Immediately afterwards, the Necromancer suddenly sniffed!

"Ah! I smelled an old and decadent earthy smell!"

Curtis suddenly looked excited, like a wild dog smelling the scent of bones, with his legs leaping backwards quickly, and rushing forward!

Soon, he came to a stall not far away!

"Boss! How do you sell this thing?"

Curtis stretched out his hand and pointed at a few pieces on the stall that had no shape at all!

It's rare for the stall owner to see customers, and when Curtis was another foreign devil, he suddenly smiled!

"Five thousand yuan!"

"Five thousand..."

Curtis was tangled!

As soon as he saw Curtis' appearance, Jiang Fan's heart suddenly "cocked"!

Curtis is so loud, it is unexpected that it is a parallel import!

Those things are just a pile of metal fragments, you can't even see the shape, and it's worth the money!

Jiang Fan was trying to dissuade, Curtis shook his head!

"Well, let me give you fifty thousand, all these things are packed, how about?"

The stall owner was stunned, without a word, he wrapped a bunch of things and handed it to Curtis!

"Foreign ghost-no, this international friend is an expert at first sight! Fifty thousand transaction!"

Curtis took the things and looked at Jiang Fan suddenly!

"Master, fifty thousand!"

"I'm five thousand of your sister! Your brain kicked the donkey? Are these tattered fifty thousand?"

Jiang Fan looked sad and indignant!

"These money, everyone stays overnight and stays up and sleeps, grabbing it-claim it!"

"This is all hard-earned money! You and Wang Yi can do the same for big health care! You can actually use it for—"

"Master, worth it!"

Curtis suddenly whispered quickly!

Jiang Fan was startled, without saying anything, swiping his card to transfer money!

It's rare to encounter such a fool, and the owner's smile suddenly narrowed!

But Curtis smiled more happily!

"Master, sent it! There is a'blood root' in it!"

Curtis pulled Jiang Fan aside, with a look of excitement, and took out a broken bronze shard!

That fragment was covered with patina long ago, but it was spotted with dark red!

"Blood root? Is it better than Isatis root?"

Jiang Fan looked blank!

"Master, blood roots are made from the coagulation of the blood of people who died unjustly in ancient times. Generally, only weapons or instruments of torture are left behind!"

"This thing is useless to others, but for us Necromancers, or some evil characters, this is a treasure!"

"Bake these things in the dark fire, and you can extract the blood roots full of resentment!"

"The effect of that thing is almost a thousand times stronger than ordinary necromantic aura!"

"And because it has been moisturized by the underground yin for a long time, it is so pure that it hardly needs refining and can be absorbed directly!"

"If all the blood roots in these fragments can be extracted, I am afraid that the top of the skull tomb tree roots more than ten centimeters long!"

Curtis's eyes are shining!

"So strong?"

Jiang Fan was startled slightly, and suddenly, without saying anything, he chased after the stall owner directly!

Curtis was taken aback!

"Master! It's only fifty thousand, don't need to eat black!"

"You know what a shit! Since this stall owner can get such a batch of things, he may be able to get the second batch! Or maybe he can ask where this thing came from! What will you get by then, more than just this bit of blood root? "

Curtis was stunned!

Then, I was shaking with excitement!

"Praise you! Master, your wisdom is comparable to the vast starry sky!"

"Stop flattering!"

Jiang Fan said, he has stopped the stall owner!

"You, what do you want to do? I tell you, the money will not be refunded if it landed!"

The owner was shocked!

"Don't worry, I don't care about this little money!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"What do you call Big Brother?"

"I, my name is Wu Jingui!"

Seeing Jiang Fan's extraordinary momentum, the stall owner couldn't help but speak!

"Brother Wu, can you tell me, where did you get these things?"

Wu Jingui was startled, and then suddenly looked wary!

"What are you asking this for?"

"Don't be nervous, I asked, naturally you want to buy it!"

"Also, buy it?"

Wu Jingui was stunned!

This kid has an extraordinary momentum, and he is definitely not low compared to the big people he has seen!

It doesn't make sense to continue to buy this pile of things. Could it be that these things have value that you don't know?

Wu Jingui's eyes desperately began to turn!

Jiang Fan doesn't know his thoughts yet!

"Brother Wu, how long have you been in a business?"

"Five, five years!"

"The rules should be understood! Remember, some money is not earned by people like you!"

Jiang Fan smiled meaningfully!

Wu Jingui trembled all over!

Although the color of greed in the eyes is still there, but the mind has restored clarity!

"Hehe, what the little brother said, I was just remembering how this thing came from!"

"Brother Wu worked hard!"

As Jiang Fan said, he directly took out his card and swiped him a million!

Wu Jingui trembled as he watched!

one million! Just say it! He didn't even blink his eyelids!

The other party is definitely a real, genuine and promising person!

At this moment, Wu Jingui not only did not get the joy of money, but was full of cold sweat!

Money, as long as it is used properly, is far more deterrent than torture!

"Little brother, no! Sir, I, I'm just a messy reminder, this thing is an obsolete item that I took from Wang Hu's hand for three thousand yuan!"

Wu Jingui said tremblingly!

"Who is Wang Xiu?"

"He He……"

Wu Jingui looked around, begging!

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and pointed to a teahouse next to him!

"Go there and talk!"

Soon, the three of them have entered the private room!

Until this time, Wu Jingui spoke cautiously!

"Sir, actually Wang Xiu, he, he is a digger!"

"Digging? Tomb Robber?!"

Jiang Fan's eyes lit up!

"Yes Yes!"

Wu Jingui nodded repeatedly!

"It seems that you also know that this Wangbeard is indeed a tomb robber!"

"He often comes to me to sell the stolen goods. Once he comes and goes, he will be familiar with it!"

"Selling stolen goods? You?"

Curtis sneered!

"This international friend doesn't know, I am actually the Erdao dealer! We basically have a few familiar soil mice in our hands!"

"Generally, there are treasures, and they are directly given to the big people. They have strong funds and backgrounds. If you find someone to make a story on the appraisal program, you can wash those treasures!

"As for us, we will make a small difference!"

After Wu Jingui finished explaining, he looked at Jiang Fan again!

"Three days ago, Wang Xiu brought a few more things, and the pile of things you are holding now!"

"I've already done the rest. As for this thing, after all, it's also for money. I just want to come here to practice the stall and try my luck!"

"As a result, hehe..."

Jiang Fan pondered for a moment!

"Where is that Wang Beard now?"

"He seems to have entered the mountain again! This time he looked very anxious. It seemed that he had encountered a big fight, and even several of their guys didn't come back!"

Wu Jingui said quickly!

"Then do you know where he went?"

"I really don't know this, but I have vaguely heard him talk about it. It should be in Xiangzhou!"

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