After being thrown by Jiang Fan, the effect of'Monster Roar' disappeared, but Brother Toyu Lu had already come into contact with the bomb!

"Do not!"

Brother Huyu Lu suddenly wailed!

He finally understood Jiang Fan's purpose!



A tragic green flame burst out suddenly!

The whole arena was blown up!

And Brother Huyu Lu, who was almost immortal, was evaporated into black smoke before he even had time to resist!

But this is just the beginning!

"Nine Suns True Scripture!"

"The power of a bull!"

"Poison Nail Ring!"

"Finally! Three heads... Six arms!"


In the smoke-filled venue, a wave of terrifying energy that was almost like a hurricane suddenly rose to the sky!

At the next moment, everyone only saw that in the smoke and dust, a sword light that was almost as bright as snow, suddenly spanned a distance of 100 meters, and suddenly passed by with a surprised look!


The Crow hasn't reacted yet, his head is already flying high with a lot of blood!

Kill with one sword!


The body of the crow fell heavily to the ground!

But the head fell directly at Hu Yulu's feet!

At this moment, Crow's eyes are wide open, and they are full of incredible!

And just where he saw his eyes, Toguro, who was in 80% state, was slowly retracting his fist!

Opposite him is the mighty head that has been completely shattered!

"Damn it, this **** has been calculated..."

As the last thought fell, Crow finally closed his eyes!

one second!

To be precise, all of this didn't even last for a second!

Except for Hu Yulu, the entire army was wiped out!

Those three powerhouses, as high as level ten, have all died!

And what Jiang Fan paid was only two props, and the 24-hour cooldown of the Ring of Poisonous Nail!

As the smoke dissipated, all the audience were stunned!

Look at the scene incredibly!

"Six, six arms?"

"Is he also a monster?"

"No! He doesn't have any devilish air in him!"

"It's so strong, except for Hu Yulu, the other three people are all dead!"

"This guy is a powerful pervert!"

Little Hades and others are even more pale!

so amazing!

For a moment!

Just a moment!

The original one-to-four situation has suddenly become one-on-one!

This monster named Jiang Fan is even more terrifying than Toguro!

"That's it!"

Toguro looked at Jiang Fan calmly!

What a trick to take advantage of strength!

No wonder he has to provoke himself and others to all come to power, originally to take advantage of himself and the crow to kill his brother and Wuwei who are second only to his own strength!

And all he has to do is to explode with all his strength and drop the crow in seconds!

"But what's next? Now only you and me are left, what else do you have to calculate?"

Toguro suddenly chuckled!

"No more!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"However, with my six-armed state, 80% of yours may not kill me!"

"you're right!"

Toguro nodded, and suddenly took off his sunglasses, revealing a pair of warlike eyes!

"Jiang Fan! You really deserve me, use 100% of your power!"


Toguro roared suddenly!

The next moment, his whole muscles seemed to melt, and he squirmed desperately!

At the same time, an extremely terrifying evil spirit suddenly burst out!

Even the whole land began to rumbling!

Even in the audience, countless low-level monsters were directly destroyed by his demon power and turned into a monster!

The transformation is not yet complete, but it already has such a power!


With a loud noise, Toguro, who was in complete condition, suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Fan!

Toguro at this moment has completely turned into a monster!

Even the muscles of the corners of the eyes and cheeks are prominent, and the muscles of the whole body have been completely twisted and hardened, and the whole person is like wearing a terrifying and hideous muscle armor!

However, the most terrifying thing is his aura!

"Okay, it's terrible!"

"The transformation alone destroyed a quarter of the audience!"

"This sense of power has completely surpassed Jiang Fan!"

"Invincible, invincible Toguro!"

Everyone looked at Toguro with trepidation!

so horrible!

If Jiang Fan before was a tiger, then Toguro at this moment is a Tyrannosaurus rex from ancient times!

Toyu Lu looked at Jiang Fan in silence for a while, and suddenly flicked his finger!


Jiang Fan suddenly staggered, his head tilted back!

"what happened?"

"Why does Jiang Fan seem to be hit by something?"

"It's wind pressure!"

"The wind pressure from Toguro's fingers!"

"It's amazing! The wind pressure that pops out with your fingers is almost more powerful than a bullet!"

The crowd was amazed!

However, Jiang Fan slowly straightened up and looked at Toguro without any fear!

"There is no need to test, my strength is not as good as you, but the defense may not be worse than you!"


The crowd was shocked again!

But Toguro smiled!

"I'm just afraid of punching you to death! If that's the case, then I can rest assured!"

As Hu Yulu's voice fell, he already punched Jiang Fan hard!


At this moment, the distance between the two is more than ten meters!

But with Toguro's punch, the ground beneath Jiang Fan's feet had already sunk downwards abruptly!

Wind pressure!

It was just the wind pressure from the fist that actually crushed the ground!

Jiang Fan's pupils shrank, and a murderous horror sword appeared in his hand!

Jinyiwei suit!

Cut the horse with a long knife!

With Jiang Fan's long sword one block!


A loud noise!

Jiang Fan flew upside down suddenly!

Hit the audience with one head!


A one-hundred-meter-square auditorium burst into pieces!

And there was a clear fist mark on the back of the horse-cutting sword!

Jiang Fan's heart trembled!

This monster!

This is just a punch in the air!

If it is a frontal attack-

"System! Five thousand loans!"

"Ding! The host has the title of'No Debt and Lightweight' and has the right to borrow!"

"Ding! The karma point has arrived!"

"Raise the golden bell jar!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host Golden Bell for reaching the twelfth level! There is one remaining door!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host's Golden Bell's completion!"

In an instant, Jiang Fan suddenly flashed golden light all over his body!

Even the skin has a metallic luster!


Jiang Fan roared suddenly and stepped hard!


The ground under his feet shattered like an explosion, and Jiang Fan had already jumped high with this force!


People are still in the air, Jiang Fan has already taken a deep breath!

Then, he slashed at Hu Yulu with a fierce blow!

This knife carried an extremely terrifying sound of wind, and before it fell, the ground had already cracked, and its power was like breaking a mountain and breaking the sea!



one hand!

Toguro actually used only one hand to firmly grasp the horse-cutting knife!

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