want to be cheap.”

“Aren’t you.”

As they said, the two goods also looked at each other and agreed with each other. Silver is up.

Unfortunately, these people are wrong, because the three of Huo Tianci came, not to recognize the big brother, but…

“Who is Wang Junmao, Stand up for Laozi!” Huo Tianci stood in the center of Practice Field with his hands around his chest, and shouted, yes, Huo Tianci is here to find fault.

Next to it.

Ren Hui shuddered immediately, because you are too low-key, so he pulled the corner of Huo Tianci’s martial arts clothes and whispered to him: “God gift Brother, keep your voice down.”

The Hu Lei next to me also meant the same, because it was too high-profile, and they were a little panicked anyway.

“What are you afraid of.” After staring at the two of them, Huo Tianci shouted louder: “Where is Wang Junmao? Is it possible that, isn’t it here?”

At this time, there are more than one thousand people in this elite Practice Field. Huo Tianci can find it with clairvoyance, but it will take a long time, because this requires one person to recognize each face. Many people, in other words, Huo Tianci has to look at more than a thousand faces. To be honest, this is a bit annoying. Of course, Huo Tianci does not have the patience to look at it now, so yelled is the fastest and most direct.

“I said Hu Lei, I’ll help you get ahead, and you also help me shout.” Looking at the two cowardly like mice, Huo Tianci was a little speechless.

“Wang…Wang…Wang, Wang Junmao, come out for me!” Finally, Hu Lei finally yelled out a sentence. What’s more embarrassing is that Huo Tianci almost didn’t hear this voice. , Let alone talk about other people.

“You brat didn’t eat? Give me the energy you used to scold this guy in the other courtyard!” Huo Tianci was very dissatisfied. On the other hand, Hu Lei blushed, and finally squeezed him. I screamed out loudly: “Wang Junmao, Xfuck, your motherfucker, get out of me! I am going to kill you today!”

After yelling, I saw one of the crowd surrounded by elite disciple In the middle, immediately let out a gap, and finally saw a tall discipline leading a group of people out, but Wang Junmao was not in it.

“Bi Yaolian, it turns out that you are a dog here, Wang Junmao is here!” After seeing the person walking out, Hu Lei immediately yelled, because this Bi Yaolian was an accomplice and was among those who beat him today , There is this stock.

“Hu Lei, it seems that you brat hasn’t been beaten enough today! In this case, surround me!” Bi Yaolian waved his hand, and immediately saw six or seven younger brothers behind him. Huo Tianci immediately surrounded the three of them.

After this scene appeared, Hu Lei instantly panicked to death, because his face still hurts, and then he weakly asked Huo Tianci: “Tian brother, what should we do now? “

“What should I do? Well, it depends on what you think.” The task requirement is to assist Hu Lei in revenge, but what counts as revenge depends on how Hu Lei decides. That’s why Huo Tianci said this to Hu Lei.

Hu Lei bites clenching one’s teeth and said: “Since Wang Junmao is not there, then first, clean up these boys and say!”

“ding” system hint: task The request was changed to, clean up Bi Yaolian. Upon completion, 500,000 cultivation base value rewards will be obtained.

“Sure enough, there is a way. It seems that this task has a follow-up.” Huo Tianci thought to himself, and then he said to Bi Yaolian in front of him: “Think of more people and bully less? Don’t you think, Is this very to have no shame? Isn’t it, Bi Yaolian.”

Bi Yaolian, to have no shame, Huo Tianci couldn’t help but want to laugh, because they are very similar.

On the other hand, Bi Yaolian, who was said so, his face turned red. At the same time, some of the elite disciple onlookers were still talking.

“The kid is crazy, but what he said is quite reasonable. If he finally Bi Yaolian, attack the group, and then spread it out, it would be a shame. After all, A group of elite disciple bullies the two outer sect freshmen. Anyway, this is just wrong. When the time comes, even us will be badly suffered and ridiculed by others, saying that we are elite disciple, but they dare not talk to the outsider. sect Freshmen go on their own, relying on numbers to win.”

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