“Then…you, at least give us a place to live, otherwise, the instructor will investigate, and the Academy will inquire about it, then you can’t escape the relationship, when the time comes, maybe, it really shuts you down.” Since the soft ones are useless and the hard ones can’t be beaten, these old disciplines begin to use both soft and hard.

Huo Tianci has caused a big disaster today, so during this time, it’s better to keep a low profile. Besides, these old disciplines, you can say it, you can’t, just sleep outside.

“Then, 100 silver taels per person per month, no money, sorry, get out.” Huo Tianci is going to be a charter company.

“100 taels a month, you are too dark!” In the old discipline, some people think Huo Tianci is dark.

Next second.

“Sorry, now it has risen, every person per month, two hundred silver taels, no money, or the same sentence, let me go!”

As soon as the words came out, The old discipline that Huo Tianci said just now was black and immediately turned into a pig’s head. As for how to become a pig’s head, of course it was beaten by other old disciplines.

“Fuck fuck! You want to kill us!”

“It’s really a pig teammate. If you fail to succeed, let me go!” Finally, this stuff, Also was kicked out of here.

The accommodation area of ​​the outer sect is divided into two parts, one is on the flat ground outside the mountain, and the other is in the middle of the mountain. Obviously, the one in the middle of the mountain is better because of the profound energy inside. It is thicker than the outside. As for why it is thick, it is said that it has been blessed with some kind of Formation. It is precisely because of this that this mountain hinterland is very popular.

“Boss Huo, that person has been driven away by us, so at this price…” The old disciplines still hope that Huo Tianci can be cheaper.

“Then this month, two hundred taels.” Huo Tianci thought for a while, then said.

In this way, Huo Tianci stayed in Fuzhou Academy.

At night, the room is actually like such a big room. Generally, you can live in five disciplines. Of course, Huo Tianci is not ordinary, because he is now the boss here, where the boss lives. Bigger, nothing wrong, and then, this mountain hinterland is huge, with three floors above, three floors below, three floors inside and three floors outside. It is estimated that the Outer Disciple is crowded, so this is the outer sect accommodation. Land, let’s build such a big one.

“Let’s draw a prize first.” In the room, only Heizi and Huo Tianci, so Huo Tianci is not worried about what will be exposed. As for Ren Hui, Ren Bin and Dong Pengfei, they live In the room next to him.

With a movement of thought, the silver lottery machine appeared in Huo Tianci’s mind.

“Would you like to change the reward?”

At this time, most of the ten rewards on the lottery machine have been drawn by Huo Tianci, especially the [Character Card: Demacia Power Galen], and [Bamboo Dragonfly].

In addition to these two items, the [League of Legends Junior Gift Pack] [Flash Bomb] [hundred thousand cultivation base value] were also taken away by Huo Tianci.

As for the ones that did not take away, the rewards for drawing knives, mahjong poker cards, Gathering Profound Pill rewards, Huo Family Mistake Fist rewards and a middle grade black stone reward.

Mahjong playing cards, really, just ignore it.

Gathering Profound Pill is something in this World, that is to say, you can buy it with silver. As for the middle grade profound stone, Huo Tianci has it on him, so just ignore it.

The only thing left is to draw a knife and slash with Huo Family. So Huo Tianci thought to himself whether or not to change the rewards, because the other three are really useless.

If the two are compared, drawing a knife and cutting is a purple reward, while Huo Family Mizong Fist is a pink reward.

In the end, Huo Tianci thought about it again and again, preparing to abandon the knife and cut.

“ding” system hint: The host can reserve a reward item.

“I keep the Huo Family Mizong Fist.” Huo Tianci replied without thinking.

“ding” Huo Family Mizong Fist, the reservation is complete, and the reward is being drawn again.

After a while, a new round of ten rewards appeared in Huo Tianci’s eyes.

“Fuck, this is really soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed!” The first reward is the retained Huo Family Mizong Fist, but the second reward is the mahjong poker card. But unlike before, the number of pieces has increased.

“Ten decks of playing cards, ten sets of mahjong, you are determined, want me to promote the national quintessence here.”

as everyone knows, mahjong is The quintessence of China, as for playing cards, it is also a kind of gambling anyway.

“I really went, it seems that if I don’t get it, this system will not be reconciled.” Huo Tianci only felt that he would draw this mahjong poker reward later.

Looking down, the third reward is.

“Sword?” Huo Tianci was a little confused, because this girl turned out to be an orange reward.

“Li Jing’s weapon!” After checking the attributes, Huo Tianci suddenly realized.

But after that, the dumbfounded appearance resurfaced.

“Li Jing in hundreds of cold jokes, are you TM kidding me?” Huo Tianci a little bit wanted to curse, because Li Jing in the fairy tale is a Heavenly God, a true god.

And the Li Jing in hundreds of cold jokes is purely a funny comparison.

Li Jing Baojian (Li Jing’s weapon in hundreds of cold jokes) Grade: None, additional special effects: 100% handed over to the hand; 100% handed to the hand to hand 2.0, durability: 100 points, When the durability is over, the weapon will automatically disappear.

Introduction to special effects.

100% empty-handed hand-to-handed: After using the designated opponent, the opponent will immediately kneel on the ground, regardless of the level of the realm, and receive the sword with both hands (single skill), consumption, and a little durability.

100% Receiving Handed Blades by Empty Hand 2.0: It can make all enemies kneel down and take handed blades (group attack skills) with bare hands. Cost: 5 durability.

“No matter how high or low the realm is, all kneel down for Lao Tzu!” Huo Tianci just wanted to say, this sentence is the point.

But it’s a bit embarrassing that this girl actually has durability, but this attribute is against the sky, and it can ignore the realm. In other words, Huo Tianci can overlook all living beings with this sword in hand. After all, if you are stunned and kneeling, I will ask you if you are afraid!

“Orange rewards, it really didn’t disappoint me once!” Huo Tianci rubbed his hands, Le Zai thought secretly.

The next fourth reward is a cheat book, which originated from Shaolin and named: Great Vajra Palm!

Great Vajra Palm, also known as Dali Vajra Palm, is one of the Shaolin seventy two stunts. It is also the martial arts of the abbot Xuanci in the martial arts TV series “The Deva, the Nāga, and the Eight Sections”. It belongs to the superior Splitting Sky Palm, and is called the Shaolin three palms together with the Prajna palm and Mount Meru palm.

This palm technique is extremely difficult to practice. Shaolin Temple is often completed only after a hundred years. Fortunately, the practice know-how and secret music are stored in the Scripture Pavilion, so they have not been lost. This palm is extremely powerful and powerful, just like Vajra’s palm, capable of striking palm force in the air, with infinite formidable power.

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