At this moment, the Iron Maiden team!

"According to the original plan, Hong Lei stayed, and the rest, go!"

With Murongcui's order, the remaining twenty or so chicken soup team members immediately appeared on the domineering team's territory non-stop!

"Captain! The chicken soup team has appeared!"

The voice of the evil emperor's men suddenly rang from the evil emperor's communicator!

"how many people?"

"More than twenty!"

"That should be all out!"

The evil emperor looked to the side Liu Feng!

"Hmm! Now, Black Shield is definitely dead!"

"Then, what's next?"

The evil emperor smiled weirdly and looked at Liu Feng!

"Then it needs to be said? When the Black Shield is destroyed, I will directly attack and take the chicken soup team's nest! Then, all the troops will be combined and the Falcons will be destroyed!"

Liu Feng's eyes were cold!


The evil emperor nodded vigorously!

As for the killing of the Falcons, neither of them mentioned it!

Unfortunately, how do they know that the Chicken Soup Team is far more shameless and more cunning than them!

The chicken soup team passed through the domineering, and soon entered the territory of the black shield!

Zhao Guoliang looked at the screen in front of him, and his heart was chilled!

If the chicken soup team joins in, then the black shield is absolutely over!

But at this moment!

The Chicken Soup Team actually left the Black Shield and went straight to the Star Team!

Zhao Guoliang was stunned!

"They, what are they going to do?"

And at the moment!


"Damn! I didn't expect it! It was picked up by the chicken soup team for cheap!"

"Yes! I was thinking about playing slowly, but in the end I killed the Iron Maiden team together!"

"But, according to their swarming, if it were really bad for the Iron Lady, it would be time for news now!"

"Should it be, they are allied?"

"It's very possible! So, they are helping the Iron Maiden team to fight the black shield now?"

A group of people talked about it, but Zhao Mo frowned deeply!

If the Chicken Soup team and the Iron Maiden team really are in an alliance, then it will be in trouble!

When the time comes, the three teams of overbearing, iron lady, and chicken soup will be united, and the one with the most remaining forces will definitely be attacked by them!

No way!

"How many people are there now?"

"Report to the captain, a total of twenty-five people!"

"Leave twenty-two, go to three people, and take the chicken soup team's nest!"


Black Shield team battlefield!

The evil emperor and Liu Feng looked anxious!

Seeing the players continue to fall one by one, but the reinforcements of the chicken soup team have never appeared!

"Damn it! Why are these people so slow?"

"Damn! There are only nine people left under me! Why don't we withdraw!"

"No! There are not many people left in Black Shield! If you leave now, it will definitely fall short!"

At this moment!

"Captain Liu Feng!"

Murongcui's voice suddenly rang from the intercom!

"What's wrong? Your people, why haven't you arrived yet?"

"Sorry, the Falcons are beating our nest! We can't get a hand right now!"


Liu Feng was startled!

Afterwards, she was overjoyed!

Now, the most powerful team is the Falcons and Chicken Soup!

Just so, let the two of them kill their troops!

"Okay! I get it! You guys hold on!"

"rest assured!"

Putting down the communicator, Liu Feng and others gritted their teeth and continued to fight the Black Shield!

And at the moment!

Falcons base camp!

"Boom boom!"

In Zhao Mo's communicator, a violent gunshot sounded for an instant!

"Crap! Captain! We are in the game!"

"The chicken soup team, all in the base camp!"

The voice in the communicator is completely deformed!

"What? What is going on?"

Zhao Mo yelled desperately!

However, there is no sound in the communicator!

At the same time, looking at the three Falcons with downcast faces, Murong Cui suddenly threw it down with a smile. The one in his hand should belong to the Falcons, the communicator!

Just now, the Chicken Soup Team passed through the Black Shield and went straight to the Star Team!

Then, on the only way here, lie in ambush!

The three assassins sent by the Falcons, who had just walked here, were overwhelmed by the chicken soup team, and they were completely subdued!

Seeing that twenty minutes had passed, Murong Cui turned on the communicator, signaled everyone to empty the gun, and shouted those two words at Zhao Mo in a distorted voice!

At this moment, the Falcons!

Listening to the busy tone opposite, Zhao Mo's expression suddenly changed!

Damn it, Chicken Soup Team, when did you go back?

Shouldn't they help the Iron Maiden fight the Black Shield?

However, this is a good opportunity!

Zhao Mo's face was ruthless!

"Everyone, now, all go assault on the Iron Maiden team!"


Everyone was stunned!

"Now, the Chicken Soup team is all in the nest, and the Iron Lady is destroyed, the overbearing team is definitely not the opponent of Black Shield!"

"At that time, Black Shield will definitely not leave the chicken soup team as a scourge. The final duel will definitely be the remnants of us and Black Shield!"

"We will win this battle!"

Zhao Mo laughed!

"Captain wise!"

A group of team members were overjoyed!

Immediately rush to the Iron Maiden team!

At this moment, Hong Lei, who was guarding the handsome account of the Iron Maiden team, immediately smiled when the Falcons appeared, and picked up the communicator!

"Murong! The Falcons have appeared! Nearly twenty people!"

"Okay! It's time to shoot!"

"Boom boom!"

Hong Lei pulled the trigger without hesitation and killed all the rest of the Iron Maiden team!

Then, he pulled off the handsome flag, turned around and ran!

"Iron Maiden! Out!"

In the next moment, the pleasant electronic sound immediately resounded through the audience!


Liu Feng looked incredible!

How did her team get out?

What happened, what happened?

The Falcons, who were rushing towards the Iron Maiden, were also stunned!

They haven't done it yet!

But the Black Shield team can't manage so much!

"Fight! Kill the overbearing team for me!"

Zhao Guoliang roared!

The chicken soup team hurriedly passed by his territory just now, he had already seen it!

This can only explain one thing, it must be the Falcons, against the chicken soup team!

Now, as long as the overbearing team is eliminated, no matter who is left with the Falcons and Chicken Soup, the winner will be him!

The overall situation is set!

But the evil emperor was completely dumbfounded!

The Iron Maiden team, unexpectedly, died!

"Damn! These idiots!"

The evil emperor scolded angrily!

"Run! Withdraw! Quickly withdraw for Laozi!"

It's a pity that although there are still six people left in Black Shield, their combat power is far stronger than them!

For a while, Black Shield was almost chasing after the domineering team!

And at this moment, Murong Cui had already led a large force, heading straight for the Falcon base camp!


Zhao Mo, who sits in a handsome tent, only feels cold when he sees the chicken soup team's magical soldiers coming from heaven!

"Return to defense! Return to defense as quickly as possible!"

Black Shield!

After paying the price of two more people, Black Shield finally completely wiped out the overbearing team!

At the same time, Murongcui also sneered, facing Zhao Mo, pulling the trigger!

"Falcons! Out!"


"Falcon out? What's the matter?"

The few remaining people in Black Shield were all stunned!

Now, shouldn't the Falcons be the base camp of the offensive chicken soup team?

What, instead of the Falcon?

what is happening!

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