This is also the owner of the black river tower, one of the original intentions of creating this black river tower, because no matter what you do, you must pay a corresponding price, because everything in this world is impossible to reap without sowing.

“Escape! I am Huo Tianci, I am not the kind of person who is greedy for life and fear of death!” Huo Tianci will not see death without saving, and immediately stopped him, immediately from Heaven and Earth Bag , Took out two things.

“Sister Ya’er, it’s up to you!” These two distinct things, one of them are profound stones, and the other are the flame charms given to him by Nangong Ya earlier.

In the end, I saw Huo Tianci holding the profound stone on the left and the talisman paper on the right, meditating silently in his heart.


“Ding” is drawing profound energy.

After that, Huo Tianci ran the Dragon Elephant Prajna Technique, fusing the traces of profound energy into Qi Jin, and then, this Qi Jin, spirally, was introduced into Huo Tianci Between the right hand.

“Push!” Finally, the profound energy combined with the talisman paper, a group of flames instantly burned, and rushed out from Huo Tianci’s hands like a fire snake.

Finally, I saw the venom silk spit out by the six-eyed tarantula, which was instantly burned clean by the fire.

“haha! Useful!” Huo Tianci was overjoyed.

Seeing that the humans on the opposite side would use fire, the six-eyed tarantula immediately retreated, because they are spiders and are naturally afraid of fire. This is an inherent fear.

It is precisely because of this that Huo Tianci took out the flame symbol and attacked with fire. Later, he noticed that the six-eyed tarantula was a little timid, and immediately turned to attack, moved towards the six-eyed tarantula rushed over, because of this, but the cultivation base value, plus medicine pill, maybe another Luck That Goes Against Heaven’s Will, I can still explode ominous beast blood essence, I feel very excited when I think about it.

On the other hand, Dong Pengfei, who was sitting down on the ground, looked confused.

“Brother Tian, ​​are you still chasing?” Dong Pengfei hurriedly wanted to call Huo Tianci, because it was enough to scare off the six-eyed tarantula. After all, this is an ominous beast of the Profound Realm. what.

“Is it possible that, Brother Tian still wants to kill the six-eyed tarantula?” Dong Pengfei thought, Huo Tianci is not crazy, right.

Because of Huo Tianci’s strength, there is only Body Refining Realm. On the other hand, the six-eyed tarantula on the opposite side is an ominous beast. Are you sure this is not going to die?

Just when Dong Pengfei thought that Huo Tianci was going to die, a man and a beast in front of him, he hit both equally excellent, and even Huo Tianci had to crush the six-eyed tarantula.

“Damn, what speed is this!” Dong Pengfei only felt that Huo Tianci in front of him was a gust of wind, shua~ shua~ shua~ come and go without a shadow or trace.

It is precisely by virtue of the absolute advantage in speed that Huo Tianci dared to confront the six-eyed tarantula head-on.

“The light boots, really hung into the sky!” At the same time, Huo Tianci was still feeling the benefits of the equipment.

The light boots, as long as you wear them, you can increase the speed of ten steps per second, plus Huo Tianci’s painstaking practice during this period, now Huo Tianci’s speed is at least 25 steps per second Up and down, if this speed is more real, the expert in the 5th layer of the Profound Apprentice may not be as fast as Huo Tianci.

This is the absolute advantage brought by absolute equipment.

One shot down, two shots down…


After 3rd Strike failed, the six-eyed tarantula got angry and opened up. With its green mouth, it directly moved towards Huo Tianci and roared, to vent the unhappiness in his heart, because the human in front of him was too difficult to grasp.

It is estimated that because of this, the six-eyed tarantula seems to have discovered the advantage of Huo Tianci’s speed, and then in order to successfully eat Huo Tianci, it immediately changed its strategy.


Green’s poisonous thread spit out from his mouth, covering the whole area in front of him, and also on the walls of the maze. Finally, I saw a huge spider web, which appeared in Huo Tianci. In front of him.

Finally, the six-eyed tarantula soared into the air, placing his entire body completely on the web. At the same time, four of its eight claws were vacated, because the spider on the web can move freely with the four legs behind it.

“So fast!” After the six-eyed tarantula went online, the speed was at least twice as fast. Coupled with the four-footed attack, Huo Tianci’s speed is too fast. What’s more, the passage of this maze is very narrow, with a distance of more than three meters wide, Huo Tianci can’t open it at all.

“It’s quite clever.” I have to say that this six-eyed tarantula occupies the right time and place, because this place is simply its battle Holy Land.

“Fucked!” Just when Huo Tianci dodged the sharp claw attack of the six-eyed tarantula again, a sticky thing suddenly stuck to the sole of his shoe.

“Is this!” Looking at all around the wall, it is estimated that the green venom on the spider web finally flowed to the ground because of the inability to withstand gravity. Afterwards, it was due to avoiding the six-eyed tarantula. Attacking, Huo Tianci accidentally stepped on these sticky venoms.

When seeing the stupid human being in front of him, he was actually infected with his own paralytic venom, the six-eyed tarantula roared again, of course, this time, it was a happy roar, at the same time, it seemed Facing Huo Tianci in front of him, he provocatively said: Now I want to see, how can you brat escape this time!

“MD, miscalculation!” Huo Tianci hurriedly pulled his foot back, but the venom, like a virus, moved towards his body and infected him.

“The ominous beast of the Profound Realm is indeed very unusual.” After thinking about it, Huo Tianci took out the flame talisman again, because he was going to use the flame talisman to push the six-eyed tarantula back again. , To make time to let myself escape, but at this moment, the upper of the light boots suddenly lit up with a flash of light.

At the same time, those green paralyzing venoms slowly disappeared at the speed visible to naked eye.

“This…Yes!” After this scene appeared, Huo Tianci was a little confused, but suddenly, a color of joy emerged from his cheeks.

“This is the second attribute of the Light Boots! Slow down resistance!” Huo Tianci said with joy directly.

There are two attributes for the Light Boots, one is the enhanced speed, which is the attribute that increases the speed by ten steps per second, and the second is that the slowdown resistance is immune to the slowing effect. .

Huo Tianci was still complaining at the beginning, this slowing down resistance is useless at all, but now, he has slapped his face safely.

Because this green venom is called paralyzing venom. Obviously, it is the deceleration effect. Paralyzing the opponent, isn’t it decelerating? So the Boots of Lightness, this triggers the second passive attribute, slow down resistance.

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