This look makes their eyes flicker.

“What a perfect tiger tooth!” Both of them were deeply attracted by the tiger tooth of the saber-tooth giant tiger.

“This tiger tooth, is it possible that is the Peak ominous beast of Body Refining 9th Layer, the saber-tooth giant tiger?” Dong boldly guessed it. Of course, he was even more surprised. Huo Tianci is How to dissection the tiger tooth of the giant tiger without any damage.

Because of the normal Dissection saber-tooth giant tiger, the dissect Master usually only exposes the two pointed fangs of the saber-tooth giant tiger out of the mouth, and it is hard to break it down. As for the saber-tooth giant tiger’s mouth They will not care about the teeth in the middle of the mouth. One is that it is extremely time-consuming to dissect, and the other is that it is extremely difficult to dissect. If you are not careful, your teeth will be broken. If the other is not good, you may be injured. Because the saber teeth of the giant tiger’s mouth are very sharp, just like that small blade, and bleed when they touch it.

Looking at the tiger tooth that Huo Tianci took out, the teeth and fangs are all intact. What’s more, they are still connected together, at a glance, they are all integrated, just like the living fossil.

Not only was Dong boldly surprised, but Wan Peng next to him was even more surprised, because he had never seen such a Dissection teacher anyway.

Just when they finished admiring the giant tiger tiger tooth, Huo Tianci took out another armor back. The back armor was shiny with bronze and it was convex and it was about one meter long and wide. On the left and right, on top of it, there are nine ring-like patterns.

You don’t have to guess, this armor back is at least an ominous beast in the Body Refining 9th Layer environment.

“Bronze armor back of a rhinoceros!” Wan Peng and Dong boldly said in surprise in unison.

After being surprised, Dong Daudao immediately went forward and carefully inspected the back of the bronze armor. Finally, he was surprised to find that there was no crack on the back of the bronze armor, just like the bronze armor. Rhinoceros, peeled off, there is no sign of damage at all. However, the copper armored rhino will not peel off unless it is dead. In other words, this is a powerful dissect method.

“The back of the bronze armor is as strong as a rock. It is an excellent material for making armor. The only pity is that it is extremely difficult to dissect. If you are not careful, it will crack and open. I have to say that your dissect technique, my lord, is truly unique in the world.”

When the copper armor is carried on the body of the copper armored rhino, it is a whole, because it adheres to the skin of the copper armored rhino, but When humans dissect it, the skin and flesh will also peel away. It is here that the back of the copper armor will crack, which indirectly leads to the high difficulty of the copper armored rhino dissect.

“Awesome! Awesome!” Wan Peng said two amazing things, because these two distinct things really opened his eyes.

“Dong Bold, do you know what to do?” After praising Huo Tianci, Wan Peng immediately turned his head and asked Dong Bold.

“Of course, I will take the adults to the slaughterhouse early tomorrow morning.” The slaughterhouse at the Black River Fort is managed by the Tianhe Chamber of Commerce, and now, Dong Dadan is Tianhe. The chief of the Chamber of Commerce stationed at the Black River Fort is the number one leader, so he should have full authority to handle these matters. What’s more, the position of chief has been announced, and Wan Peng will return to Fuzhou City tomorrow. Otherwise, he will definitely entertain Huo himself. Tianci, of course, he is not too familiar with Black River Fort, so he can only do so.

“Very good.” Wan Peng was satisfied.

As for ominous beast blood essence, there are some special medicine pill, which are not in this world, Huo Tianci not at all took it out, because he showed enough things today , Low-key is the kingly way, and high-key, you will die fast.

On the other side, in a very lavish mansion.

“Have you not found that kid yet?” A cold boy was almost exploded, because in his turf, these minions who only know how to eat, can’t even find two little beggars. To.

At such a roar, the subordinate who came back to report the news was so scared that he knelt on the ground in an instant: “Young Master Song, I’ve already… almost found it.”

Little, that is, Song Junjian, who was humiliated by Huo Tianci fiercely at the Treasure Hunting booth this afternoon, is now looking for the whereabouts of Huo Tianci, but none of these minions are useful.

“Already? Almost?” Song Junjian was even more angry when he heard these dog minions and used these words to fool him, because today, he was given by Huo Tianci’s IQ Suppressed, and finally was painfully humiliated.

Now these servants dare to challenge his IQ, he is going crazy.

“I let you already! I made you want it soon!” Song Junjian, who was irritated in his heart, directly slapped the servant to express the anger in his heart.

No words for a night.

In the early morning, in a high-level wing of Pinxuan Building.

“This kid is still asleep.” Seeing Heizi was still asleep in hu hu, Huo Tianci left the room lightly to prevent disturbing him.

We beckoned to a waiter Xiaoer. After explaining some things, Huo Tianci was ready to eat something.

“My lord, please hold your steps.” Suddenly, the little two stopped Huo Tianci who was about to leave.

“What’s the matter?” Huo Tianci stopped and turned his head to ask.

Seeing Huo Tianci stop, Xiao Er felt relieved a lot, because he almost forgot important things.

“This is such an adult, Dong shopkeeper, let the young one give this to you.” Then, Xiao Er handed an envelope to Huo Tianci’s hands. This is Dong Dabao this morning. Qian Dingwan asked Wan to explain to him, but he almost forgot just now, it scared him a lot.

“Okay, then go ahead.” With that, Huo Tianci opened the envelope.

Huo Tianci probably understands the things mentioned in the letter, that is, Dong Daudao is going to the Chamber of Commerce in Tianhe this morning to take the post of chief, so he cannot be taken to visit the slaughter of the Black River Fort We are ready to take Huo Tianci in the afternoon.

“It’s not too late to go in the afternoon.” After muttering to himself, Huo Tianci went to the main building in front and went for breakfast.

As soon as he walked into the private room, a man with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek who was served by a housekeeper walked out of a corner and wrote down the private room number plate of Huo Tianci.

“So you are here, so I really wanted to wait for a while to find it.” This person is Song Junjian’s guard. He saw Huo Tianci yesterday, so he would recognize him.

After taking down the private room number plate, the Song Family guard immediately turned his head and walked into another private room.

At this time, four or five seventeen-eighteen nine-year-old youths were sitting in this private room. Song Junjian was the leader.

“Pengfei, your father this time, but the so-called ascending to the skies with a single leap, when the time comes, don’t forget our several brothers.” Song Junjian is toasting and talking A thin and tall young man drank good wine in a glass.

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