“Cousin Feng, I can’t say hello to you, I hope you don’t be offended, I blame the little bastard, I succeeded in the sneak attack, otherwise, eh~” Song Junjian said angrily.

I have to say that Song Junjian is really scheming, because Huo Tianci didn’t rely on a sneak attack to injure him. This product is simply making up and deliberately discrediting Huo Tianci.

No, when Gu Fengtang heard this, he wanted to avenge him even more: “Sneak attack! Junjian, don’t worry, you, cousin Feng, I will definitely do it for you. It’s up to you! You can tell me directly, who is that person!”

“That person is a wild boy, about 15-16 years old, but his background is not small. It is said that he had a relationship with Tianhe Chamber of Commerce has something to do with it, otherwise, my little brother, I would have taken revenge a long time ago.” After that, Song Junjian told Gu Fengtang some features of Huo Tianci carefully.

After Gu Fengtang heard these words, it was an instant to think of a person: “is it possible that, it’s that little hillbilly!”

After that, Gu Fengtang quickly asked Song Junjian: “Does the wild boy you mentioned is wearing a gray martial arts uniform and looks like a lot of dirt.”

“Yes, yes.” Song Junjian nodded straight, and then he looked at Gu Fengtang with doubts. Said: “is it possible that Cousin Feng, you… have you met him?” Song Junjian seemed to think of something.

Gu Fengtang clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and replied: “It’s more than ever! That dog thing has offended me. If it weren’t for the Tianhe Chamber of Commerce, I would have killed him. That’s why Gu Fengtang would let Huo Tianci go first. Of course, he also wanted to check the identity of Huo Tianci, because the counter shopkeepers of the Chamber of Commerce in Tianhe even called him an adult, just presumably, It’s a little background, so it’s wise to check it before doing it.

When Song Junjian heard that Huo Tianci even Gu Fengtang was offended, his sore body seemed to have improved a lot, apart from this, the whole person was also much more energetic, because of this , Huo Tianci is almost finished.

“Wild bastard, I let you offend me!” Song Junjian was overjoyed, because he was finally able to avenge this fist.

After that, he said to Gu Fengtang again: “Cousin Feng, this wild bastard is from the Chamber of Commerce in Tianhe. We seem to be immobile.”

Gu Fengtang is so heroic. He waved his hand, and showed a look of disdain: “We have a family, but we have a bit of friendship with Deputy Director Lin of the Chamber of Commerce in Tianhe, Fuzhou City. As long as this kid’s background does not exceed this range, Gu Fengtang, I must Can kill him! So now, you should check his background first to prevent you from stepping on a nail.” Gu Fengtang is still cautiously.

However, the background of Huo Tianci, Song Family has already checked again.

After finding some frowning Song Tianheng, he immediately reported some of Huo Tianci’s situation to Gu Fengtang: “Gu Shao, this Huo Tianci comes from Baili Town, a small broken town. , There is almost no big background, but after that I don’t know why, I actually met Wan Peng, and then this wild boy, relying on Wan Peng’s identity, in our black river fort, show off one’s military strength, tyrannize, but This time, he has stepped on a nail, because this little beast actually bumped into Gu Shao you. “Speaking, this Song Tianheng did not forget to smear Huo Tianci.

“Wan Peng? Is it the deacon Wan Peng of the Chamber of Commerce in Tianhe, Fuzhou City?” Gu Fengtang recognized Wan Peng because the three-claw azure glow gun in his hand was sold to him by Wan Peng .

“It’s him, after all, the characters in Fuzhou City, so we don’t dare to touch the little beast.” Song Family’s power is limited to the Black River Fort and the characters in Fuzhou City. cannot afford to offend, but Gu Fengtang is different. He was originally a young man in Fuzhou City, and asked him to deal with Huo Tianci. Even if Wan Peng knew it, he would definitely dare not say anything, because the Gu family recognized the deputy chief Lin. , And this deputy chief Lin is Wan Peng’s immediate boss.

“It’s no wonder that the people are not here, it turns out to be a small character from the country.” After listening to these words, Gu Fengtang only felt that he was worried a lot.

After that, he said to everyone again: “A Wanpeng can really hold you down. After all, he is from the Chamber of Commerce in Tianhe, Fuzhou City, but for me, hum, then Wan Peng is nothing at all.”

“That’s natural. To be honest, as long as you think about it, you can pinch Gu Shao to death with one finger.” Song Tianheng stood by. Photographed Gu Fengtang’s flattery.

Song Tianzong on the side is also: “The background of Fengtang is the big background. The little animal is just that’s all of the fox exploits the tiger’s might.”

” That’s right, my Gu brother is amazing.” Song Manjia put his arm around Gu Fengtang’s arm, said enchantingly.

Gu Fengtang was so touted, it was not good to feel airy, and finally he patted the table severely and said: “If this is the case, then kill him!”

See Gu Fengtang Ready to take action, Song Junjian, who was lying on the bed beside him, immediately offered a plan. After Gu Fengtang listened, he was nodded again and again.

“Junjian is still right. In that case, we will meet him tomorrow.” Then, Gu Fengtang put his gaze on Song Manjia who was aside: “Manjia, then we are now, Go back and review the Martial Dao knowledge, hey~hey~hey.” Gu Fengtang bit his ears and said quietly to Song Manjia.

Song Manjia understands her heart, her face is also covered with a touch of red, and finally she twisted and said: “Gu brother, you are good or bad.”

“Men are not bad, women are not bad. Love, Brother Gu will necrotic you tonight.”


While Song Family was discussing how to kill Huo Tianci, Huo Tianci is now, Being pulled by Wu Qiushuang, she went to see a big beauty.

“Hello, Sister Ya’er.” This big beauty, of course, is Nangong Ya. Huo Tianci immediately waved and said hello after seeing the person.

Nangongya turned her head and took a look, her face suddenly appeared astonished: “Huh~, it’s a younger brother gifted by God.” Nangongya didn’t expect somewhat, of course, Wu Qiushuang even more. did not think of.

“Is it possible that, do you know Nangong Senior Sister?” Wu Qiushuang blinked his eyes, and within both eyes, an incredible light emerged, because Nangong Ya’s background is extremely deep Yes, how could Huo Tianci know each other.

“I met by accident.” Huo Tianci scratched his head, and then he told Wu Qiushuang about the process of getting acquainted with Nangong Ya.

Finally, Wu Qiushuang said weakly: “I really didn’t see it, you smelly brat, you kind of please girl.”

“After all, people are handsome. “Huo Tianci doesn’t feel ashamed either.

“You are so stinky.” As soon as these words came out, the two girls both covered their mouths and laughed at Huo Tianci.

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