It turned out that Jiang Fan had never thought of hurting Imodun just now!

His purpose is to kill the last moldy countryman!

If this person dies, Immortal will never think about it and restore his mana!

Everyone was stunned!

They thought it was that bad countryman, and they were unlucky!

After all, who made them call it, mold country!

Immortal looked even more sluggish!

Dead, dead? !

At this moment, he couldn't wait to kill himself!

Hide your sister!

You can't die if you pierce it!

Now, Quante is over!

Even if it is absorbed, it is only to replenish the body, there is no other use at all!



In an instant, Immortal's eyes were red!

Deadly, staring at Jiang Fan!

"Dead! I want you, die!"

Immortal roared and suddenly turned into a raging sand!

Then, the yellow sand directly formed a face, opened his mouth and sprayed at Jiang Fan!


Countless yellow sand rushed towards Jiang Fan!

Wherever the yellow sand passes by, all furnishings and furniture are all deserted!

In an instant, the whole room began to vibrate!

Then, the whole floor!

All the places touched by his sand have been assimilated into fine sand!

Everyone is scared back desperately!

Only Jiang Fan stayed still!

"If you want me to die, you are not qualified!"

At the moment when Sand is about to touch Jiang Fan!

"Nine Suns True Scripture!"


A bang!

Jiang Fan's whole body suddenly sprang up, bursting like a fire with terrifying innocence!

All the sand that rushed towards him, before he got close, was suddenly blown away by the vigor of Jiang Fan's whole body!

"Useless kid!"

"Even if you can bounce the sand, I can still absorb your vitality!"

"Just wait, get drained alive by my sand!"

Immortal laughed wildly!

But, gradually, he stopped laughing!

I saw that Jiang Fan walked towards him with a big stride against the sand!

"This is impossible!"

Immortal was stunned!

If it is to extract the vitality of ordinary people, it only takes a few seconds!

However, the vitality of Jiang Fan's body is not only extremely difficult to extract, but also, exuberant, it doesn't look like a human being!

This guy, really is not a mortal!

Immortal was shocked!

At the same time, bursts of fear!

And Jiang Fan, already grinning, strode in front of him!

Not to mention the Nine Suns True Scriptures body protection, even if he is allowed to draw, the vitality of four hundred years is enough for him to draw for a while!


The qi in Jiang Fan's body was compressed to his right hand in an instant, and then his fist was clenched!

Facing Immortal's sandy big face fiercely, he smashed it down!


A deafening explosion!

Immortal's big face exploded in an instant!

The wall behind him was blasted into powder! It is directly exposed, the night sky dotted with stars!


"Jiang Fan, more like a monster than Immortal!"

"It's terrifying! This, this is not a human standard at all!"

"Too domineering! I have never seen such a strong man!"

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan with horror!

too strong!

It's ridiculously strong!

Eve's eyes are even brighter!

Just thought, threw into Jiang Fan's arms!

But at this moment!

The whole hotel trembled suddenly!

Then, it started unexpectedly and gradually collapsed!

This hotel was already partially deserted by Imodun, and the power of Jiang Fan's punch was really terrifying, and it was about to collapse!

"All run out!"

Jiang Fan shouted!

First he retrieved the mahogany sword, then he picked up Eve and rushed out!


The hotel is completely in ruins!

And the group of people who escaped, all looked at Jiang Fan with a dumbfounded look!

I thought Jiang Fan was fierce!

Unexpectedly, it was even more fierce!

The building was smashed!

Is this still a human?

"Jiang Fan! Thank you, thank you!"

Eve trembled with excitement!

"You're welcome!"

Jiang Fan smiled and took out the takeaway directly!

"Good smell! Is this the takeaway for me?"

Eve looked excited and opened the package directly!

"It smells good!"

"so spicy!"

"Oh my God! It's so delicious!"

Eve was sweating profusely!

O'Connor and others are even more greedy by the fragrance, drooling!

Eve is so lucky!

Actually, you can eat such a delicious thing!

"Ding! This takeaway task has been completed. You have 30 minutes to stay. You can choose to return automatically or return automatically after the time is over!"

As Eve finished the takeaway, the system prompt sounded immediately!

it is good!

Come back soon!

Go to the Qiujia Cemetery!

But at this moment!


The ruins of the hotel trembled suddenly, and then a horrible dust burst out!

It's Immortal! This monster is not dead yet!

Immortal floated in the air, staring at Jiang Fan!

"You bastard! I want you to die!"

"Cut! Rubbish! Let's fight if you refuse!"

Jiang Fan looked contemptuous! Pick up the mahogany sword again!

Although this thing can only slightly kill Immortal, but with one sword after another, this monster is also crushed to death!


Immortal trembled all over!

Too Nima bullied the demon!

"You have a kind! Next time I meet, I want you to die!"

Immortal snarled frantically, and flew away abruptly!

The crowd was taken aback by Immortal's sudden appearance!

However, seeing Immortal face Jiang Fan, he only dared to slap in the mouth, and, in the end, he was shamelessly slipping away!

The crowd is boiling!

They all adore Jiang Fan!

It's amazing!

"Brother, stay in Cairo!"

"Yes! As long as you stay here, this monster won't dare to come back!"

"As long as you stay, I am willing to marry my daughter to you!"

"What's that! My brothel, you can just walk around!"

"The bank is yours!"

The crowds are holding back!

Even O'Connor, Jonathan and others, all got together!

However, Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Don't worry, everyone, this monster will not come back in a short time!"

"Eve, if he shows up again, remember, order my takeaway!"


Eve nodded heavily!

next moment!



A white light shone, Jiang Fan has disappeared without a trace!

Seeing Jiang Fan's departure, Eve and O'Connor looked at each other and smiled!

It seems that Jiang Fan was sent from heaven to save them!

It's just that the two of them smiled, and suddenly, all looked at Jonathan with horror!

"Jonathan! What you have, yes, yes—"

At this moment, in Jonathan's hand, he actually held Jiang Fan's Peach Wood Sword with Blood Run!

"I, I, I'm habitual, touch it, who knows..."

Jonathan, is the strongest thief in the mummy world!

Almost all stories start from his stealing!

However, because he was so smooth this time, he actually smoothed Jiang Fan!

"I, I didn't mean it! Heaven and earth conscience, I just touched it so easily!"

Jonathan's tears are coming down!

He is exactly, professional habits!


This offends Jiang Fan. If Emerton comes back, Jiang Fan won’t get angry, they are all going to die!

At this moment, Jiang Fan has returned to the system space!

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