The eighth reward, also comes from not cutting again, named-Water Dun: The Technique of Mist Hidden.

Using chakras to roll up splashes of water to create dense fog, intermittent in the world of white mist, is a trick that can kill people and save lives. In Naruto, they often use this technique of fog hiding to assassinate enemies without cutting them, and they are finally called “Mist Hidden Ghosts”.

“The technique of fog hiding, with clairvoyance and wind ears, is absolutely invincible.” In the technique of fog hiding, the caster can also not see each other, but Huo Tianci is different because Huo Tianci has 【 Clairvoyance and Wind Ears] This supernatural power exists, and the two work together, absolutely invincible.

Because the enemy cannot see him, but he can see the enemy. Fight in this way. Who do you think will win?

“hahaha.” Huo Tianci was overjoyed, because this mist hiding technique was simply tailored for him.

The ninth reward is a Han martial art with a long history.

This cultivation technique is where the essence of four or two draws a thousand catties, pulls away to change shadows, takes advantage of the power, de-transforms the shape, introduces misses, avoids the front and hides the sharp, flashes and turns away, and uses the diagonal strike. , To break the straight, to control clumsy.

In actual combat, it can seize the fleeting empty and weak spots of the enemy, pull and lock, fight and fight simultaneously, and defeat the enemy forcefully.

This cultivation technique has a total of 18 strokes. After practicing to Great Accomplishment, its battle strength can compare with Yellow Grade. If you learn Great Perfection, you can even compare with Mysterious Grade. method.

“This dipping clothes is eighteen, but it often appears in martial arts movies. If you get it, it’s not bad. After all, it is a method that can match the Mysterious Grade mysterious skills.” Huo Tianci thought to himself. At last, he set his eyes on the last reward.

The last tenth reward is out of the ordinary. It is also the only orange reward in this round of silver lottery.

It comes from the highest Taoist “Three Purities Heavenly Venerate”, the hand of Heavenly Venerate of Taiqing morality, that is, the Supreme Taoist often referred to by ordinary people.

Those who have learned about Journey to the West carefully and have learned about Supreme Taoist know that this product is the strongest in the Three Realms.

And that reward is the Eight Trigrams Furnace in his hand.

Eight Trigrams Furnace is the Supreme treasure used by Supreme Taoist pill concocting. Inside the furnace is the Divine Fire of Six Ding, one of the four Heavenly Fires. Most of the top equipment in the Westward Journey comes from Eight Trigrams Furnace.

For example, Sun Wukong’s Golden Cudgel, Zhu Bajie’s Nine-toothed Rake, Purple Gold Bell, etc. Supreme Divine Artifact.

Pill concocting treasure making, two into one.

You can say so, this stove is in hand, World Is Mine!

At this point, ten rewards are all over. It is a pleasing and passionate sight, so Huo Tianci felt that the rewards in the silver lottery machine will be overwhelmed. The bronze slag is tens of thousands times, because this Eight Trigrams Furnace alone is completely abused. What’s more, this thing can not only pill concocting, but also make treasures. It is invincible, and it is simply against the sky.

This time, Huo Tianci can become an Alchemist on this Kowloon mainland, where everyone kneels and licks, and everyone flatters, plus the master of refiners, I think it’s very cool to think about it.

Of course, the prerequisite is that you have to draw.

“MD, give me a draw!” Not much to say, just drop coin lottery.

Immediately, the lottery aperture turned rapidly. During the period, every time the aperture passed through the Eight Trigrams Furnace for reward, Huo Tianci’s little heart suddenly accelerated once, because the Eight Trigrams Furnace was too bad for the sky. After all, Divine Item is, no, to be precise, it should be called Dao Qi.

In the rank of weapons, Taoism is above the Divine Item, because One Qi Becomes Three Purities, Three Purities are the ancestors of Taoism, and Supreme Taoist is one of the Three Purities, so The rank of the Eight Trigrams Furnace should be the Dao Qi, surpassing the Dao Qi above Heavenly God.

“This fuck, it’s too exciting.” Huo Tianci only felt that the heart was about to jump out, but in the end the aperture, unexpectedly, slowly stopped at the reward of the profound stone.

Seeing this, Huo Tianci immediately shouted heartbreakingly: “No!”

Huo Tianci doesn’t want black stone, even though it is very valuable, but does not The reason is very simple, because this thing can be obtained with a little bit of money.

“Go down one more grid, and then go down one more grid, anyway, I don’t want the profound stone.” Huo Tianci shouted, and finally stayed at the flashing aperture above the profound stone reward. It really went down one frame.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations on your reward: the resolver.

The reward behind the black stone is the decomposition machine. After hearing this system hint, Huo Tianci was ecstatic, because the decomposition machine is in this round of silver rewards, except for the Eight Trigrams Furnace Besides, the second best thing.

After the sound of the system hint was over, a boiler machine with a gear mouth came to Huo Tianci’s mind.

“It can be stored in my mind!” Huo Tianci is even more pleasantly surprised, because it shows that when he wants to take out this decomposition machine, then when he can take it out.

With a movement of thought, the decomposition machine stored in Huo Tianci’s mind immediately appeared in front of him like magic.

Another thought, the two-meter-long, one-meter-wide, and one-meter-high decomposition machine disappeared in front of his eyes in an instant. After checking Huo Tianci’s thoughts, he was surprised to find, The disintegrator is being stored in his mind.

“haha, it is exactly the same as I thought!” Huo Tianci was very excited. As for how it operates, Huo Tianci knew it at a glance, that is, moved towards its gear mouth, lost Things go in, and there is a notch for things out behind the butt of the resolver, presumably the decomposed materials will come out of this notch.

After analyzing the usage of this decomposition machine, Huo Tianci hurriedly wanted to find something to try, but looking around the room, there was nothing like blade, spear, sword, halberd, but Huo There was one on Tianci’s body, but I tried it with that mysterious iron dagger. Isn’t it a fool, Huo Tianci wouldn’t be so stupid.

“Forget it, wait for the next coin to be drawn, then go find something to try.” Huo Tianci has two silver coins, one of which is rewarded by the mission after winning the holy water tournament. The second one is given by the system after completing the revenge mission.

After that, the second silver lottery coin was taken out, and then dropped into the silver lottery machine. Finally, as the lottery aperture rotated again, the whole person of Huo Tianci was excited again. stand up.

At this moment, Song An had sneaked into the Huo Mansion.

Suddenly, a sharp long knife was placed between the necks of the Huo Family.

“Tell me, where is Huo Tianci, otherwise, you will die!” Song An not at all rushed directly into the Huo Family with great fanfare, because at this time, there are several Wus in this town. Outer Elder is in town. Because Baili Town now belongs to the Wu family, it is not surprising that there are several Outer Elders here.

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