Finally, with a sizzling sound, the entire synthesis interface was enveloped by a white light.

“What does it mean to expose white light? Is this accomplished or not?” Huo Tianci only felt that a heart attack was about to be committed.

Facing this dazzling white light, Huo Tianci still opened his eyes wide, moving towards the synthesis interface, looking at it, and finally saw the five bronze lottery coins, at the speed visible to his naked eye , Revolving into one body, and finally the white light emerges.

“Is this the white light emerging from the silver lottery coin after the synthesis is successful?” Huo Tianci seemed to have thought of something, sure enough, the next second.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for successfully cooperating with a silver lottery coin.

“hahaha! I knew it!” Huo Tianci was in ecstasy after the successful synthesis prompt came out. It looked like he had won a 5,000,000 prize in a lottery ticket, and the whole person was soaring. A hundred times more.

Out of excitement, Huo Tianci hurriedly took out the silver lottery coin from the slot of the synthesis interface, as if he was afraid that it would have long legs and then ran away.

Touching the silver lottery coin with a 50% chance in his hand, Huo Tianci was happier ten thousand times more. First, he was lucky, and second, he directly saved five bronze lottery coins. .

According to the previous ideas, Huo Tianci is ready to continue betting.

A little bit different is that this time, Huo Tianci bet a 70% bet, because of the same probability of betting continuously, the chance of success again will be particularly low. This is why he played online games for many years. Sum up the truth, of course, if you have money, you can treat it for nothing.

“Forget it, let’s add another one.” With a 70% probability of success, Huo Tianci felt that it was still a bit unstable, so he moved towards the synthetic slot and threw another one For the bronze lottery coin, the 70% synthesis success probability immediately became 80%.

“50% has succeeded for me, this 80% will definitely not fail!” Huo Tianci left two bronze lottery coins, just want to see if there is any in the bronze lottery machine If there is a good reward, he can also try to draw a draw.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for successfully cooperating with a silver lottery coin.

Just as Huo Tianci thought about that bronze lottery machine, when and so on appeared, the system directly sent a message of success.

“Steady!” Huo Tianci is not the kind of person who is dazzled by joy. If he had just used a 50% chance to gamble, as long as he failed, he would surely rise, and then he would sink deeper and deeper. Therefore, a steady and steady fight is the safest method.

At the end of the calculation, Huo Tianci earned 7 bronze lottery coins.

Two silver lottery coins in the left hand and two bronze lottery coins in the right hand. Next, it is the lottery moment, four consecutive draws!

At this time, Huo Tianci is going to start with silver lottery coins first, because the rewards on the silver lottery machine have been fixed. And the reward on the bronze lottery machine needs to be re-crawled, because the previous orange outfit reward, the big dragon BUFF, has been taken away by Huo Tianci.

One thought moves.

The silver lottery machine came to mind.

It is still those ten rewards.

Cloud Parting Palm; draw a knife and chop; Life Replenishing Pill; five low grade black stones; decomposer; 10,000 points of cultivation base value; decapitation sword; water escape: fog hiding technique; Eight falls with Eight Trigrams Furnace.

Among them, Cloud Parting Palm, the decomposition machine, and the water escape: the technique of mist hiding, have been taken away by Huo Tianci.

And now, what Huo Tianci wants most is-Eight Trigrams Furnace, its effect, no need to explain more, the existence of invincibility.

Secondly, it was the disintegrator. Since it had already been drawn, Huo Tianci put his eyes on the body that was dipped in clothes.

Although drawing a knife and cutting is cool, it is only for a single blow. Cheng Yaojin can only use three axes, tiger’s head, snake’s tail, and then Huo Tianci doesn’t know how to use swords. .

The decapitation sword and Life Replenishing Pill can only be used as an aid. As for the low grade black stone and the 10,000-point cultivation base value, Huo Tianci just wanted to say, rubbish.

That’s why Huo Tianci focused his attention on the body that was soaked in clothes. Of course, there is a particularly important reason for this, that is, Huo Tianci’s skill base is very poor. .

Although he had defeated his opponent one after another by a variety of tricks and methods, he still felt helpless when facing a real strong enemy, such as Song Junjian’s speed.

Actually, Huo Tianci can see through Song Junjian’s speed, and even caught it with naked eye, but when he was fighting, his body just couldn’t react. The feeling was very lethal. He was helpless, but this is because of Martial Dao’s poor foundation.

And this martial art with eighteen descents can perfectly make up for this shortcoming of Huo Tianci, which is the shortcoming of insufficient foundation. After all, this is Shaolin Wudang, a must-learn cultivation technique for beginners’ discipline. one.

Because of this, system gives it a very high evaluation.

Practicing to Great Accomplishment, its battle strength, can compare with Yellow Grade top mysterious skills, if you learn Great Perfection, you can even compare with the Mysterious Grade method.

This is two birds with one stone. On the one hand, it can make up for the shortcomings of the lack of foundation, and on the other hand, you can get a method that is comparable to Mysterious Grade mysterious skills, so Huo Tianci ranks it in the knife. Decapitate the broadsword and follow the Life Replenishing Pill.

When I thought of this, Huo Tianci stopped thinking about it, because dreaming is useless, and it is the last word to get it. After all, what you hold in your hand is the real one.

“NND, give me a draw!” Thinking, Huo Tianci immediately moved towards the silver lottery machine, threw a silver lottery coin, and immediately the lottery aperture, immediately on the remaining seven rewards. It spun quickly.

Eighteen fall in clothes!

Huo Tianci shouted, because he especially wanted this entry-level cultivation technique, and shouted that at the end, the word “deep” that fell down almost became the word “daddy” for his father.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations on your reward: Decapitate a big knife!

Finally, “Father” did not come, nor did the Eight Trigrams Furnace.

But this decapitation sword is not bad, after all, it is better than five low grade black stones and 10,000 EXP rewards.

Afterwards, with the sound of the system hint falling, a two-meter-long sword appeared in front of Huo Tianci.

“I’m a good boy.” Huo Tianci was somewhat surprised, because this knife is higher than others.

“It’s so handsome!” He weighed it in his hand, it was quite heavy, but this, he was very interested in Huo Tianci’s appetite, and he was very interested in it. He also slashed twice out of thin air, wanting to try Trying the feel of the decapitated broadsword, the next second, I saw a wave of air slashed out by the broadsword, and instantly overturned the tables, chairs and stools in the room, because the direction Huo Tianci slashed out just now was the table, chair and bench. Direction.

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