But now, Dongfang Xue knows everything.

“is it possible that little Ancestral Grandfather, what he said is true, he can really help me.” After learning about this, Dongfang Xue’s confidence in Huo Tianci is even more It’s too big, but she is not sure whether Huo Tianci will help her.

“Take one step, watch one step, and if it doesn’t work in the end, then I will go to Lingdu Battlefield!” Dongfang Xue has already prepared for the worst.

And Huo Tianci this night, it is about some “future”, can not be said to be “future”, that is, away from Tian City, Clear Sky City, some trivial matters left behind, all Finished explaining to him.

“Let’s do it, then we will meet again in the future.” Huo Tianci left, it is almost impossible to come back, so what can be given, what can be satisfied, Huo Tianci I will try my best to be satisfied, Hao Hong is waiting for a group of people with Li Feng.

When I learned that Huo Tianci was going to a bigger place to explore, Hao Hongzheng and the others also gave immediate blessings, apart from this, and some treasures they thought were good Although they didn’t know if Huo Tianci could be used, they still expressed their intentions, and Huo Tianci felt it deeply.

It was just one night. In the second morning, Huo Tianci all left Clear Sky City and Longshan Sea Territory.

On the 3rd day, Lengfeng, who had left Senluodian, returned to the outside of Black Wind Island.

“Yeah~, Brother Leng is back, then this is really a coincidence, our side is just about to withdraw to return to the sect, then we will have a long time in the future.”

Ye was going to leave half a day earlier, because in this way, he would stagger the time with Leng Feng, and eventually he would not meet again, but what he didn’t expect was that Leng Feng would come here half a day earlier, and this was very embarrassing Up.

“Where is that kid? Isn’t he still inside?” Leng Feng thought to himself, he shouldn’t be late.

It’s a pity that I was beaten in the face safely.

“You said that weird kid, he had already left the evening before yesterday.” Hua Wuye spoke frankly.

“Then why don’t you stop him for me!” Looking at Leng Feng, his face was extremely furious.

“Go and stop him for you? He left with Vast Ocean Sect’s disciplines. You want to trap me for injustice, and then go and offend that Vast Ocean Sect.” Hua Wuye thought. Are you stupid or I stupid.

“Vast Ocean Sect!” And this also caused Leng Feng, who was overwhelmed with anger, to instantly reduce his expression temperature by 30%, because this is indeed impossible.

But this hatred, Senluodian must repay, whether it is for the sake of face, or for whatever.

Just going to Vast Ocean Sect to be a VIP, which seems a bit too unrealistic.

Leng Feng, who had no tricks in the end, had to go back the same way and go to discuss the countermeasures with the Supreme Great Elder in the hall, Yin Sha.

Just after Leng Feng left with Hua Wuye, another team came in mighty force.

This team of people, Mali, is the so-called expert as clouds. Sweep away, all Xuanzun realm experts. Among them, even the strongman of Xuanzun’s 9th layer Peak Realm is no less than one hand. many.

But if you take a closer look, you will find that the leader of this group of experts is just a young man.

“We are waiting outside here!” And what this young man is, Huo Tianci is not familiar with it. It is precisely the words that have been ruthless before, saying that after three days, he will kill him Huo Tianci’s cloud Haofeng.

And this time when he went back, he not only got the space magic weapon, but he even took the elite guards of the 13th Fort of Yunling from the hands of his Great Grandfather. To use it for revenge, I have to say that this man hates Huo Tianci. Also, the Eldest Young Master, who has been spoiled since childhood, has to have the sky and the ground, has eaten, how could he give up now.

However, after staying in this way for a long time, Wang Tuotian, who was with him, received a message from the sect.

“Shao Yun, I, First Senior Brother and them, have returned to Vast Ocean Sect.” Wang Tuotian thought, how could this be so fast.

“What? I have gone back! What about that kid!” Yun Haofeng thought Huo Tianci was scared, and then ran away.

“I don’t know about this, but I heard that the kid seems to live in a few cities around here, and he seems to be quite famous. My nickname is Master Huo. My First Senior Brother is in Earlier, I had inquired about him, how about we go and ask?” Wang Tuotian also didn’t want to let Huo Tianci go.

“Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and ask me, I this time, must he die! Want him to die!”

It is probably too famous, the result Within half a day, Yun Haofeng successfully inquired out that Huo Tianci had left the Longshan Sea Territory, and then went to Vast Ocean Sect.

“Vast Ocean Sect? Okay, let’s go and visit Vast Ocean Sect directly!”

Leng Feng is afraid of Vast Ocean Sect, but he is not afraid of Yun Haofeng.

“That kid, actually walking right into a trap, is it possible that I really don’t know how to write the dead words.” And Wang Tuotian is happy because of Vast Ocean. Sect, but his site, when the time comes, he still wants to do Huo Tianci, then how to do Huo Tianci.

It’s a pity that this guy is thinking a little bit too much, because Huo Tianci is a Vast Ocean Sect directly as a VIP, not a small Outer Disciple.

In other words, if this guy saw Huo Tianci in Vast Ocean Sect, he would have to smile and bow his waist.

“This is?”

At this time, in Vast Ocean Sect, Huo Tianci is following Dongfang Xue to meet with Vast Ocean Sect’s first Great Elder-Fan Ang.

“This is a friend of our Young Lady, who happened to be passing by here. I will temporarily interrupt for a few days. I hope Brother Fan will not meet outside.” Dongfang Family came with Dongfang Xue. Guanshi Li, although Guanshi Li is a foreign surname, in fact, he is a distant relative of Dongfang Xue, and even a thousand years ago, it was an influential figure of neither too big nor too small.

Fan Ang has a deep friendship, belonging to the kind of Life and Death Friends.

“What’s the trouble with this, Brother Li, you are too far-sighted, but what is the matter when you came here this time? The Dongfang family of Dongfang Family is like a dog skin plaster. One week after another, I have come to ask me about your whereabouts. If you have any difficulties, Brother Li, you must tell me. After all, if it wasn’t you, then I would be a useless person. How could I still have the current scenery? “The Dongfang He in Fan Ang’s mouth was Dongfang Xue’s Second Uncle, and it was the father of Dongfang Xue who fanned the troubles, and was going to set up a marriage with Yishan that day.

It is precisely because of this that Dongfang Xue, who is regarded as a trading weight, hates this person very much.

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