The last nine sets of mahjong and nine sets of playing cards actually allowed Huo Tianci to earn 30,000,000 taels of silver.

Not only that, system also prompts.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden task, [spreading the gambling method], get system rewards, and a special lottery fragment!

“Damn, this actually rewards special lottery fragments!” Huo Tianci only felt that this joy fell from the sky.

Special lottery fragments: Collect five pieces together to form a complete special lottery coin.

Huo Tianci’s [Clair Eyes and Wind Ears], and [Multi-Shadow Clone Technique], but they are drawn from this. Almost all the rewards inside can be described as Divine Grade, so Huo Tianci will Said that this is a joy from heaven.

“Brother Tian, ​​I won a lot of money today!” At this time, Dong Pengfei was playing golden flower. After Huo Tianci asked him why there were so many people, I saw this kid explain.

“It’s this kind of brother. At noon today, there were six people claiming to be your little brother. They came to find you. Isn’t it because you are not there? Then I saw that they were boring, so Almost, I taught them how to blow up golden flower. Finally, they got more people. But let’s not say, your new gambling method is really likable. There is also this fried golden flower. Don’t play. I don’t know, I can’t stop at all when I play, anyway, I’m getting better!”

“He he he, it turned out to be like this.” Huo Tianci was embarrassed for a while, then he secretly thought. .

“Am I to lead people astray?” Huo Tianci felt a deep guilt in his heart when seeing a lot of people who didn’t cultivate and come to watch mahjong and poker. .

If this is the case, let this guilt come even more violently!

“Deal me the cards!” Huo Tianci said.

In the evening, after leaving the venue, Huo Tianci began ideological criticism education.

“I said you guys, don’t patronize it for fun, that thing is good, but it’s terrible.” This made Huo Tianci suddenly thought of those desperate gamblers on earth, finally It is common for people to destroy homes, kill people and set fires.

The three of them did not speak, because they did not do anything today. As for Heizi, the three of them are incomparable, because Heizi can improve his strength by eating and sleeping.

“But if you pass the time occasionally, it’s okay.” At this point, Huo Tianci will not go on, because it is useless to say more and proper reminders are enough. Otherwise, , It may be self-defeating,

“Godsent brother, thank you for your reminder.” Ren Hui probably woke up.

Ren Bin, too, because they came here to cultivation Martial Dao. Dong Pengfei seemed to be aware of this.

“Then we go to Practice Field to play at night?” Dong Pengfei suggested.

“Okay, come to a five-person chaos!” Huo Tianci just loosened up.

It is estimated that the excitement has passed. The Practice Field in the evening has restored its former calm. At this time, there are many disciplines in the cultivation.

On the last inquiries, I found out that the Academy has a clear stipulation that discipline gambling is strictly prohibited, but this gambling method is relatively new, so Academy at first is not taken seriously, but from the evening, Mahjong Playing cards have also begun to be included in the list of prohibitions. If found, they will all be shut down, and gambling equipment will also be confiscated.

That’s why all the disciplines have become honest, especially those who bought mahjong and playing cards. After all, they spent a lot of money and were confined in confinement. Two things have been confiscated, so don’t they have to cry to death.

Of course, it’s no harm, because after a month, mahjong and poker have swept the entire Great Liang Nation. As for why it’s so popular, Huo Tianci doesn’t know. However, this is also a later story.

This can be considered Huo Tianci, lead a trend. Bring the things on the earth into this World, and these “heterogeneous trends” will be more in the future, even so , Change this World!

No words for a night, 2nd day early in the morning.

On the outer sect Martial Practice Stage, at this time all the freshmen are gathered here. Looking at their faces, they are full of dignity. As for what they are doing, the instructor informed yesterday. It is to test the talents of the new disciplines. In the end, the good will give priority to the inferior and the inferior will treat the inferior. So the freshmen, this will be a little nervous, because it is related to their future achievements.

“If you click on the name now, come to the stage to do the test. In the end, as long as the score is excellent, you can go to the 1st floor of the cultivation room on the first floor of Tianyi, and you will be free for three days of cultivation!”


As soon as these words came out, the scene was boiling, because of the special cultivation on the first floor of the sky, they had heard of it a long time ago, but everyone has never been there, because if nothing else, they just stepped To enter the Tianyi Pavilion, you have to pay ten Academy points, and then enter the cultivation room, and you have to pay a little rental fee. It is said that it is calculated by the hour, so all the new disciplines are discouraged. .

However, today, the opportunity is here. As long as the results are excellent, you can enter the cultivation for three days for free. This is undoubtedly a joy from the sky!

In the end, everyone was gearing up, all showing excitement.

Look at the stage.

The tutor who presided over the test is 20 blue robe tutors, apart from this, and three purple robe tutors are in charge of the examination. The most important thing is that the deputy dean Feng Sheng actually returned I personally came to sit in town, I have to say that the Academy attaches great importance to this.

When everything is ready, the twenty blue robe tutors began to select people to come on stage in turn.

“I choose Wang Haiyang!”

“I choose Zhou Xiaokang!”

“I choose Li Dongxu!”

…… …

After the selection of the staff, the instructor motioned to the twenty new students to stand under the twenty boulders at the back and look up at the boulder. The boulder is divided into ten squares. , Represents a rank, among which the first rank is the lowest, the tenth rank is the highest, and the eighth rank or higher is considered the best.

In the end, I saw the three purple robe instructors, who started to mobilize the big formation, which was connected to the boulder, and the boulder was connected to the twenty disciplines whose feet were on the ground.

After just three seconds, I saw rays of light appearing on the 20 boulders one after another. The rays of light started to rise from the bottom of the boulder in an impact.

During the period, there was excitement, and of course there was also a sound of ouch, because some people got good grades, some people got poor grades, and the best was Wang Haiyang. I saw him on the boulder The rays of light, forcibly hit the eighth grid, and then slowly stopped.

When the instructor who selected Wang Haiyang saw this, his mouth was full of laughter. After that, he proudly announced the results of Wang Haiyang’s test.

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