The three characters “Gu Yuan Dan” and the four characters “body refinement divine medicine”, the entire Huo Family Martial Practice Stage, can be said to be completely burnt.

Because everyone knows the power of this thing, even if they don’t know, the 100,000 taels of silver fully interprets all of this.

“The things shown just now are the rewards of this month.” Huo Tianci said low-key.

But below, it is completely boiling.

“What, that many medicine pill ointments, is it just a reward for this month? is it possible that, now every month?” All the juniors of Huo Family boiled completely. Because they have grown up so much, they have never seen so many rewards. What’s more, everything is just a one-month reward that’s all. Can this not make them excited?

“Master Patriarch, is that Gu Yuan Dan rewarded a month?” More people are especially concerned about this question.

“Of course, as long as you are good enough, then any rewards will not be a problem.” Huo Tianci is very confident, because he has a Divine Item on his body now, one that can help him make money, no , Improper wording, it should be Divine Item for printing money.

Yes, this thing is the decomposition machine!

“Master Patriarch, then how do we get these rewards.” After hearing that the rewards are really once a month, everyone excitedly asked Huo Tianci how to get these rewards.

Huo Tianci pointed to the side Fifth Elder and said: “As for how these rewards are, I have the full power to give Fifth Elder the rewards and punishments, but it will never change. It is you. You have to be enough. Strong!”

After saying this, Huo Tianci left this Martial Practice Stage with Heizi, because he has already said everything he should say, and the rest is Fifth Elder alone Can be solved.

Also, Haikou has already boasted that it is rewarded once a month, so now Huo Tianci has to find a way to make money, otherwise when the time comes, he won’t be able to get rewards, he, the Patriarch, The face will inevitably disappear, and it’s not a big deal to be scolded behind, and will be forced by bossing.

The 1st Step to make money is to understand how to use that decomposition machine, so now, Huo Tianci is going to understand its usage.

On the open space of the main courtyard, Huo Tianci was standing in it, and then following his thoughts, a boiler machine two meters long and one meter wide and high appeared before his eyes.

This boiler machine has a big gear mouth in the front and a hollow out slot at the back.

“I don’t know what this broken Long Blade of the 9th class of ordinary artifacts can distinguish from me.” This Long Blade belongs to Song An. Unfortunately, during the previous battle, Huo Tianci’s mysterious iron dagger was cut into two pieces with a single dagger. Otherwise, it would be worth a bit of silver. Huo Tianci estimated that it would cost at least fifty thousand tael of silver. There is no existence in Baili Town, because weapons of this level can only be sold in the Black River Fort.

After a bit of a pity, Huo Tianci threw it directly into the gear mouth of the decomposing machine. After all, it has been broken in two pieces. If you feel bad about it, it won’t recover. .

At this moment, the system hints.

“ding” asks the host to confirm again, whether to decompose, the long sword of Fan Qijiu.

This system hint is particularly humane, because it is to prevent him from dividing things wrong. At this point, Huo Tianci must give this system a thumbs up, otherwise when the time comes When things are broken down, he can’t even cry.

So Huo Tianci uttered the word “determined”, but the next system hint, like a thunderbolt in the sky, fell in his mind.

The decomposition of “ding” requires nine durability points. Is the host determined to decompose immediately?

“What? Do you need durability? is it possible that, if the durability is gone, then this decomposition is useless?” Huo Tianci, who has played the game, knows this very well. Because the durability value is equal to the life of the weapon and equipment, the durability is gone, then this weapon and equipment can no longer be used, unless you can repair it again to restore it to full durability, otherwise, it is There is nothing but formidable power.

“Yes, the host, no matter what equipment is decomposed, it needs to consume a certain amount of durability. The number of durability points consumed has a certain relationship with the grade of the equipment. Higher the grade, the consumption of durability, The higher the relative value, and vice versa, the lower. Of course, you can increase the level of the disintegrator to reduce the consumption points of the durability value. Apart from this, the level of the disintegrator also determines the equipment after disassembly. , The quality of the material and the output of the material.”

System answered Huo Tianci’s first question.

Huo Tianci understands everything after listening, that is to say, this decomposition machine has a level, the higher the level, the better the equipment is decomposed, it is so simple and rude. Summary of words.

As for the second question, the attribute column of the decomposition machine has already been answered.

Decomposer (auxiliary equipment), current level 1, can decompose below Yellow Grade, all equipment, current durability value 100/100; EXP 0/500, EXP full, automatic upgrade. Note: The durability value of the decomposition machine can be reset and restored once every 24 hours, so please don’t waste it.

“hu~, really scared the baby to death.” Seeing that the endurance value is refreshed every day, Huo Tianci exclaimed for a long time, because he thought that the endurance value was not Now, this decomposing machine can no longer be used. It is good now. It turns out to be restored once a day, and it also automatically upgrades, which is really humane.

“hehe hee.” Huo Tianci is crazy happy anyway.

“Confirm the decomposition.” After that, Huo Tianci, who was thinking about it, gave instructions to the decomposition machine again.

Immediately after the big mouth of the gears of the disintegrator, it turned around immediately. It felt like a person was eating. It was not relaxed and comfortable. After a second, suddenly, suddenly The sound of metal chewing came from the body of the decomposer.

The sound of chewing loudly rang for about five or six seconds in total. In the end, it sounded like the train arriving at the station, making the sound of wu wu wu and the black chimney smoke. These phenomena appeared , Which means that the decomposition has been completed.

“So fast!” Huo Tianci’s chin almost fell off, because of this, it only took ten seconds to reach it.

After the decomposing machine stopped completely, Huo Tianci hurriedly walked to the back of the decomposing machine, in the hollow notch. At this time, two pieces were placed in the hollow notch, slap Large, rectangular iron bars.

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