As for Huo Tianci and Heizi, it’s even more so, because they broke out of the blood. They used to be in the Forest of Hundred Beasts, and then in Long Village. Huo Tianci almost couldn’t figure it out. His hands, the end There are so many blood stains, so in this class of pediatrics, he doesn’t even blink his eyelids.


Suddenly, a rush of footsteps came from nearby. After that, the five people who were alert immediately put their backs together and formed a small formation. This is to use To deal with the various sudden occurance methods, this is what Huo Tianci came up with, because it is the safest to give the back to his brother!

In the end, I saw a group of candidates holding a torch in the field of vision of Huo Tianci and the others.

“Brother Li Hao!” When the ground was bright red, a young boy let out a sharp howl, because this Li Hao is his cousin.

“It’s you, it must be you! Killing and overwhelming, Ang! I want to avenge my brother Li Hao!” It is estimated that he lost his relatives. This young boy was completely dazzled by hatred. Without waiting for Huo Tianci and the others to defend, he immediately waved an angry fist, moved towards Huo Tianci and the others, fiercely smashed past.

“Little Brother, please calm down first, this is not what we did!” Huo Tianci of course has to defend himself, because he doesn’t want to carry this black pot on his back, because Huo Tianci also has his own way of being a human being, that is, he never does the matter of killing people and surpassing goods, because he is only surpassing goods at best.

“It’s not you, who else can it be! You pay me, Brother Li Hao!” The young boy completely lost control.

It wasn’t until Huo Tianci made him fall into his clothes eighteen times and knocked him into flight with one shoulder, he was quiet.

“Damn, have you seen it clearly, if we kill, will this corpse be gone?” Huo Tianci was also speechless.

Everyone who was with the young boy suddenly woke up after hearing this again.

Because of Huo Tianci, I made the point.

“Kang Li, be sober, we seem to blame them.” After Li Kang got up, he wanted to fight with Huo Tianci again, but a vine girl stopped him and let him He calmed down: “Li Kang, we know that you are very sad, but we have to make things clear first, otherwise, we may be wrong to blame good people. Besides, we have as many as 20 people, they There is absolutely no escape.”

This vine girl is the Captain of this team of candidates, named Xu Yun.

After that, Xu Yun asked Huo Tianci to explain first, Huo Tianci speak frankly, because this is indeed not what they did, so Huo Tianci, there is no need to carry this black pot, even if he is not afraid of it people.

“Look, this broken corpse is still here, is it possible that you still think that we can’t eat it?” Huo Tianci doesn’t want to be misunderstood by others, especially, girl.

After Xu Yun listened to the explanation, she was nodded, and then she apologized to Huo Tianci: “Really sorry, Li Kang, he was actually unintentional. After all, this…, eh~.” When he got here, Xu Yun patted Li Kang’s shoulder to make him change his grief.

Li Kang cried for a while, but after that, he cheered up again because he wanted to live strong.

“Sorry, I just…” Li Kang didn’t know how to tell Huo Tianci.

Huo Tianci waved his hand and said: “It’s fine if you figure it out. In this case, we will leave first.”

But at this moment, Xu Yun, shout to stop Huo Tianci five people.

“Everyone, please hold your steps!” Xu Yun wants to invite the five Huo Tianci to join their alliance, and then take care of each other. After all, how many people are powerful.

Also, they are all individual candidates, and they can’t have their own team like other candidates, so in the end, Xu Yun also spontaneously formed an alliance and invited individual candidates from all walks of life to join the team. Team up.

As a result, didn’t expect to form an alliance of more than 20 people. I have to say that if there are girls, it’s easy to talk. If you are a beautiful girl, let alone say it. Obviously, this Xu Yun belongs to the very beautiful kind.

“What do you think?” Huo Tianci did not directly agree, because this is their business, and Huo Tianci will not help other people without authorization and make the decision he should have.

“Of course I join.” Dong Pengfei said without thinking about it. After all, there are girls in the team, and this is enough for him to choose to agree.

Ren Hui and Ren Bin are indifferent.

As for Heizi, Huo Tianci is the main focus.

Finally, Huo Tianci said: “Then, join in.” Because this is indeed as Xu Yun said, there are many people and power, and this is manifested, especially at night, because the long night must Someone should stand guard at all times to prevent the ominous beast from attacking the enemy.

Originally, Huo Tianci was prepared for a rotation of four people, but in the end, it is very likely that one person will not be able to rest well. This will be the 2nd day, and it is estimated that the whole person will be listless Yes, but if you join Xu Yun’s team, the five of them only need one to stand guard, and the time is only two hours that’s all. It is precisely because of this consideration that Huo Tianci chose this Promised.

“By the way, who are you guys?” After the sentry arrangement was assigned, Xu Yun, as Captain, asked about the origins of Huo Tianci and the others with great interest.

“From the Black River Fort, how about you?” Huo Tianci asked rhetorically.

“Hey, my neighbor, I’m from Jiulipu, right next to your black river fort. Besides me, there is also my younger brother Xu Xiaoning, and my big brother Xu Qianshan.” Xu Yun Two fingers, one strong and one thin, were introduced to Huo Tianci.

Huo Tianci looked in the direction of Xu Yun’s fingers, and then greeted these two with his eyes and expressions. Earlier, these two were also wary of Huo Tianci and the others. After all, he is a “newcomer”. After I first arrived, my attitude changed a lot when I heard that I was from Black River Fort.

“Li Kanglai is very close to us at 10 li slope, but unfortunately, his cousin Li Hao, eh~…” When he said this, Xu Yun’s expression dimmed a little , Because she sent Li Hao to collect firewood, but in a blink of an eye, people disappeared. Speaking of which, she has some responsibility, at the same time, she is still afraid, will she become like that? , Because people are afraid of death, no one is exception.

“This is just an accident.” Huo Tianci comforted her.

Xu Yun nodded, then got up and left, and went to arrange other things.

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