In the end, everyone looked forward to the test bench, because they all wanted to see how strong this freshman’s first and second talents were.

“Will there be a tenth class!”

“In my opinion, it is extremely probability, maybe there will be attribute profound energy, and even then, the mutation mysterious Qi!”

“Mutated profound energy! I drop the sky!”

When everyone was talking about it, Huo Tianci and Heizi finally stood under the test boulder After this scene appeared, it pushed everyone’s excitement to the climax, because they were looking forward to the level of talent of these two geniuses.

It was still the three purple robe instructors who urged the big formation. Finally, under everyone’s attention, they tested the boulder and began to flash rays of light.


“What’s going on!”

Under the stage, there were surprises everywhere, and finally everyone looked at it, it turned out to be Among the ten test boulders, two of them did not flash the rays of light. Of course, this is not the point. The point is that the two boulders are located behind Huo Tianci and Heizi.

No talent!

For a while, everyone held their breath and couldn’t believe it. Then, heated discussions recurred.

“To tell you the truth, I received such a gossip yesterday. Some people said that Huo Tianci is an illegitimate child of a high-level Academy and a great character. That’s why I won the first place. Name.”

“illegitimate child? Is this true? Also, even if it is illegal, what does it have to do with this number one? Yesterday, I saw him make a move with my own eyes. That’s the old disciplines of the outer sect, but they can’t get it yet. That’s the real power.”

“The real power is all pretended, and then acting to deceive us. all, by the way, have you heard about yesterday afternoon?”

“Yesterday afternoon? What’s the matter?”

“It’s Huo Tianci, insulting master Teng Qing What is the matter of Master Teng Qing, who is that person? It is a refinement master of the mysterious Spirit Realm powerhouse, two-star gold, etc.! Don’t say an outer sect freshman discipline insults, even if it is Inner Disciple insults, insults by the instructor, the result is definitely It’s horrible, I don’t say when the time comes to expel from the Academy. It is very likely that my life will be lost, but this Huo Tianci, there is nothing wrong, it is not suspicious!”

At one point, everyone suddenly realized that all of this was fake.

“It turned out to be the fox exploits the tiger’s might! I thought he was really capable!”

“That’s right, now, isn’t the fox’s tail exposed? However, this is also good, let us see his true face early!”

On the side, everyone who knows Huo Tianci’s true strength spit on it.

Among them, Hu Dali, who fought against Huo Tianci. Hu Dali is also a ninth-level talent, but he prides himself that Huo Tianci can completely abuse him. What’s more, people with zero-level talent can be in the 5th layer of a 16-year-old mysterious disciple. Then they have talents such as seven eight-nine. People who are 17-18 years old and are less than the 5th layer of the Xuantuo can eat that.

“Forget it if you don’t have the strength, and you don’t have any brains yet, this group of people is probably hopeless.” Hu Dali kept talking.

Yun Pojun, who was punched by Huo Tianci, thinks so too. Because of Huo Tianci’s terrifying, only when you really fight against it, you will thoroughly understand that absolute strength, so The absolute crushing brought about, anyway, Yun Pojun would not dare to fight Huo Tianci anymore in this life.

On the stage, twenty blue robe tutors are also hotly discussing.

At this time, Fang Bai proposed to re-check, but the two test boulders just didn’t respond.

“Could it be that this test boulder is broken?” Actually Fang Bai didn’t believe that Huo Tianci and Heizi’s talents were zero!

But in reality, I defeated him again, because other disciplines reacted when standing under the test boulder.

The last three purple robe tutors qualitatively announced that Huo Tianci and Heizi had zero results, that is, no talent!

As for Feng Sheng, the deputy dean sitting on the chair, he has long since disappeared.

At this time, in the hall on the highest point of the main peak, Feng Sheng, who had previously disappeared, came here.

“Old Feng, did the results come out?” Dean Luo Qiushan was sitting in it.

“Come out.” To be honest, Feng Sheng didn’t know how to answer, because the result was zero.

“Feng old man, how did you hesitate today?” In addition to Luoqiushan, master Cui Yuan was also there because he was also waiting for the news.

Finally, Feng Sheng sighed and said: “I don’t know why, the results of those two boys turned out to be zero.”

“cough cough cough, what? Zero talent!” After hearing this, Cui Yuan, who had just poured a sip of fragrant tea into his mouth, immediately spit it out like a cough. At this time, his face was completely unbelievable, because his expectation was that Huo Tianci and Heizi, you have to have a ninth-level talent, but it turned out…

For a while, Cui Yuan was speechless. As for Luoqiushan, he frowned. The last three of you, look. I look at you, looking at each other in blank dismay.

But after a while.

“Is it possible that!” Suddenly, sitting cross-legged on the hill, he slapped the table and bounced.

This can make Cui Yuan and Feng Sheng a little confused, because the talent test of Huo Tianci and Heizi is real, not at all, what is the detection error, or the detection of the boulder is damaged? This kind of situation, that is, this zero talent score, there is no slight problem.

What else is it possible that?

Cui Yuan and Feng Sheng are at a loss.

But Luoqiushan said with a smile: “Then you two have seen a discipline with zero talent before?”

“There is no such thing, but first-class talent, I have seen such a person a few years ago.” Feng Sheng touched his chin, and said after thinking about it.

“And the problem lies here! I have been the dean for more than 20 years, and I have seen innumerable disciplines, but they have never appeared before. There is a discipline with zero talent! The situation, that is to say, either, they are really waste materials, but depending on the strength of Huo Tianci, if he is waste materials, then all the new students in this class are not as good as waste materials, so this Only the second situation!” Luo Qiushan paused when he said this.

On the other hand, Cui Yuan and Feng Sheng are impatient, because it is most uncomfortable to say half and half in one sentence.

“Master dean, don’t haha ​​haha ​​with us. Hurry up, we both are almost dying.”

Luoqiushan nodded, lost it. One said with a smile: “Since it is not the first waste material, then it is the second, peerless genius! The kind of peerless genius that can’t even test the boulder to detect the talent!”

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