The precondition of “ding” is completed, and the level of the disintegrator is upgraded to Level 2.

“Finally upgraded!” With that, Huo Tianci checked the attributes of the decomposition machine.

[Decomposer] (auxiliary equipment), current level 2, can decompose Mysterious Grade and below, all equipment, current durability value 200/200; EXP 0/1000, EXP full, automatic upgrade. Note: The durability value of the decomposition machine is reset and restored every 24 hours, so the host should not waste it.

“The durability value has increased by one hundred points!” Huo Tianci was pleasantly surprised, because the durability of the Level 1 decomposition machine was only one hundred points, and now it is two hundred points. As for the limit of decomposition, It also changed from the original first-class yellow weapon to all equipment below the first-class mysterious weapon.

Of course, automatic upgrade, this is a scam, click on a small dot on the attribute interface of the decomposition machine, and immediately there are nine pre-task conditions, which is to decompose Yellow Grade. Wait until Yellow Grade One weapon of the ninth class, as long as these nine conditions are met, the decomposition machine will be upgraded to Level 3.

However, the cheapest yellow taels can cost 1,000,000 silver taels, the nine-class yellow taels, but there must be more than one. Anyway, Huo Tianci cannot meet these nine pre-upgrade conditions. Yes, of course, this Level 2 decomposition machine is enough for him to use.

“Ha~, I am sleepy, let me go to sleep first.” Unknowingly, Huo Tianci hit a Hache, after putting away the decomposer, he felt exhausted physically and mentally, and fell down. In bed, went to rest.

No words for a night.

In the early morning of 2nd day, Huo Tianci, who wanted to sleep late, was awakened by the sunspot who had slept for a day and two nights.

“Body Refining 9th Layer realm!” After checking the realm of Heizi, Huo Tianci’s eyes widened. Although he knew that every time Heizi slept, he would inevitably break through again when he woke up. What he didn’t expect was that Sunspot was able to jump directly from Body Refining 7th Layer Realm to the Body Refining 9th Layer realm this time.

Huo Tianci is not surprised by the magic of the sunspot, because this kid can break through by eating. To be honest, at this point, the system in Huo Tianci’s mind is not comparable to him, but The reward skills in it are something no one can surpass.

“Young Lord, Heizi is a bit hungry.” It is probably because of the breakthrough, or because he slept for two nights and one day. He needs food to satisfy his hunger now, so Huo Tianci immediately took him. , I went to eat.

In the middle of the meal, Dong Pengfei came to the private room.

“Brother Tian, ​​I’m eating.” Dong Pengfei came here to take Huo Tianci to Wushi. This was also what Huo Tianci confessed to him yesterday.

“The matter of Wushi, I’ll talk about it this afternoon. You can help me find a place to stay, which is a detached house, which is relatively quiet.” Huo Tianci said directly.

Dong Pengfei also understands it, because this Pinxuan Building is full of people, and it is an Inn after all. It is fine to stay for a day or two. If you stay for a long time, you will definitely find it very inconvenient.

“This is easy to handle, my brother, then I will come.” Dong Pengfei is now, after all, in the Black River Fort, the Young Master of Tianhe Chamber of Commerce, so he will help if one hour is not there. Huo Tianci found a good place to live.

“Brother Tian, ​​this is it.” Dong Pengfei, who finally found the place, led Huo Tianci and Heizi to visit.

This residence is a house with three buildings, and a courtyard. It is big or small. It is said that it used to be the residence of a mysterious expert. Later, due to leaving, This mysterious expert, also sold this house to Tianhe Chamber of Commerce.

After looking inside and out, Huo Tianci was quite satisfied and nodded, because this is his ideal residence.

“How much silver?” Huo Tianci decided to buy it.

“If it’s an adult, 1000 taels fine silver will do.” Dong Pengfei didn’t say a word, and the middle age person who followed him, opened his mouth.

“Thank you, my lord, this is the title deed, please take it away, my lord.” After receiving the bank note, the middle-aged salesman immediately handed over the title deed of the house to Huo Tianci, and there was nothing else. He left.

After buying the house, Huo Tianci’s whole person became warm. This kind of joy can’t be expressed. It’s like having a home, I feel at ease in my heart, and I am interested later. He was still in the open area of ​​the courtyard, with a suit of clothes dipped eighteen times.

Seeing Huo Tianci’s soft fist palms, Dong Pengfei watching from the side feels somewhat inexplicable, because Huo Tianci is a man with great strength, and he should practice fierce and violent skills. Ah, how come you suddenly practiced the feminine cultivation technique.

Afterwards, he was curious, so he asked aloud: “Brother Tian, ​​how do you practice this kung fu?”

Huo Tianci also doesn’t taboo: “The foundation of cultivation. “

“Are you… the foundation of cultivation?” Dong Pengfei’s eyes widened. Because of Huo Tianci’s greatness, he knew very well that he would stun him with one punch. Does this need to lay the foundation for cultivation? Then how do they live?

Furthermore, the foundation of cultivation, don’t you pick some powerful introductory cultivation techniques to learn? What kind of things can be trained with this soft fist? Isn’t it afraid that the more you practice, the worse?

Dong Pengfei’s contempt, Huo Tianci is of course taking in the entire scene, so Huo Tianci said to him: “Come here and practice with me.” Huo Tianci wanted to use this drenched clothes to make He knows great.

Dong Pengfei shook his head on mission because he didn’t want to be abused.

Huo Tianci said with a smile: “I don’t need other moves, just use this soft fist to fight against you. If you can win me, I will give you a black stone.” Huo Tianci said half-temptuously.

When Dong Pengfei heard this, his expression instantly changed to joy, and then he asked Huo Tianci a little bit unbelievably: “Really?”

“What I said, then There can be fakes.” After speaking, Huo Tianci stepped a black stone under his feet, and then he both hands crossed near chest, waiting for Dong Pengfei to come and fight him.

“As long as you get it, it will be yours.”

“In this case, my brother, then I am offended.” A black stone is worth hundreds of thousand tael. Of silver, Dong Pengfei certainly will not miss this opportunity.

After that, he put on an attacking posture, immediately moved towards Huo Tianci’s chest with a fist, and attacked.

“It’s pretty fast!” In the blink of an eye, Dong Pengfei, who was outside five meters, had already swung his fist and came to Huo Tianci’s side. Seeing this, Huo Tianci, who was slightly raised at the corner of his mouth, immediately took a step back. I caught the punch with the palm of my fist, and at last I saw Huo Tianci twisted around and put his hands on the slanting side. Suddenly, Dong Pengfei’s whole body became unstable in an instant, and then fell. Get out.

“Ouch!” It is estimated that the fall hurts, Dong Pengfei still screamed, and finally I saw Dong Pengfei, whose face and mouth were muddy, and slowly climbed up from the ground and sat up. In addition to being hurt by the fall, at this time, he was more dissatisfied.

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