Juggernaut’s Q skill, I believe players who have played LOL should know that after using it, they can ignore the enemy’s lock and disappear out of thin air for a period of time. Not only that, but also more directly to attack the enemy. Behind him, perform a short displacement.

In the end, I saw the disappeared Huo Tianci, who appeared behind a nearby Song Family kid, because Huo Tianci’s Alpha raid just now was released against him.

On the way of displacement, Huo Tianci also carried out a surprise attack on four nearby enemies, one of which was Gu Fengtang.

In the end, I saw a three-inch-long wound on Gu Fengtang’s left arm. At the same time, all the sharp blades of the Song Family children were cut on his body.

“no! No! How could this happen, I obviously killed it!” Those Song Family children are all confused at this time, because they clearly cut Huo Tianci, how come after a moment Huo Tianci suddenly disappeared, and it is precisely because of this that their knives all fell on Gu Fengtang’s body.

Gu Fengtang is not dead yet, because he is wearing a Yellow Grade first-class armor. The knives that Song Family children chopped out were all hard-guarded by his personal armor. Otherwise, Gu Fengtang would definitely be hacked to death, and he would still be hacked to death by his own people.

But when he was so frightened, Gu Fengtang had lost half of his life. In the end, he sat up with a pale face, breathing quickly and dripping with sweat.

“Gu Shao!” Those Song Family children were also scared to death because they almost made a big mistake. After that, they hurried forward to ask to see how Gu Fengtang was doing.

Gu Fengtang didn’t say anything, just pointed at Huo Tianci, and said angrily: “Quickly kill him!”

Song Family children received the order and immediately sent Huo Tianci to Tuan Tuan. When they got up, their faces were full of hatred at this time, because Huo Tianci almost made them consigned to eternal damnation. After all, Gu Fengtang, but a young man in Fuzhou City, if this is killed by them, then they will be over. And all of this is the Huo Tianci in front of him, the ghost made out.

“Let’s go together and chopped him up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades!” Seeing the strength of Huo Tianci, exactly similar to them, when they are in the Body Refining 9th Layer, these Song Family children , They all swarmed.

Plateau bloodline! ! !

Huo Tianci has opened up, the master of swordsman.

Suddenly, Huo Tianci walks like flying, and the speed has doubled.

“It should take one second and fifty steps!” Huo Tianci only felt that he was about to fly, because it was so fast, it was really a bit exaggerated.

Not only that, after turning on the plateau bloodline, Huo Tianci’s attack speed also increased.


The beheaded sword is now!

Then, with a slash, I saw that a Song Family kid hadn’t reacted, and his head had been chopped off.

“Ding” decapitated a broad knife, drawing 7 blood points.

The duration of “ding” plateau bloodline is increased.

The R skill of the Promise Swordmaster, which is the plateau bloodline, will last longer after killing the enemy.

Plateau bloodline (Promise Sword Saint Yi, R skill big move).

Passive: While gaining kills or assists, it will reduce the cooldown of Master Yi’s ordinary skills.

Active: Increased movement speed, increased attack speed, and immunity to slowing effects. When activated, kills or assists will extend the duration of the plateau bloodline.

Just when Huo Tianci cut off the head of this Song Family child, Huo Tianci’s alpha raid was able to be used again in an instant.


I saw Huo Tianci shuttle among the opposite enemies, and disappeared in an instant.

When Huo Tianci appeared, the heads of those Song Family children all fell on the ground.

At the same time, Alpha raid, Q skills are refreshed again, plateau bloodline, and R skills are extended again!

Massage! Huo Tianci only felt that this was a massacre! Because the character card of Juggernaut is a bit powerful beyond his imagination.

Unlimited Q skills, unlimited R skills, who can resist this! ! !

“What are you doing? You kill him, kill him!” Gu Fengtang behind was a little crazy when he saw everyone standing still.

But the children of Song Family still looked at each other in blank dismay and don’t know how to start, because they can’t capture Huo Tianci at all, that kind of move that appears and disappears instantly, They couldn’t figure it out at all. What’s more, every time Huo Tianci disappeared, some of them would have their heads beheaded, and for a while, the Song Family children all panicked.

At the same time, someone else horrified: “Ghost, this person is a ghost! Let’s run away, run away!”

This sentence is like an explosive barrel full of gunpowder. Usually, it ignites in an instant, and then explodes. In the end, only the remaining Song Family children fled and fled here, because they didn’t want to die.

“What are you doing! What are you doing! Don’t run! Don’t run!” Seeing everyone fleeing, Gu Fengtang trembled, and stepped back, because of Huo Tianci’s strength , A bit beyond his imagination.

“Help me! Guan Zhong Changhui, come and save me!” Gu Fengtang was panicked, and finally he could only look up and move towards the labyrinth and roar, hoping that Guan Zhong and Chang Hui could come and help him.

For this, Huo Tianci just smiled.

“What are you laughing at?” Huo Tianci hid a knife in his smile, of course Gu Fengtang felt it.

“I laugh, no one will come to save you, because the two of them are unable to protect themselves now!”

“Impossible!” How could Gu Fengtang believe this nonsense: “Guan Zhong Like Chang Hui, they are both experts in the Profound Apprentice Realm. Who can stop them here!” Gu Fengtang didn’t believe it at all.

“Ya’er sister can, and an expert who has already practiced sword energy.” Huo Tianci replied, Chu Zihang’s appearance, Huo Tianci has seen it with clairvoyance just now, and he looks more When he arrived, Chu Zihang had already developed the sword energy. I have to say that he did have a set of understanding of the sword. Otherwise, he would never have energized and condensed the sword energy in such a short time. of.

“Nangong Ya!” Gu Fengtang suddenly thought of something.

“sword energy expert!” Gu Feng’s face was ashamed, because an expert that condensed sword energy can indeed cross classes and fight against the expert in the Profound Realm.

In other words, Gu Fengtang can only rely on himself now.

“I’m fighting with you!” Instead of sitting and waiting for death, it is better to give everything, and then, he may not lose, in the end I saw Gu Fengtang from the Heaven and Earth Bag, put his hand The third-class low grade yellow device, the three-claw azure glow gun came out.

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