Almost instantly!

Yu Rui's long hair suddenly floated up!

In the eyes, the gloomy light flickers!

Everything that was close to her actually started and slowly decomposed!

This kind of aura is actually different from all Jiang Fan's well-known power systems!

But the only thing in common is that it is extremely powerful!

Jiang Fan's heart stunned!

Throw the buns, and quickly put off the mask that was originally raised, and immediately buckle it!

At the same time, it directly pushed the Nine Suns to its limit!

This girl's weird power is stronger than herself!

Now, such a strange and inexplicable aura is bursting out, a carelessness, I am afraid it will be overturned!

Unlike Yu Rui, Jiang Fan's aura is domineering and unparalleled. In an instant, the whole room was shocked, and the whole room began to buzz and tremble!

"stop it now!"

Seeing that the two were about to do something, Su Lingyu was shocked!

Scream in a hurry!


"Takeaway Star! You die for me!"

Yu Rui already roared and rushed towards Jiang Fan!

"Dead? God can't accept me! Not to mention you!"

Jiang Fan grinned!

Also rush towards Yu Rui!

Because of Su Lingyu's presence, neither of them chose to use their skills. It was purely a comparison of strengths!

After all, Yu Rui is a woman, and because of the behavior just now, Jiang Fan has a guilty conscience!

So, when I shot it, I made a discount!

However, as soon as he met, Jiang Fan was stunned!

Seeing that the two of them were about to collide, Yu Rui unexpectedly put away his fists, straightened up and ran into it!

If Jiang Fan didn't let go, he would have to press Yu Rui again!

Jiang Fan had to close his hand and turn to the side, ready to avoid it first!

Unexpectedly, Yu Rui's speed has doubled!

Just threw him down!

Then, apart from anything else, riding him was a beating!

Jiang Fan is really dumbfounded!

Especially he never dreamed that a woman could be shameless to this point!

Oh shit!

Actually, I really overturned the car!

The key is that the strength of this girl is too great!

Being pressed by her, I can't get up at all!

"Scream! You scream!"

Yu Rui was riding on Jiang Fan, and the powder fist smashed down!

Jiang Fan moved left and right, finally grabbing Yu Rui's two arms!

At the same time, struggling desperately, wanting to break free!

"Damn! Let go of me!"

"Think beautifully! Just stay under my elder mother!"

"Want to be on top of me, I see how long you can hold on!"

Jiang Fan roared, his body straightened!

"Get down to me!"

"Don't think about it!"

Yu Rui pressed hard!

"Get me up!"

"Go down!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The two wrestled desperately, and the ground was slammed!

At the same time, the excessive loss of physical strength caused both of them to breathe violently!

At this moment, outside the door, there happened to be an unknown paparazzi Zhu Xiaowei passing by!

"Fuck! So intense!"

Zhu Xiaowei was stunned!

This is Su Lingyu's room!

The key is that the voice is from the takeaway star, but the other voice is not Su Lingyu, but her manager Yu Rui!

Zhu Xiaowei is excited!

"Takeaway Star turns out to have a leg with Su Lingyu's agent!"

"Awesome my brother!"

In the room, Su Lingyu looked depressed when the two of them were in a stalemate!

"You two, can you get up first?"

"No! Huh, huh! If you don't subdue him, he won't know how good it is!"

Yu Rui said angrily!

"Subdued me? Huh, huh, stop dreaming! I'll go up in a while and see what you do!"

Jiang Fan's eyes flashed brightly, and he suddenly mobilized his great power!


Yu Rui exclaimed and was directly pressed to the ground by Jiang Fan!

"Hahaha! What did Lao Tzu say? You will be honest with me and stay here!"

Jiang Fan is extremely proud!

Yu Rui panicked!

"Miss! Help me quickly!"

"No way, he is too heavy!"

Su Lingyu tugged Jiang Fan, but didn't move!

And Zhu Xiaowei outside the door, already gasped!

too heavy?

Could it be that Su Lingyu is actually below?

Damn it!

Zhu Xiaowei is holding his heart!

It's so exciting!

This melon made his heart completely unbearable!

Made it!

As soon as this hand information came out, I was definitely the number one entertainment record!

"Mr. Water, don't do this! Get up first, OK?"

Su Lingyu had to beg!

"No! Save your buns for me. After teaching this woman in a while, I have to eat it!"

"Oh, then you guys, tap it!"

Su Lingyu saw that the two of them were still sane, so they didn't care about it!

"Miss! You are too unjust!"

Yu Rui looked annoyed!

"No way, I have no strength!"

"Anyway, after a while, he didn't have enough energy, so he stopped!"

Su Lingyu said with a smile!

"I have no strength? My strength is endless!"

Jiang Fan is in the upper hand at the moment, extremely rampant!

"You! You bastard!"

Yu Rui is helpless!

If the Juli Curse is superimposed, I am afraid that the building will have to be demolished!

Now, her temper is almost vented, and finally she has no choice but to speak!

"let me go!"

"Then you beg me!"

"You want to be beautiful! If you have a seed, just continue! I don't believe it, you can crush me for a day!"

"One day? I can hold you down for ten years!"

ten years?


Worthy of being a takeaway star!

Zhu Xiaowei admired!

At this moment, in the corridor, a staff member of the crew went out and saw Zhu Xiaowei at a glance!

"Hey! Who?"

Zhu Xiaowei was shocked, turned around and ran!

Soon, leave the hotel!

"Editor-in-chief! Opening headlines!"

"Zhu Xiaowei, you can figure it out, what qualifications do your third-rate reports have for the front page?"

The editor-in-chief's disdainful voice sounded!

"Really? Hehe, then I will transfer this audio to someone else!"

As Zhu Xiaowei said, he played two sections of the recording directly!

The editor-in-chief was shocked, and his voice trembled!

"This, this is..."


"Immediately! Start the headlines right away!"

The editor-in-chief directly roared!

Zhu Xiaowei smiled triumphantly!

Haha, it's worthwhile to start tracking from the capital!

China's first entertainment!

It's getting closer!

This is the reward of hard work!

at the same time!

Andrew's home!

Several men and women with different looks are sitting lazily in chairs!

"Dear King of Thieves, it's been three days!"

"In the past three days, we almost turned Jiang Fan's house upside down!"

"However, there is still no trace of "Lanting Collection Preface"!"

"Moreover, that Jiang Fan is gone!"

"Now, we are very suspicious of the reliability of your message!"

A few men and women, looking bad!

Andrew's face is also a bit ugly!

These people are all supporters sent by the headquarters after he released A-level support!

Is the top international thief!

In the past few days, they have almost turned over Jiang Fan's house inch by inch!

However, no trace of "Lanting Collection Preface" was found!

The point is, Jiang Fan is gone!

"He doesn't have one at home, so this thing, maybe it's on him!"

Andrew pondered for a moment and finally said it!

"Aha! Andrew, are you kidding me?"

"That's a rare treasure! Even a wrinkle is a loss for the entire art world!"

"Take it with him, is he a fool? It's a shame you can figure it out!"

"I wonder if there is such a thing!"

"Or, shouldn't this be a trick you deliberately attracted our attention?"

"After all, you, the king of thieves, are almost out of breath!"

Several men and women sneered!

Andrew's face is pale!

These people, it can be said, are his juniors!

But now, I dare to talk to myself like this!

In Andrew's eyes, a cold light flashed, he must teach them a good lesson!

But at this moment!

A message came directly on his mobile phone!

Andrew opened it and looked happy!

"Jiang Fan! You finally appeared in Los Angeles!"

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