“Very spine, if that’s the case, then you will commit suicide.” Huo Tianci threw a sharp sword beside her, and everyone left.

Song Manjia looked at Sharp Sword, her eyelids trembled a few times, and the expression that he had seen death just now disappeared instantly.

“Death to death!” After not knowing how long it took, Song Manjia mustered up the courage to hold the sharp sword in her hand and put it on her neck, but she never Dare to go to the next step.

Because she is afraid of death.

“wu wu wu, wu wu wu.” In the end, Song Manjia, who was frightened by death, began to cry. Then she cried and walked to the side of Song Junjian’s body. After a long time, she wiped it dry. Tears, she clenched her fists and vowed secretly: “I want revenge, I want revenge!”

On the other side, the battle between Nangongya and Chang Hui has also ended.

In the end, I saw Nangongya and a handsome young man who was valiant and formidable looking, moving towards Wu Qiushuang non-stop.

“Qiu Shuang, don’t have anything to do with you.” Nangongya was nervous at this time. Because of Chang Hui’s strength, she even matched her with her. Because she was always entangled in death, she didn’t have anything. The way to get out, fortunately, her helper finally arrived just now and killed Chang Hui with her. Otherwise, she would have to be restrained there.

“Ya’er, really sorry, my distance is too far from here, otherwise, I must have arrived long ago.” The handsome young man is named Qin Feng, the son of the Vice-City Lord of Fuzhou City , This time I heard that Nangong Ya will come to this black river tower to test, so he also followed secretly.

Nangongya only learned about his arrival this morning. In the end, because he could not be allowed to go back, Nangongya let him in with him. After all, one more helper, one more strength? But who knows, he came so late, otherwise, all that just now would be impossible.

“Ya’er, I’m really far away. Don’t be angry, okay.” Qin Feng was still defending himself.

Nangongya did not answer his thoughts now, because she just wanted to go to Wu Qiushuang as soon as possible.

At the same time, Wu Qiushuang and Huo Tianci and a group of people also rushed towards her direction, and finally they met in the middle of the road.

“Qiu Shuang!” Seeing Wu Qiu Shuang’s okay, Nangong Ya’s frowning face suddenly cleared after rain.

In the end, these two girlfriends hugged each other for a long time.

“It was a sword-backed hero who saved us.” Wu Qiushuang carefully told Nangongya about their rescue, but after that, Chu Zihang left.

“Of course, there is him.” After talking about Chu Zihang, Wu Qiushuang pointed to Huo Tianci, because it was Huo Tianci, which made her cheer up at the last moment and thought Here, Wu Qiushuang’s cheeks were a little red.

“It’s fine if it’s okay, I’m worried about you, there will be accidents.” Nangongya was a little bit self-blaming, because she and Mount Tai Wu promised that there would be no accidents, but she, in the end, Broke his promise.

Of course, she cannot be completely blamed.

“Get out!” Wu Yuanming raised his leg and kicked Wu Shengjie directly from behind.


Wu Yuanming was furious.

Huo Tianci is curious, because this place is a maze, how could Wu Shengjie know in advance where Wu Qiushuang and the others are, so that Song Family and Gu Fengtang can be surrounded, is it possible that, this Wu Shengjie will also [clair eyes and wind ears] supernatural powers?

“It is a guide symbol.” Nangongya replied.

Last night, just before departure, everyone in the Nangong Yabang Wu family made a guide sign, and Wu Shengjie was of course included.

After entering the maze on the 1st floor of the black river tower, Nangongya and Wu Qiushuang, who joined together first, used the one by one activation guide to find the Wu family people scattered in the maze. As a result, They didn’t expect, Wu Shengjie betrayed them, and instead took advantage of this and introduced them into the trap set by Song Family and Gu Fengtang for them. That’s why the series of things just happened.

Fortunately, there is no danger!

Seeing everyone’s murderous-looking appearance, Wu Shengjie immediately fell to his knees and begged everyone: “Yuan Ming, no, not what you think, it is Gu Fengtang, and Song Junjian and they forced me to do this. Yes, if I don’t do this, they will kill me. In the end, I can’t do anything, there’s really no other way.”

Wu Shengjie was so heartbroken that he almost took out his heart. Up.

However, the others were not moved at all, because Wu Shengjie almost killed them all, and Wu Qiushuang was even more completely insulted by Gu Fengtang and Song Manjia because of this.

Finally, Wu Yuanming took the sword out, pointed at him and said: “Wu family rules, all the betrayers, die!”

As the “Death” character exits, Wu Yuanming’s hand The tenth-class sword of Fan Rank directly pierced Wu Shengjie’s heart and gave him a happy life, so that his death would not be so painful. This can be considered Wu Yuanming, his benevolence is exhausted.

“Fourteen people! Fourteen people died!” After checking the number of people, everyone was 30% lonely, because they had damaged more than half of them.

But everyone not at all is too frustrated because of this, because they will continue to try, carrying the will of the dead, and continue to move forward.

“Let’s go.” After burning the corpse, Wu Qiushuang commanded everyone in the Wu family and began to search for the passage to the 2nd floor of the black river tower.

At this time, Qin Feng next to Nangongya suggested, “Well, let’s split into three groups, so we can look for it, so we can hurry up.”

But Huo Tianci said No need: “Follow me.” Huo Tianci has the magical powers of [Clairvoyance and Wind Ears]. To put it plainly, it is almost equivalent to opening the perspective plug-in, so follow him.

But Qin Feng thought that Huo Tianci was stealing his limelight, and then he snorted with disdain: “Go with you? Who do you think you are?” Qin Feng said with a noble face , It seems that Huo Tianci is not worth a penny in his eyes.

Huo Tianci is kind, but this kindness seems to be malicious in the eyes of others. Then he glanced at Qin Feng and returned this sentence to him intact: ” So who are you?”

“I’m Ya’er’s fiance!” Qin Feng is also shameless, because he is just one of the thousands of suitors of Nangong Ya’s that’s all, saying that he is the fiance. That is pure nonsense.

“What about you?” Qin Feng asked rhetorically.

“Me?” Huo Tianci was stunned for a moment, then he glanced at Wu Qiushuang who replied and said, “I am Qiushuang’s future husband!”

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